No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
41 | The ALAC should work with the ICANN Board in seeking additional sources of funding for At-Large activities. | ALAC; ICANN Board | TG5 |
| ALAC/At-Large to request this recommendation be implemented under the new ICANN Meeting Strategy, esp. Meeting B (AC/SO focused meeting) |
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- Members in the At-Large New Meeting Strategy Working Group to keep the ATLAS II IT updated with the discussion about meeting B with key ICANN Staff (e.g. Nick Tomasso and Rodrigo de la Parra)
- Regional VPs to provide short paragraphs that include details of the activities currently taking place in the region that involve the RALOs, as well as their plans for involving ALSes further; they also can detail the collaboration opportunities between At-Large and GSE (At-Large ICANN Civil Society Engagement in Fiscal Year 2016 Workspace)
- Members in the At-Large New Meeting Strategy Working Group to keep the ATLAS II IT updated with the discussion about meeting B with key ICANN Staff (e.g. Nick Tomasso and Rodrigo de la Parra)
- FBSC engage with various parties that can help raise sponsorship in the future
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- At-Large New Meeting Strategy Working Group (LAC sub-group) has been discussing outreach strategy for Meeting B
- Raised issues re funding for several programs
- Ideas involve activities happening outside the ICANN meeting; the original idea is to contain all the outreach activities within the meeting, but the Working Group has convinced ICANN Staff to include external outreach activities during meeting B
- At-Large is encouraged to work with ICANN staff re meeting B outreach, including Next Gen program
- Check the record of the Working Group's meeting in the week of
- ALAC should bring up this topic when meeting with GSE (Sally Costerton's team), the meeting team (Nick Tomasso), and Nora Abusitta (next Gen program).
- ALAC should also explore working with the regional VPs on implementing this recommendation; regionally based and local sources can possibly provide fundings for outreach activities.
- Regional VPs have their own budget and have more control over, so they may have greater potential to allocate the budget to outreach activities
- There seems to be some eagerness from Regional VPs to work with the ALAC and RALOs on regional engagements (e.g. newsletters)
- LAC Strategy in Montevideo is related to this recommendation. Dev Anand Teelucksingh also participates in this
- GSE should also meet with the RALOs and develop outreach strategy for each ICANN meetings
- At-Large New Meeting Strategy Working Group (LAC sub-group) has been discussing outreach strategy for Meeting B