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AgreementsICANN's accountability should be defined in terms of transparent agreements with ICANN stakeholders, defining roles, responsibilities, dispute resolution and arbitration mechanismsNRO
AgreementsThe service agreements for delivery of service to the RIRs should be reviewed to define appropriate dispute resolution, escalation and arbitration proceduresNRO
AoCPrevious recommendations from ATRTs should be implemented in a timely fashionRobin Gross
AoCThe AoC is not an accountability mechanism and tinkering with it will not produce accountability improvementsMilton Mueller
AuditRequire annual outside audit of ICANN, performed by an entity without preexisting contractHeritage Foundation
BoardAt least 1/3 of Board members to devote full time to ICANN, to be "better equipped to assist the Board in reaching rightful decisions"Spain
BoardBroadcast Board meetings over internet and archive Board materialsHeritage Foundation
BoardCreate a mechanism by which the Chair of the Board could be voted off by a defined supermajority in the SOs and AcsAvri Doria
BoardCreate a mechanism by which the entire Board could be voted offAvri Doria
BoardCreate a recall mechanism for any elected Board member by the entity that selected themAvri Doria
BoardEnhanced accountability process should include consideration of significant alterations of the Board's composition and functions, with accompanying changes to the BylawsINTA
BoardGAC to select two to four voting members of the Board that are not officials in any government, people for whom the GAC respects experience in managing public policy issuesSpain
BoardIncrease Observer Status Board seats (potentially selected by NomCom) (non-voting)Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
BoardMake Board and committee discussions archived for transparency, with limited redactionSivasubramanian Muthusamy
BoardMake Board deliberations transparent through a non-ceremonial open meeting at ICANN's public meetingSivasubramanian Muthusamy
BoardNo ICANN officer or voting director should be selected by or represent a governmental or intergovernmental bodyHeritage Foundation
BoardProvide demonstrable links of Board members residence, studies and careers in the countrySpain
BoardProvide means for the public to engage in questions and answers with the ICANN Board, such as convening annually at the IGGSIIA
BoardSimplify Board selection process to one that is more transparent and direct (with proposals suggested)Heritage Foundation
Change AoCA review of the AoC would be timely; the cornerstone commitment of ICANN to remain a not-for-profit corporation headquartered in the United States and organized under U.S. law must be strengthenedCOA
Change AoCATRT members should have open access to all ICANN internal documentation and be empowered to recommend declassification; embargoed information should have a clear timeline for releaseAvri Doria
Change AoCATRT should be given the authority to sunset obsolete reviews and create new reviews as it sees fitBC (Reply)
Change AoCBoard to have no control on selections to review teamsSpain
Change AoCBroaden the basis of the AoC through additional MoUs, including democratic governments and global INGOsAvri Doria
Change AoCChange the AoC membership to be balanced among the ICANN community by implementation of a formula, allow selection of members to be at the discretion of the respective SOs and ACs; invite a past chair or member of each other AoC review team to be an observer to the next ATRT review; experts working on AoC review teams should be at the discretion of the review team, not the Board, staff or GACAvri Doria
Change AOCCommission expert to examine questions of should additional parties be invited to become parties to AoCs, and what other agreements or impacts should be considered as part of the DNS.  Should third parties be able to raise grievances based on failures to follow the AoC, and what mechanisms would be usedGoogle
Change AoCCommunity (including governments) should have chance to suggest external experts for participationSpain
Change AoCCommunity should be able to designate representatives on review teams without Board or GAC Chair approvalBC (Reply)
Change AoCDevelop standard text to be signed between ICANN and each government, as well as ICANN and each stakeholder groupEuropean Commission
Change AoCDo not enter into multiple bilateral AoCs, as they could be extremely difficult to negotiate and create conflicting obligationsBC (Reply)
Change AoCEvolution of AoC could take the form of an affirmation into which many more stakeholder communities, including Governments, could enterNRO
Change AoCExisting mechanisms for accountability should be preserved and made legally binding, such as through perpetual extension of the Affirmation of Commitments and the reviews that it sets forthVerizon
