Consolidation - 8 December 2021 @ 17:30 UTC
Consolidation - 8 December 2021 @ 17:30 UTC
Members: David McAuley, Liz Le, Scott Austin, Susan Payne
ICANN Org: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: /
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to mssi-secretariat@icann.org **
- Review of agenda.
- Review items for consideration arising out of 23 November call
- Identify any other points for consideration arising from the previous public comment input and previous discussions of the IOT group (i.e. any additional items not raised during the 23 November call)
- Review and discussion of the Rule 7 mark up (circulated 22 November)
- Next meeting – Tuesday 18 January 1900 UTC.
Documents: PDF-Notes from 23 November (agenda item #2)
Zoom Chat Transcript