Adobe Connect Chat: 2017-02-10 Chairing Skills Program Call
Evin Erdogdu: (2/10/2017 14:39) Welcome to the Chairing Skills Program Call on Friday, 10 February 2017 from 14:00 UTC - 15:00 UTC.
Evin Erdogdu: (14:39) Agenda:
1638: (16:48) Hi Evin, I wanted to make sure Adobe connect add in was working. Looks good so far
Evin Erdogdu: (16:49) Great! Looks like it is.
1638: (16:49) should I change the 1638 to a name?
Evin Erdogdu: (16:50) Maybe EN Phone Bridge?
1638: (16:50) don't know what that it
Evin Erdogdu: (16:57) Welcome to the Chairing Skills Program Call on Friday, 10 February 2017 from 14:00 UTC - 15:00 UTC.
Evin Erdogdu: (16:57) Agenda:
Robert Guerra: (16:57) Hello - Robert Guerra here. on mute..
Reg Levy - MMX: (16:57) it's only 6am
Chuck Gomes: (16:58) 6 am for me too
Reg Levy - MMX: (16:58) I thought it was going to be 4am, so I'm happy
1638: (16:59) You still might get the award though for early start
1638: (16:59) 1638 is David by the way, my friends just calll me 16
Chuck Gomes: (16:59) Who is 1638?
1638: (17:00) 1638 is David Kolb
Chuck Gomes: (17:00) Thanks
Marilyn Cade: (17:01) sorry to be late.
Rubens Kuhl: (17:01) Hi everyone!
Glenn McKnight: (17:01) muted
Chuck Gomes: (17:02) Did the coachees receive the meeting announcement?
David McAuley: (17:02) I did not
David McAuley: (17:02) did not get the details mail
Rubens Kuhl: (17:03) Chuck, I assure you that I received... ;-)
Hong Xue: (17:05) hi my connection may be cut very soon.
Robert Guerra: (17:05) good - morning, afternoon, evening everyone
Evin Erdogdu: (17:06) Welcome!
Rubens Kuhl: (17:08) BINGO!
sandra hoferichter: (17:09) Ervin I have a terrible line on the phone and will now switch to Adobe Audio.
sandra hoferichter: (17:09) I will dail in later via phone againg because I have to leave the desk.
Robert Guerra: (17:09) one sec .mic issues. back in a sec
Evin Erdogdu: (17:10) Ok, thank you Sandra. We can dial out to you as well, please let me know what you prefer.
Rubens Kuhl: (17:10) It seems people couldn't hear even though I was talking.
Robert Guerra: (17:10) am back - happy to introduce myself
Michael Flemming: (17:11) I dropped out for a moment
Michael Flemming: (17:11) whats going on?
Evin Erdogdu: (17:11) Hi Michael, would you like for us to dial out to you?
Reg Levy - MMX: (17:11) we're introducing ourselves
Michael Flemming: (17:11) I am connected by audio
Hong Xue: (17:12) I reconnected myself but lost sounds again
Evin Erdogdu: (17:12) Ok great.
Evin Erdogdu: (17:12) Please everyone enable your mic and audio if you are in the AC Room.
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:14) Hi all, my mic may not work, so listening in
Robert Guerra: (17:14) robert -i'm back, will wit for karen to finish
Glenn McKnight: (17:15) Me too I am on a IEEE SIGHT call the same time
Marilyn Cade: (17:15) If anyone who cannot speak, David, can they type into the chat and the ICANN staff capture that?
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:15) I'm Renata, from NCUC, part of the Executive Committee reps for LAC... also involved in IGF
Marilyn Cade: (17:15) I want to recognize Carlos's great work also in the NRIs!
Farzaneh Badii\: (17:17) Hi , sorry I'm late
Rubens Kuhl: (17:17) For those having audio issues, my Adigo connection started mute and required *7 to unmute. Could be the issues for some others.
Robert Guerra: (17:18) Carlos - can you mute your microphone please
Michael Flemming: (17:19) Honestly
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:19) Hi Farzi
Michael Flemming: (17:19) I know nothing about the ICANN academy
sandra hoferichter: (17:20) Then lets talk about it in CPH Michael:)
Rubens Kuhl: (17:20) CPH is Contracted Party House, right ? (ICANN Acronym overload)
Michael Flemming: (17:20) Rubens
Heidi Ullrich: (17:20) Theis workspace to the ICANN Academy Courses is at:
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:20) I apologize in advance, I may have to leave abruptly at some point as I'm in transit
Chuck Gomes: (17:21) @ Rubens: I thought like you but I think CPH = Copenhagen
Michael Flemming: (17:22) Rubens has been tormenting me all day about ICANN Acronyms. I said I'd be in the LB before I am 30 because of the Acronyms.
Alan Greenberg: (17:22) A lesson on using acronyms!
Marilyn Cade: (17:22) :-) what I will say is that all of us have experience but so do all of the coachees. I hope this is exactly what you are proposing, David: sharing experiences and challenges.
Michael Flemming: (17:22) That started this.
Rubens Kuhl: (17:22) No ICANN acronym for JNB, I believe. Perhaps we have better luck with AUH.
Michael Flemming: (17:23) When wiill that be
Michael Flemming: (17:24) It's torture, Marilyn. He really is doing it just to be mean.
Karen Day: (17:24) Just as long as there are no R's in the acronyms
Michael Flemming: (17:24) Stop
Michael Flemming: (17:24) stop
Michael Flemming: (17:24) :P
Alan Greenberg: (17:25) David has been Coached!
Heidi Ullrich: (17:26) @Marilyn, I will pass your note re the the Doodle. However, if we can't use a pop up meeting, we will need to schedule a meeting room.