Change AoCExpanding countersignatures on AoC will not satisfy all nations or international bodiesKonrad von Finckenstein
Change AoCFuture review teams should have "proper" representation of governments, with no ex-officio governmental membersSpain
Change AoCGAC as a whole, not the Chair, should make selections to the review teamsSpain
Change AoCICANN to enter into AoC with Internet Freedom Panel, and include terms on freedom of expression (Based upon suggestion that with the anticipated transition, the current AoC will no longer be in effect)Heritage Foundation
Change AoCIf more AoCs are signed, there should be the inclusion of strong redress mechanism in case of failure in compliance of ICANN's duties, to entities external to ICANNSpain
Change AOCIncorporate redress, appeal and enforcement mechanisms into new AoCsEuropean Commission
Change AoCIncorporate statement that ICANN endeavors to respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principles contained in itEdward Morris
Change AoCIndependent experts not enough; conduct assessments through external entitiesSpain
Change AoCMake review team recommendations binding on ICANNEuropean Commission
Change AoCModify the membership of ATRT for greater organizational parity and for rotating government seats and global INGO seats on the ATRT among the signatories of MoUsAvri Doria
Change AoCProvide transparency into review team recommendations - what level of consensus was reached on the recommendation?  How were community inputs considered?  Which inputs were rejected? Etc.Spain
Change AoCRecommendations of review teams should be given higher priority for implementation; requirement for responding to recommendations should be institutionalizedBC (Reply)
Change AoCReview process should be every 5 years, not 3, so that ICANN is not in a continuous review cycle without time for implementation of changesFiona Asonga
Change AoCTermination - adopt Board resolution that AoC is binding and will not terminate without supermajority voteGoogle
Change AoCThe ATRT Reviews are the foundation on which other accountability mechanisms should be builtAvri Doria
Change AoCWhile several values in AoC should be maintained (preserve security, stability and resiliency; promote competition, consumer trust and choice; facilitate international participation in DNS technical coordination) but amend to "ensure that ICANN's decisions are fully consistent with human rights standards.  ICANN should guarantee that decisions related to the global and technical coordination of the DNS are made in a transparent and accountable manner and crucially 'for the protection and advance of human rights and Internet freedoms' rather than 'in the public interest'"NCSG
Change Articles of IncorporationICANN should change its AoI to require accountability to its stakeholder bodies; no further amendments to this section should be allowedBrian Carpenter
Change BylawsAllow for dissolution of the Board in exceptional circumstances, consistent with the President's Strategy Committee's draft plan for Improving Institutional ConfidenceNCSG
Change BylawsBylaws could be amended to reflect the need for the organization to evolve and provide stronger accountability mechanisms to the wider community, such as amended to prohibit ICANN from engaging in regulation of content or conduct in violation of the rights to freedom of expression or privacy.NCSG
Change BylawsFor changes to key portions of the Bylaws should require maximum public comment period and even higher than 2/3 thresholdGoogle
Change BylawsIn the absence of the IANA Functions Contract reviews, the AoC should become a permanent fixture in ICANN's Bylaws (as modified)BC (Reply)
Change BylawsIncorporate AoC Commitments into the BylawsSIIA
Change BylawsIncorporate AoC into the BylawsEdward Morris
Change BylawsIncorporate ATRT review into the Bylaws (subject to heightened threshold for change), and broaden to allow the sunsetting or launch of other reviews; also supports continuation of other AoC reviews and inclusion in the BylawsUSCIB
Change BylawsIncorporate freedom of expression, discourse and assembly into BylawsHeritage Foundation
Change BylawsRaise threshold for changes to Bylaws provisions essential to ICANN's mission, accountability, transparency, and review to 2/3USCIB
Change BylawsRaise threshold for changes to Bylaws to 2/3Google
Change BylawsRequire 4/5 vote of Board for major decisions (including Bylaws revisions and Articles of Incorporation), as well as for the GNSOHeritage foundation
Change BylawsRequire higher threshold for changes to Bylaws on Accountability and reviewSIIA
Change BylawsRequire supermajority of Board, based on significant community input, to make changes to core obligations in BylawsMPAA
Change BylawsRequire supermajority or unanimity to change location of ICANN incorporation or not-for-profit status; also require 2/3 majority vote of ICANN multistakeholder communityUSCIB
