2023-01-25 GNSO Standing Selection Committee

2023-01-25 GNSO Standing Selection Committee

The GNSO Standing Selection Committee call will take place on Wednesday, 25 January 2023 at 12:30 UTC for 60 minutes. 

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/ycktmwwp


  1. Welcome and SOI updates
  2. Selection Process: GNSO nominated Fellowship Selection Committee member
    - Review of Poll Results
    - Discussion of Candidates
  3. AOB





Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

1.. Selection Process -- GNSO nominated Fellowship Selection Committee member: Staff will put to the SSC list for non-objection in 48 hours the name of Taiwo Peter Akinremi as the candidate to be submitted to the GNSO Council for consideration.

2. Request for Guidance from Council: Staff and the Liaison will develop a draft request from the SSC to the GNSO Council, for the SSC members to review, that Council may wish to specify in the SSC assignment if it would like the SSC to recommend not only a primary candidate but also specify a secondary candidate who may step in should the primary candidate need to leave the position.


  1. Welcome and SOI updates
  • No SOI updates.

2. Selection Process: GNSO nominated Fellowship Selection Committee member

a. Review of Poll Results


  • 7 responses out of 9 possible.
  • If you were unable to complete the survey please send your response after the call.
  • First question re: skills and experience, attributes:
    • Everyone said Mike met the skills and attributes.
    • Mix of responses for Peter.
    • Mix of responses for Tim.
  • Comments – won’t summarize, but group members should read them.
  • Rankings: 1) Peter 2) Mike 3) Tim – not authoritative gives a general idea.  Auto-generated chart.  Show average of the scores --- unweighted.  Of 7 responses and divide by the number, that is the average.  There’s a split in terms of first choices.  Comments and observations are more telling.

b. Discussion of Candidates

  • All three candidates are great.  Looking both at experience and representing the underserved community that would give priority to Peter.
  • Tough decision between Tim and Peter in candidate evolution.
  • Ranked Peter first for the breadth of his capacity.
  • SSC members on the call when polled informally agreed to put forward Peter.

Next Steps:

ACTION ITEM: Staff will put to the SSC list for non-objection in 48 hours the name of Taiwo Peter Akinremi as the candidate to be submitted to the GNSO Council for consideration.

Assuming no objections:

  1. Staff to submit a motion for consideration at the February GNSO Council meeting.
  2. Following the Council’s decision staff will notify the candidates.

3. AOB: Suggestion from Stephanie Perrin that the SSC should select both a primary and alternate candidate:


  • SSC could put forward a primary and alternate candidate who could serve if the primary couldn’t.
  • Is this in scope of the charter?  Or could we ask for this as an improvement for the next selection process?
  • Interesting question:
    • Both a question for Council and for the selection process.  Different groups may have different rules for their participants concerning alternates that the Council would not control.
    • Is the question that there could be an alternate if someone is ill, or is it that someone could step in mid-term.  Need to clarify the circumstances the SSC is interested in addressing and whether a selection process would allow it.
  • SSC could frame the issues: 1) someone can’t serve 2) SSC selects an alternate.   Could give the question to Council.
  • Are we asking to always have an alternate?  Seems like a one-off need; not necessary to have a separate process.
  • Looks like the SSC is looking for guidance from Council as to whether the Council thinks the SSC should select an alternate or backup/replacement.  Could put this as a question to Council to determine for a specific process (at the time of the assignment), since each process would be different.   If the person couldn’t finish out the term.
  • Don’t think you could just take the next candidate; you would reopen the selection process.
  • Depends very much on the position being selected for.

ACTION ITEM: Staff and the Liaison will develop a draft request from the SSC to the GNSO Council, for the SSC members to review, that Council may wish to specify in the SSC assignment if it would like the SSC to recommend not only a primary candidate but also specify a secondary candidate who may step in should the primary candidate need to leave the position.