Sub-Group Members: Donna Austin, Staffan Jonson, Stephanie Duchesneau, Martin Boyle, Kurt Pritz, Sarah Falvey
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Grace Abuhamad, Berry Cobb, Marika Konings, Bernard Turcotte
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
Proposed Agenda:
Action Items
Documents Presented
Martin Boyle, Nominet:Hi
Donna Austin, ARI:Can anyone hear me?
Martin Boyle, Nominet:I heard you Donna
Donna Austin, ARI:Thanks Martin
Staffan Jonson:hello all
Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):i am waiting on audio bridge
Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):i agree with the approach
Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):am on the bridge, but eating ;)
Sarah Falvey - RySG:I agree
Sarah Falvey - RySG:with Donna's approach
Martin Boyle, Nominet:i think that is right Donna
Kurt:Steffan: what specifically do you see in the SSR role? How does that relate to monitoring IANA SLA performance?
Kurt:Do you see the CSC performing security reviews?
Kurt:Let Steffan finish, then questions
Donna Austin, ARI:Can everyone scroll through the document?
Martin Boyle, Nominet:yes thanks
Martin Boyle, Nominet:@ sarah +1: I've got it in c
Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):composition was also one of my items
Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):this is addressed later in the doc too
Sarah Falvey - RySG::)
Sarah Falvey - RySG:There are
Donna Austin, ARI:Can you please mute if not speaking, thanks
Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):kurt i think this is section d
Kurt:i violate the Sarah rule AGAIN
Sarah Falvey - RySG:I have to drop for a sec...we have a fire alarm going back as soon as I can. Apologies.
Staffan Jonson:Martin :-)
Staffan Jonson:I would not recoomend CSC giving advise on cc del and redel
Donna Austin, ARI:agree with Bernie
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:+1
Martin Boyle, Nominet:ouch!
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:but not as old as Kurt's
Kurt:Going back to 2.9.2.d - I think gTLDs have "change of control" and not "redelegations"
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:From the NTIA IANA Functions Contract C.2.9.2d Delegation and Redelegation of a Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) -
Stephanie Duchesneau (Neustar):thanks for confirming bernie, that is what i had pulled the header from
Kurt:If this matrix is to be fleshed out, I would have many more escalation levels - it would be more gradual
Kurt:I agree with Martin's approach of frequent communications being built into this process
Kurt:If there is an SSAC rep - that SSAC member should be also be from a TLD
Martin Boyle, Nominet:agree not travel support: this is remote engagement
Martin Boyle, Nominet:Also agree I do not want voting
Staffan Jonson:I'll complement a) with more aspects from RFP3 and RFP 3b
Donna Austin, ARI:thanks Staffan
Staffan Jonson:Agreed lots of proposals around
Martin Boyle, Nominet:i'm travelling tomorrow, so not sure i'll be able to do much
Staffan Jonson:OK, looks like aplan
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:nope old hand
Martin Boyle, Nominet:no: can't do Thursday
Martin Boyle, Nominet:centr meeting
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:bye
Martin Boyle, Nominet:thanks donna, thanks all
Staffan Jonson:Thank You all