Change BylawsStrengthen Bylaws to require a high threshold of support for any proposed change in policy that impacts ICANN's central missionVerizon
Clerk or ParliamentarianIndependent staff position to help guide community through ICANN's complex processes - focus on uniformity/predictabilityGoogle
Complaint mechanismsInquiry and complain channels should be established to receive user complaints and suggestionsInternet Society of China
Complaint mechanismsResponse mechanisms should be set up to give feedback on each complaint channel and boost the improvementInternet Society of China
Component EntitiesAll supporting organizations and affiliate organizations to put in place accountability and transparency mechanisms similar or aligned to those of ICANNEdward Morris
Component EntitiesCreate a recall mechanism for SO Council and ALAC members selected by the NomCom, or the entities that selected themAvri Doria
Component EntitiesHave Transparency International conduct an audit of all SOs and AcsEdward Morris
Conflicts of InterestPotential revenue implications from ICANN proposals should be routinely disclosedSIIA
ConsequencesICANN should be subject to losing control of the contents of the root zone if the relevant stakeholder group is dissatisfiedBrian Carpenter
ContractsICANN bylaws should prohibit entering of agreements that impose conditions unrelated to DNS management; contracts should not be subject to ICANN unilateral change, and should be subject to US CourtsHeritage Foundation
Contractual ComplianceMaintain routine, rigorous reporting on contractual complianceMPAA
DataICANN needs to develop good base data (society, economics, infrastructure, etc.) on 200-250 countries and 2.7 billion Internet usersKilnam Chon
DIDPAccountability body to ensure that community has complete and timely access to all materials relevant to ICANN decision-making process; may request and publish policy documents/brings/memos/emailsMPAA
DIDPConsider holding a public consultation on stakeholder experiences with DIDPSIIA
DIDPCreate independent body to sit in appeal over decisions of production - could be community comprised, but people independent of ICANNCIS
DIDPCreate more robust FOIA type process, potentially through administration by a third partyUSCIB
DIDPExceptions to disclosure should be finite and time boundCIS
DIDPExplore options for increasing transparencyEdward Morris
DIDPIncorporate a sunset period for information classified as non-discloseableEdward Morris
DIDPInstitute punitive measure for unreasonable, unexplained or illegitimate denials of informationCIS
DIDPMake broader and provide appeal through an independent dispute resolution processHeritage Foundation
DIDPProvide public statistics on how many requests are made and deniedSIIA
DIDPRemove ability to  cite "legal disclaimers, confidentiality clauses or NDAs" in requests for information so that ICANN must consider transparency when engaging outside servicesSivasubramanian Muthusamy
DIDPReview Defined Conditions for Nondisclosure to make more information available to stakeholders without constraining operations; include possibility of disclosure of intra-ICANN communicationsSIIA
DIDPStrengthen the response and appeal measures, including designated, publicly identified members of staff be responsible for coordination of responseCIS
Direct RelationshipICANN should host pictures from meetings on its own servers, not on services like Flickr or other corporate websites for which participants would have to agree to other terms of service re marketing, etc.DeeDee Halleck
DisclosuresAll members of the ICANN Board and others in leadership positions at ICANN should disclose monies earned or other benefit procured as a result of affiliation with ICANNEdward Morris
DiversityICANN should consider diversity of opinions and advice brought by global communityInternet Society of China
External SupervisionICANN needs to form a more sufficient and effective external supervision mechanism to develop a credible accountability on policy making and operationCNNIC
FeesRequire supermajority of Board to approve changes in feesHeritage Foundation
FinancesComplete budget of ICANN should be online, including income, travel expenses and consultanciesDeeDee Halleck
FinancesICANN needs to not only describe what it is going to accomplish and note whether it was accomplished, but also "what did it cost and was that cost worth it?" to measure the return on scarce resourcesDNA
GlobalizationICANN increasing visibility to stakeholders all around the worldFiona Asonga
GlobalizationICANN should exert efforts to further substantiate the full function and working capacity of its globalization effortsCNNIC
GlobalizationICANN's incorporation gives the impression that it is under the control of one single government, which is inconsistent with ICANN's intention to be responsible for global multistakeholders and is an impediment to ICANN's deepening globalizationInternet Society of China
