As we analyze threats and vulnerabilities, we're likely to complete a series of worksheets to do that work. This page is where we keep the working versions of those.
Risk-scenario worksheet -- template
The WG is using this worksheet to build each risk-scenario -- so what you see here is an evolving template. This is a way to see the whole methodology on one page -- a useful introduction/overview document, in addition to being a tool that the WG is using to create "compound sentence" risk-scenarios.
Results from the 5-April-2012 conference call
Risk-scenario worksheets from WG members
This section will be used to post the individual risk-scenarios created by members of the working group (so this list is likely to get fairly long). These should be viewed as first-drafts developed by individual members and not be taken as anything more than that.
Risk-scenario worksheets from the DSSA
We'll select and revise risk-scenarios created by individuals and call them our own. These will likely find their way into the final report.
Risk-summary worksheets
There's nothing in here yet, but these documents will be the evolving summary of the risk-scenarios (both those created by DSSA members and ones that are revised by the whole DSSA). Look at these documents if you want to see summaries the current collection of risk-scenarios we're analyzing.
OLD Ranking worksheets -- Threats and vulnerabilities
(these should really be moved out of this section of the wiki -- but it's good to see how far we've come since these were created back in late 2011)
DSSA -- Threats -- Ranking v1.xls