The next GNSO Standing Selection Committee teleconference will take place on Monday, 05 November 2018 at 17:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
9:00 PST, 12:00 EST, 19:00 Paris CET, 22:00 Karachi PKT, (Tuesday) 02:00 Tokyo JST, (Tuesday) 4:00 Melbourne AEDT
For other times:
- Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
- ATRT3 Selection
AC Recording
AC Chat transcript
Apologies: Rafik Dammak, Lori Schulman
ICANN staff:
Notes/ Action Items
- Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
- SSC Leadership
- ATRT3 Selection
Review of leadership
- Susan to serve as interim chair with support on the call from participants for her to continue as permanent chair.
- Maxim to step down as vice-chair
ACTION ITEM: Send reminder: Take to list to confirm Susan as chair and seek volunteers for new vice-chair. Include Erica and Osvaldo on the email since they are temporarily not on the mailing list for the duration of the ATRT3 selection process.
Maxim Alzoba (RySG): @Emily, please include Erica into e-mail of search for volunteers for vice-chair position (I believe she might be excluded from SSC list until the end of ATRT3 selection)?
3. ATRT3 Selection
-- Begin deliberations on call and may need to finalize on list
--Questions raised on selection process:
-- Extent to which endorsements are taken into account: Not taken into account during original selection process.
-- A couple of applications were received after the deadline.
--Questions about overall composition. Is it just replacing gaps or considering the overall slate: Up to SSC
-- Review of results. 5 responses received.
- Suggestion to keep existing recommendations, of primary members and backups. Concern about the fact that some SSC members did not complete the survey. Can their responses be solicited? Responses are not official - it's a temperature-taking and a conversation starter.
-- Could submit rankings as a proposal to list.
-- Whether or not there is official support from relevant org should be taken into account.
-- Difficult to provide responses for candidates that respondents were unfamiliar with.
-- Last questions asked about rankings, if possible.
-- The rankings were determined by the output from Survey Monkey. However, only to serve as a start to conversations.
-- Any concerns about late applications? Did anyone exclude them?
-- No concerns raised.
-- First, seek to replace vacancies. Failing that, consider reviewing entire slate. Believes Wolfgang should be kept as primary candidate, though acknowledges that Wolfgang scored well anyway.
-- Broad support to keep Wolfgang. Some support to only fill gaps.
-- EOI states that priority given to endorsed candidates.
-- Some believe it's helpful to take endorsement into account. Adetola for instance had endorsement from BC.
-- There was no official way to endorse in the application in the 2017 application process.
-- Two SG/Cs didn't complete survey?
Emily Barabas: Poll responses received from: Frederic, Wolf-Ulrich, Maxim, Susan, and Rafik
-- Taking a step back, there appears to be three main candidates and 5 alternates. All three main candidates are endorsed. Send to list for input?
-- Were any previous candidates left out of the poll?
-- No, all were included, in the event the entire slate needed to be reviewed.
-- Of the original 7, 3 three needed to be replaced. All included, in addition of 2 candidates who were not selected. 6 new candidates.
-- 2 primary and one backup then needed.
-- Original 4 still in process:
Emily Barabas: Remaining Primary Candidate: Wolfgang Kleinwaechter
Emily Barabas: 2 primary vacancies
Emily Barabas: Remaining Additional Candidates: Michael Karanicolas, Adetola Sogbesan, Erica Varlese
Emily Barabas: 1 additional candidate vacancy
-- Belief that original candidates should not be removed, since they've committed to volunteer.
-- With Brian being unavailable, made sense to slot Patrick into that spot.
-- Belief that management, multi stakeholder model experience is important, as registry exeperience.
-- Propose as main: Wolfgang, Patrick, Osvaldo (order does not matter)
-- Propose as backups: Michael, Adetola, Erica, Jacques (order does matter).
-- Suggestion that need should be taken into account.
-- Support for order as presented, though some concern that endorsed candidates are lower in list. Support for existing candidates to be ranked higher.
-- Include asterisk that endorsements were not taken into account in original process.
Maxim Alzoba (RySG): I suggest adding * - please note that in 2017 ATRT3 selection there were no requirement for the endorsment
-- Can send rankings to list and ask them to order the backups.
Guillemaut: in the initial selection Erica was behind Michael and Adetola.
Emily Barabas: It will actually be the SO/AC leaders that select the final composition of the Review Team
-- Send note to SSC about proposed selections, with both main and backup candidates in no particular order.
-- Seek to wrap up selection and send to Council by end of week.