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:27) also thought CPH meant Copenhagen
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:27) until very recently
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:28) no remote participation?
sandra hoferichter: (17:28) No we agreed not to have it in order to make the shedulling easier
Filiz Yilmaz: (17:29) Before we tlak about logistics, can we understand the content of the meetings?
sandra hoferichter: (17:29) having a room with RP would have mean moch more time in advance
Filiz Yilmaz: (17:29) hand
Farzaneh Badii\: (17:29) I might not make it to Copenhagen
Farzaneh Badii\: (17:29) you know why so probably I need to connect remotely
Marilyn Cade: (17:30) LOOK, I just was told that ICANN meeting staff is charging $800 for a meeting room with a outside mike. THAT WAS /new NEWS. We really need to have those who cannot travel for various reasons to have access.
Marilyn Cade: (17:33) Can I ask whether we can do f-f via a virtual mechanism -- such as SKYPE, or Zoom?
sandra hoferichter: (17:35) I think we should take the logistical challenes serious but I fear there are not subject to this call.
Filiz Yilmaz: (17:35) Can I ask a mail sent ot the mailing list with the agenda and components of the F2F meeting? The fact is I believe I will have to drop out from the Virtual part, mostly due to time requirements. However as I am at the ICANN58, I would like to attend the F2F, only if it will be helpful wihtout the Virtual Coahing bit.
Reg Levy - MMX: (17:36) +1 Filiz
Marilyn Cade: (17:37) I am a mentor with two mentees in another program. WE do most of our collaboration virtually. and then we have f-f on site probably a few hours...
Alan Greenberg: (17:37) Presumably there will be 1:1 interaction between them.
sandra hoferichter: (17:37) @Filiz: for sure you can to either / or
Rubens Kuhl: (17:38) I wonder why the F2F activity has to be an activity with all people attending, where it could be F2F with each pair attending different sessions...
Filiz Yilmaz: (17:38) It seems to me people have very different opinions what F2F entails. Hence my question to see an agenda sent to mailing list.
Heidi Ullrich: (17:39) @Filiz, we will send an agenda with the details of the meeting shortly.
Filiz Yilmaz: (17:39) Then people can commit or not commit.
Michael Flemming: (17:41) Could we please go through the slide material and then talk about meeting times?
sandra hoferichter: (17:41) For Clarification: there will be one f2f for feedback on the CSP programme (all participants)
Evin Erdogdu: (17:41) FYI: You should all be able to scroll through the presentation on the screen.
Michael Flemming: (17:42) We can't
Rubens Kuhl: (17:42) Evin, it's still synced for me...
sandra hoferichter: (17:42) The other f2f meetings are between the coach and the coachee
Sara Bockey: (17:43) +1 @Alan
Evin Erdogdu: (17:43) Sorry about that - how about now Rubens?
Robert Guerra: (17:43) Yes - out clock is ticking.
Sara Bockey: (17:43) Agree with Michael...I need to drop at the top of the hour.
Robert Guerra: (17:43) Our clock is ticking I mean
Rubens Kuhl: (17:44) Evin, now it's working, thanks.
Evin Erdogdu: (17:44) Great!
Evin Erdogdu: (17:45) You're welcome.
David McAuley: (17:45) we all have control
Robert Guerra: (17:46) what page are we at?
David McAuley: (17:46) i am on page 8
Michael Flemming: (17:46) They aren't numbered
Michael Flemming: (17:47) I'm blind too
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:47) Tips and Tricks have the dog pic
Rubens Kuhl: (17:47) We do have all the slides
Robert Guerra: (17:47) I can see all the slides ok
David McAuley: (17:47) yes - i see picture on 7
Marilyn Cade: (17:47) seeing slide 2
Evin Erdogdu: (17:48) Synced!
Evin Erdogdu: (17:48) Thanks Heidi.
Marilyn Cade: (17:49) apologies - I have meetings with some key IGOs regarding engagement on IG, so have to leave at 10:15. apologies when I drop off.
Evin Erdogdu: (17:49) Thank you for letting us know, Marilyn - and thank you for participating.
Marilyn Cade: (17:50) will stay as long s possible.
Evin Erdogdu: (17:50) Certainly
sandra hoferichter: (17:50) AllI will drop off the adobe connect but dial in via phone now.
Evin Erdogdu: (17:50) Ok, thanks Sandra.
carlos vera - isoc ecuador SPANISH: (17:54) it would be great to have those slides by email
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:55) Carlos los puede bajar
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:55) Clica en el ícono de lista y los tienes ahy
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (17:55) you can download
Evin Erdogdu: (17:56) Hi Carlos, I am sure we can send the slides via email after the call. Thanks for the suggestion.
Heidi Ullrich: (17:57) @Carlos, the slides were sent to the CSP-coach list.
carlos vera - isoc ecuador SPANISH: (17:57) I'm on the phone.. thx Renata and Evin
Evin Erdogdu: (17:57) You bet. As Heidi noted, they were sent out to the CSP List prior to the call, and we can send them again with the audio recording after the call.
carlos vera - isoc ecuador SPANISH: (17:59) i saw it now.. sorry with so much email from lot of places sometimes I don it read every detail but I got the PDF now
Evin Erdogdu: (18:00) No problem!
Sara Bockey: (18:02) Many thanks all. Need to drop.
Heidi Ullrich: (18:02) Thanks for joining, Sara!
Evin Erdogdu: (18:02) Thank you Sara!
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (18:02) (lowered hand - my questions was on next steps but I see an item there so this will probably be covered still, right?)
Reg Levy - MMX (desktop): (18:06) thanks all!
Karen Day: (18:06) Thanks!
Heidi Ullrich: (18:06) Thanks all!
Robert Guerra: (18:06) bye all
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (18:06) Thanks
Evin Erdogdu: (18:06) Thanks all!