GlobalizationPromote greater engagement of stakeholders from across the world and outside the ICANN communityEuropean Commission
Governance balanceDesign ICANN with separation of powers thoughts in mind - Board and executive accountable for the policies and actions of entire organization, community as the collective house/legislature, and reconsideration/ombudsman as more independent internal Judicial OrganSivasubramanian Muthusamy
Governance balanceModify ICANN's governance structure so that Board members are accountable to external groups, to allow for increased representation of direct users, but don't allow governmental seatTPI
Government EngagementICANN maintaining/establishing engagement with all governments whether or not they have been involved with ICANN, welcoming involvement alongside non-governmental stakeholdersFiona Asonga
Human RightsAccounting for how ICANN's policies impact the basic human rights of Internet users and ongoing mechanisms to ensure ICANN's policies do not circumvent the rights of Internet users should be in placeRobin Gross
Implement ATRT RecommendationsComplete implementation of ATRT recommendationsNCSG
Implement ATRT RecommendationsThe first requirement for improved accountability is the full implementation of the recommendations of the completed current AoC reviews, with current and future work not being used as a reason against open recommendations; items where Board or staff feel a recommendation cannot be implemented should be brought back for further conversationAvri Doria
InclusivenessICANN should reach out to non-traditional ICANN stakeholdersSIIA
Independent AuditAlong with the technical audits, there should be new mechanism to address transparency, decision-making processes and organizational issuesSpain
Independent AuditIndependent Audit of ICANN's performance in meeting specific performance goals, such as adherence to AOC, Bylaws and AoI.  Includes recommendation implementation, ability for complaints on non-compliance.  Outcomes should include detailed explanations of ICANN's failures to complyGoogle
Inspector GeneralCreate a new inspector general with "full access to ICANN", issuing a report not subject to ICANN approvalHeritage Foundation
Internal ControlsStrengthen internal controls and provide language on how ICANN would do thatUSCIB
Internal ControlsSubject internal controls , internal and external audit to review by a third partyUSCIB
Jurisdiction"Consideration should be given to broadening the scope of issues that can be taken up before the local courts, in particular issues relating to the right to freedom of expression and the rights to privacy and personal security."NCSG
Jurisdiction"Include a unilateral option clause that would enable a choice between the local courts or arbitration proceedings"NCSG
JurisdictionCalifornia law provides confidence that ICANN will be held accountable for violations of bylaws/special duties of directors; ICANN leaving jurisdiction should be undertaken "only if there is a demonstrable benefit that clearly outweighs costs", and prepare an in-depth research report including judicial redress opportunities in new mechanismsUSCIB
JurisdictionDefined dispute resolution and arbitration mechanisms should be binding and implementable on ICANN regardless of localeNRO
JurisdictionFind ways to ensure that any decisions regarding ICANN's location do not undermine the applicability of California law to its operations, including the obligations applicable to nonprofitsVerizon
JurisdictionICANN should explore incorporation as an international organization under international law to add confidence to serve stakeholders uniformly across the globeNRO
JurisdictionICANN's commitment to operating under the rule of law in jurisdictions that support effective redress should be codified as part of processMPAA
JurisdictionPrior to ICANN leaving California, it must issue a response explaining why a move is warranted and the legal consequences of the move; conduct a consultation  on the proposalSIIA
JurisdictionRequire ICANN, through Bylaws change, to remain subject to US Court jurisdictionHeritage Foundation
JurisdictionRequire supermajority Board support for a move out of CaliforniaSIIA
MetricsEstablish clear metrics and benchmarks to measure improvements in accountability and transparency, published periodicallyUSCIB
MetricsICANN should report regularly on compliance with the accountability functionSIIA
MissionICANN's management and board should be more strictly confined to ICANN's technical missionBC (Reply)
MultilingualismICANN needs to stick to the principle of multilingualism in its work and related affairs, so as to greatly facilitate even higher participation from non-English speaking communitiesInternet Society of China
