#4 - 7 May 2021
#4 - 7 May 2021
Members: Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Lori Schulman, Steve DelBianco, Michael Karanicolas, Rafik Dammak
ICANN Organization: Xavier Calvez, Alice Jansen, Sara Sarraf, Bernard Turcotte
WS2 Board Caucus Group members/observers (guests): León Felipe Sanchez Ambia, Lito Ibarra, Manal Ismail, Matthew Shears, Patricio Poblete, Tripti Sinha
Apologies: Jordan Carter, Sébastien Bachollet
- Welcome
- An Update on Implementation Activities
- WS2-IT Roles & Responsibilities
- Requests for Clarification
- Upcoming Webinar
- Suggested Interaction
- A.O.B
- Roles & Responsibilities (see slides)
- Draft dashboard of implementation status (see PDF)
Zoom recording: EN
Request for Clarification Provided:
- 6.3.7: Each SO/AC to maintain its own glossary.
Decisions Reached:
- Org><WS2-IT Interaction: Hold update session post ICANN71 followed by an update in second half of September. Updates should be scheduled on a quarterly basis.
Action Items:
- Roles & Responsibilities: ICANN org to ensure appropriate linkage with ATRT3 and prioritisation is established.
- Roles & Responsibilities: WS2-IT members to provide any further comments they may have on the proposed descriptions (see slides 12-13) using the ws2-it@icann.org mailing-list
- Dashboard: ICANN org to improve transparency by providing explanation for why certains recommendations are crossed off and implementation guidance inserted instead
- Request for clarification: WS2-IT to advise on the request for clarification that relates to recommendation
- Webinar: ICANN org to add block of times and explain context of the IANA transition