CCT Meeting # 10 - 18 May 2016
Attendees: Drew Bagley, Stanley Besen, Dejan Djukic, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Jamie Hedlund, Laureen Kapin, Gaongalelwe Mosweu, Megan Richards, Waudo Siganga, David Taylor
Observers: Crescent Ezekwu
Apologies: Jonathan Zuck, Jordyn Buchanan, Carlton Samuels
Staff: Brenda Brewer, Eleeza Agopian, Pamela Smith, Alice Jansen, Dennis Chang, Margie Milam, Brian Aitchison, Karen Mulberry, Karen Lentz
1. Welcome, roll-call, SOI
2. Presentation from Dennis Chang on outreach to Underserved Regions
- Additional information from Carlton
3. Studies and surveys – Progress update
- Research funds and June 30 deadline
4. Competition & Consumer Choice Subteam - Progress update –
- Market definitions
- Topic area
- Language
- Geography
5. Safeguards & Trust – Progress update –
6. Application & Evaluation Process
- Brainstorming
- Work plan (see attached)
7. Report of coordination call with New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG & next steps -
8. Preparing for Washington DC meeting – draft agenda
9. A.O.B
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
Discussion documents:
- Applicant Support Program
- Application and Evaluation data - Brainstorming slides
- AE - Proposed Workplan v2
- Washington DC Meeting - Draft agenda
Presentation from Dennis Chang on outreach to Underserved Regions
Carlton Samuels to share thoughts on plenary call #11.
Studies & Surveys
- Flag any external data needs asap (FY16 deadline - June 30)
- Nielsen subteam will discuss most recent version of questionnaire on 19 May
- Data on 66 metrics already being collected. See
Competition, Consumer Choice
- Defer market definitions to plenary call #11
- Comments needed on list of topics
Safeguards & Trust
- DNS abuse report comment period ends on 20 May
Application & Evaluation Process
- Review sections of applicant guidebook and be prepared to discuss these sections.
- Look into:
- surveying the demands for new gTLDs in developing countries
- identifying what individual or entities we can survey to examine barriers to entry
- Consider studies we can formulate to guide our discussions on this topic
- Alice to update slide-deck
Report of New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG progress and leadership coordination call
DC agenda
- Staff to prepare email with information on where data can be found on the wiki
Doodle poll on September meeting will be sent shortly