OmbudsmanConsider granting Ombudsman ability to refer a matter to the external body if createdNCSG
OmbudsmanConsider granting powers to set Board decisions or policies aside.  However, if external body is put into place, consider if Ombudsman still serves a useful person.NCSG
OmbudsmanDelegate the duty of selecting and retaining the ICANN Ombudsman to the NomComEdward Morris
OmbudsmanGrant clear authority to investigate any complaint brought by an employee that is related to ICANN accountabilityNCSG
Organization SizeICANN's organizational growth should be limited in order to restrict mission creep and unnecessary bureaucracyTPI
OutreachICANN should organize regional meetings (and subregional meetings) in each content on globalization, multistakeholder models, etc.Kilnam Choi
Policy DevelopmentICANN policy development is prone to be made exclusive by "closed clubs", leading to decision capture.  Transparency needs to be part of the bottom up modelCNNIC
Policy DevelopmentICANN should follow the principle of user-first during its whole policy-making processInternet Society of China
Policy DevelopmentMove policy development from separate SOs to a broader community process to achieve rough community consensus across the community prior to Board action - achieve through multistakeholder house creation for meeting at ICANN meetings, with a place for experts as wellSivasubramanian Muthusamy
Policy SeparationMaintain structural separation of IANA Functions Dept. employees from policy activities relating to those functionsGoogle
Policy SeparationSeparate between names/numbering and the IANA functionsUSCIB
Policy SeparationSeparate IANA functions from policy makingMilton Mueller
Policy SeparationSeparate the IANA Functions from ICANN, with policy function within ICANN  now overseen by "Internet Freedom Panel" - a private sector board with no government members with the power to veto "proposed changes to the DNS deemed to threaten the freedom, stability, or security of the Internet."Heritage Foundation
Public CommentAs carefully considered and substantiated comments are not accurately reflected in staff summaries, the ATRT2 recommendation for a process for changes to summary reports is endorsedBC (Reply)
Public CommentConsider changing deadlines for comment processes if a majority of stakeholder groups request changesSIIA
Public CommentICANN should analyze inputs from stakeholders, not just list them, and describe why stakeholder recommendations were/not adoptedSIIA
Reconsideration & Independent Review"The full review process should account for errors as well as ethical lapses"NCSG
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewA core issue for strengthening ICANN accountability is a better appeals process, not to undermine the policy development process, but for the circumstances where the Board or the staff makes serious mistakes that call into question the fairness of its process or the level of community support for a declared consensusMilton Mueller
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewA new third-party mechanism for accountability and redress should be created, with independence from ICANN and a meaningful scope of authorityVerizon
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewAllow independent review for situations where Board's decision on reconsideration was arbitrary and capriciousGoogle
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewAllow reconsideration when Board or staff acts "arbitrarily or capriciously" (import from administrative procedures - clear error of judgment); allow for further appeal from reconsideration to independent arbitrators selected jointlyGoogle
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewATRT recommendation on reviewing the Independent Review mechanisms should be initiated as soon as possible, with a minimal goal to create and external appeals mechanism that could produce binding decisions as allowed under California and other applicable lawAvri Doria
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewBaseline of new version should be reviewing ICANN Board adherence to Bylaws and providing meaningful redress in instances of violationMPAA
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewCreate a new external, multistakeholder and independent body that would review the Board's decisions and actions and respond to appeals subject to rules on standing and applicable grounds for review, to be defined in this process.  No ICANN Board or staff member should be able to sit on it to safeguard "independence"; Consider whether the body should include those elected by SO/ACNCSG
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewDeadlines for filing reconsideration need to be longer than 15 daysSpain
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewDeclarations of BGC or IRP panel should be given more weight; should not be able to be rejected by simple majoritySpain
