2021-02-22 IGO Work Track call

2021-02-22 IGO Work Track call

The call for the IGO Work Track team will take place on Monday, 22 February 2021 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/y3saj9r4


  1. Welcome (Chris) & Administrative/Housekeeping/Procedural Matters (Mary/Steve)
  2. Clarify the group’s scope of work (as summarized in the briefing paper) (Chris)
  3. “Tour de table” (All): Please be prepared to share your thoughts as follows -
    1. What is your interest in this work?
    2. What are the potential outcomes that you think might be possible from this work?
  4. Open discussion (All)

      5. Outline of next steps:

         a. Based on scope as understood, staff to create and circulate draft timeline and work plan

         b. Based on discussion, staff to compile and circulate agreed list of proposals, organized by “solution type” (category)

         c. Next meeting:

  • Work Track to review draft timeline and work plan
  • Work Track to discuss categorized list of proposed solutions for feasibility and compatibility with GNSO Council instructions and relevant GAC advice

      6. Any other business


IGO Work Track Briefing Paper - DRAFT - 27 Jan 2021.docx



Notes/ Action Items