| Objective
Background Documents
- WHOIS1 Implementation Briefings on Recommendations 5, 8, 10, 11: PDF
- Answers to RDS-WHOIS2 Questions on Implementation Briefings
- WHOIS Review Team (WHOIS1) Final Report (2012) and Action Plan
- WHOIS Review Team (WHOIS1) Implementation Reports, including
- Documents cited in briefing on Recommendation 11 include
- Additional links specific to Recommendation 11 may be added here
Further background documents may be found on the Review Team's overall Background Materials page.
Volker Greimann Members: Alan Greenberg, Susan Kawaguchi, Volker Greimann http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/rds-whois2-comminterface/ Mailing-list archives:Conference calls Review Team Templates: see |
Subgroup Documents
ICANN Org Briefings/Answers
Open Actions/Requests
*To be provided once reasonable date is determined by appropriate subject-matter expert
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date* | Progress Notes |
7 | #34 |
| Volker to address any concerns raised in a final draft to be sent to the full RT by the end of this week (22 July 2018). | Volker Greimann | ||
6 | #34 |
| Susan to propose edits to address increase in common interface timeouts since GDPR. | Susan Kawaguchi | ||
5 | #34 |
| Subgroup members to review the subgroup report, and submit comments via email or confirm they agree with the subgroup draft report as is. | Subgroup members |
Completed Actions/Requests
*To be provided once reasonable date is determined by appropriate subject-matter expert
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date* | Progress Notes | Completed Response | Completion Date |
4 | #31 |
| ICANN org to provide Volker with a date/timestamp of the F2F2 discussion for this topic. Volker to review that discussion. | ICANN org |
| |||
3 | #25 |
| Volker to share subgroup draft report with subgroup/review team asap. | Volker |
| |||
1 | #1 |
| Written briefing on query failures on WHOIS microsite - how frequent, cause, any efforts to alleviate. The subgroup would like to gather statistics (current) on use of the common interface, uptime, requests for help using the tool and what usage data is tracked by ICANN. In addition, it is seeking information on challenges encountered. | ICANN org |
| |||
2 | #1 |
| ICANN Org to draft answers to planning questions to share with Volker, who will then review/share with subgroup. | ICANN org |
Decisions Reached
Date | Decision |
| Subgroup to review briefing response to questions raised in work plan and then determine next steps. |