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewDevelop a permanent IRP, with the authority to impose consequences on ICANN for failure to implement IRP rulingsBC (Reply)
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewDevelop permanent cross community working group with role to impose external accountability on ICANN, with representation from each GNSO constituency plus ccNSO, ALAC, GAC, SSAC, RSSAC, IETF, ASO and NRO, with powers including naming representatives to AoC review teams, invoking the IRP, defining the process for appointing members to the IRP, reviewing and approving ICANN budgets, approving changes to ICANN's Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, and trigger recall of ICANN's Board and immediate selection of new membersBC (Reply)
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewExpand composition of Board Governance Committee to allow non-members to bring fresh perspective for Reconsideration mattersSpain
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewExpand grounds for challenging decisions deemed "inconsistent with ICANN procedures, ill-advised and potentially harmful for the requestor's interests or, in the case of governments, public interests"Spain
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewExpand Independent Review to address "all matters relating to ICANN's operation."Heritage Foundation
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewICANN should bear at least 50% of costs of Independent Review to make more affordableSpain
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewICANN should establish an independent Inspector General function with dedicated funding mechanism, with authority to investigate and ensure compliance with the Bylaw, procedures for decision-making, and potential conflicts of interestSIIA
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewICANN should permanently fund the IRPBC (Reply)
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewIRP decisions should be binding and contain rationale, and always be made publicNCSG
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewIRP panels should be obliged to issue declaration within six months of filing, not just "strive"SIIA
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewIRP provider should not be designated - it should be a matter for agreement between ICANN and each requester and the IRP panelistsSpain
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewIRP reviews should be invoked by community concerns about actions taken by ICANN management and Board, through the development of a structural element of representatives of each constituency and stakeholder groupBC (Reply)
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewLower threshold conditions to succeed in processes; current requirements are too narrowSpain
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewMake the Cooperative Engagement process open and transparentEdward Morris
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewNew body should be autonomous and self-governing and not be altered or swayed by Board vote; funding mechanism should be establishedMPAA
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewOnce established, changes to any new body should require supermajority vote of Board based upon significant inputMPAA
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewRemove the loser pays model of the IRP, and implement a sliding scale for feesEdward Morris
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewReverse the Bylaws changes that limit redress under the IRPEdward Morris
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewStrengthen the Office of the Ombudsman into a separate judicial function, including community leaders and judicial expertsSivasubramanian Muthusamy
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewThe CEP process needs transparency, including providing records of discussion and advance notice of a clear process applying to all partiesRobin Gross
Reconsideration & Independent ReviewThe Reconsideration process need to be more responsive to community concerns and less protective of decisions made by ICANN, therefore we endorse the ATRT2 recommendation to explore options for restructuringBC (Reply)
ReportingDevelop a process to review the subsequent implementation of recommendations by ICANN management, potentially through future ATRT reviewsBC
ReportingICANN can assure the community that it is meeting its accountability commitments through open reporting of periodic reviewsBrian Carpenter
ReportingPost-project reviews, not just lessons-learned documents, need to be formalized to introduce systemic follow-upDNA
ReportingThere should be mechanisms for measuring, evaluating and reporting on ICANN's compliance with its obligations to improve accountabilityVerizon
RepresentationFull spectrum of GNSO Stakeholders should be represented in ICANN deliberationsSIIA
