Apologies: Andrew Sullivan
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
1. Opening Remarks
2. Update on Legal Input 209484804_5.pdf
3. Update on SLE Work
4. CWG response (if any) to ICG Public Comment (see:
5. CWG response (if any) CCWG-Accountability Public Comment (see:
6. AOB
a- Response to Richard Hill
b- SSAC Response
c- Update on Transition Facilitation Calls
7. Closing Remarks
1. Opening Remarks
- Calls are nominally scheduled every two weeks
- IPR memo sent to group yesterday
- Sidley also working on a Bylaws matrix
2. Update on Legal Input
- Memo addresses domain names and trademarks
- 3 structures that Sidley looked at:
- ICANN maintains ownership of rights
- PTI becomes owner of rights
- a Trust (could be IETF Trust) becomes owner of rights
- The owner of the mark needs to exercise some control/oversight of the mark(s) -- risk of "naked license" otherwise
- Would be useful to understand how the IETF trust manages existing trademarks
- Suggestion: Create small group including the Chairs + 2 others from each community + ICG chairs
- Aim to complete this before the end of the ICG public comment in September
Action (Chairs): reach out to the Chairs of other communities and provide update and suggest next steps.
Action (all): share the memo as widely as possible
3. Update on SLE Work
- Still working
- Aiming to finish before September (public comment close)
4. CWG response (if any) to ICG Public Comment
- Suggestion not to comment on the proposal as a full group
- ---> Agreement
5. CWG response (if any) CCWG-Accountability Public Comment
- Sidley will assist with validating that the requirements are met in the CCWG proposal
- The CWG will submit a public comment to confirm this
- Group will be able to review before submission to the CCWG
6. AOB
- Response to Richard Hill: Chairs are working on a draft response (the draft is in line with the ICG response)
- SSAC Response: 24h for review of draft. Andrew Sullivan already sent a comment on list.
Action (all): review the draft and provide any feedback on list within 24h from call (so 13:00 UTC Friday is deadline).
- Update on Transition Facilitation Calls: Fadi had opening remarks on tracks as presented in Buenos Aires (Track for development of plan under Theresa Swinehart; Track for implementation under Akram Atallah). ICANN and NTIA working on extension of contract: two 1 year extensions are envisionned. All calls are recorded and transcribed for reference.
7. Closing Remarks
- Calls are scheduled every two weeks.
Action (Grace): cancel Client Committee call
- See you in two weeks! Next call will be at 17:00 UTC 20 August.
Action Items
Action (Chairs): reach out to the Chairs of other communities and provide update and suggest next steps.
Action (all): share the memo as widely as possible
Action (Grace): cancel Client Committee call
- Adobe Connect recording is available here:
- MP3 recording is available here:
209484804_5.pdf (Sidley)