ALAC: Objections in the Next Round Program

ALAC: Objections in the Next Round Program

ALAC Advice regarding Standing for Objections in the Next Round Program

This Advice was submitted to the ICANN Board on 1 August 2024.  For complete historical information on the development of this Advice, visit the At-Large workspace: ALAC Advice regarding Standing for Objections in the Next Round Program and the At-Large website: https://atlarge.icann.org/policy-summary.

Recommendation DescriptionPhase

Recommendation 1

Direct ICANN org to ensure that it is clear to all parties including TLD Applicants and relevant Dispute Resolution Service Provider (DSRP) and its panelists that the ALAC has formal standing to file Community Objections which are derived through the ALAC Procedure for filing objections against applications for New gTLDs.

Phase 2 | Understand