RepresentationICANN needs to increase representation of domain name registrants and consumers/internet users, and diminish the presence and voices of those with profit-motives at stake in ICANN decisions, workings and outcomesDomain Mondo
RepresentationICANN should recognize fully the important voices of businesses in any evolving ecosystemVerizon
RepresentationICANN structure needs to be representativeSeun Ojedeji
RepresentationThere is a need to assure that the role and voice of the business sector is heard as it will be integral to ensure governmental support of any new ICANN framework resulting from the accountability processINTA
ResourcesICANN staff for SOs and ACs, while they have done a great job, may have independence issues in their work; each constituency should fund a coordinating role for its communityCENTR
ReviewSubject ICANN to external review of accountability and transparency proceduresEdward Morris
Role of GovernmentsReaffirm advisory role of GACHeritage Foundation
Role of GovernmentsRevise Bylaws to require consensus for GAC adviceHeritage Foundation
SeparationIf transition results with ICANN having a strong role with respect to the IANA functions, those functions and the ICANN functions should be subject to a clear separation that is monitored by an independent third partyVerizon
StaffThough current supporting staff for SO/AC have been doing an "exceptional job", they lack the independence to provide unbiased advise; communities should consider putting in place a dedicated resource who could, on behalf of the particular community, take on the advisory or coordination role.  This would be funded by the respective communities, not ICANNLACTLD
Staff Consult NomCom for the appointment of ICANN Executives and global staff positions, with a broad, long-term directive for regional and/or geographic balanceSivasubramanian Muthusamy
Stakeholder ParticipationAll supporting organizations and affiliate organizations to put in place accountability and transparency mechanisms similar or aligned to those of ICANNFiona Asonga
StructureAs outlined in the Tunis Agenda, states are responsible for public policy issuesJust Net Coalition
StructureDirect democracy principles should be considered; democratic vote as the ultimate decision maker will be a powerful tool to counter any attempt by governments or international institutions to take over ICANN; this could potentially be done through registrars and WHOIS, with eligibility requirements set outKonrad von Finckenstein
StructureEnvision structural separation for some of the IANA functions - a Swiss non-profit association requesting immunity - to perform the root zone management function.  Members of this association would be domain name registries (gTLD and ccTLD) and would fund; ICANN would be the interface between gTLD registries and the new entityJust Net Coalition
StructureICANN should become a membership organization, with the membership having ultimate decision-making authority.  The membership would elect the Board and could override any decision of the Board.  The membership would consist of all registrants of domain names controlled by ICANN (gTLDs)Just Net Coalition
StructureICANN should switch to a public benefits corporation with members, the structure of which can and should be based on the current community structures, with provisions made for inclusion of groups not yet involved in the ICANN communityEdward Morris
Term LimitsMandate senior officers to have a maximum 9 years in office, with a supermajority vote for confidence every 3 yearsHeritage Foundation
TransparencyBoard meetings should be regularly audio-cast on the web and archived, as are GNSO Council meetingsRobin Gross
TransparencyBoard minutes should be more detailed, with minority opinions and diversity of opinions expressed more fully incorporatedRobin Gross
TransparencyEnhance transparency into ICANN's policymaking and technical processes, including through use of a FOIA-like processVerizon
TransparencyGreater public notice should be provided regarding the agenda of Board meetingsRobin Gross
TransparencyICANN should implement its functions of management and coordination of Internet resources in a more transparent wayInternet Society of China
TransparencyICANN should increase the transparency of Board deliberations and meetings, with at least one open meeting with a substantive agenda at each ICANN meetingBC (Reply)
TransparencyMaintain an open/transparent/accessible websiteDeeDee Halleck
TransparencyMake clear to readers when policy questions are implicated in documentsSIIA
TransparencyThe activities and deliberations of the GAC needs to be strengthened; the public has a right to know how its governmental representative are performing and policy positions they are taking in the GACRobin Gross
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