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Proposed Agenda for GNSO Council Public Meeting in San José 14 March 2012

Reference to ICANN Schedule

Note that this agenda may be updated as more information becomes available so interested parties are encouraged to periodically check for the latest updates on the GNSO Council workspace.\

As can be seen below, in addition to the Open Microphone at the end of the agenda, as possible throughout the meeting time will be allowed for audience participation. Please be aware that audience opportunities to comment will depend on available time.

This agenda was established according to the GNSO Council Operating Procedures approved 22 September 2011 for the GNSO Council and updated.

For convenience:

* An excerpt of the ICANN Bylaws defining the voting thresholds is provided in Appendix 1 at the end of this agenda.
* An excerpt from the Council Operating Procedures defining the absentee voting procedures is provided in Appendix 2 at the end of this agenda.

Meeting Times
Coordinated Universal Time: 20:00 UTC see below for local times
San José, Costa Rica 14:00

(13:00 Los Angeles; 16:00 Washington DC; 20:00 London; 21:00 Paris;
15 March 2012:  05:00 Tokyo; 09:00 Wellington)

Dial-in numbers will be sent individually to Council members who cannot physically attend the meeting. Councilors should notify the GNSO Secretariat in advance if a dial out call is needed.

14:00- 15:00 GNSO Council Public Forum.

Presentations by Stakeholder and Constituency Group Leaders.

  • Registries Stakeholder Group – Keith Drazek
  • Registrars Stakeholder Group – Graham Chynoweth
  • Non Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) – Konstantinos Komaitis
  • Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC) – Alain Berranger
  • Commercial and Business Users Constituency (BC) – Marilyn Cade
  • Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) –
  • Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers  (ISPCP) – Tony Holmes



Item 1: Administrative matters (10 minutes)

1.1  Roll Call

1.2 Statement of interest updates

1.3 Review/amend agenda

1.4. Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meeting per the GNSO Operating Procedures:

1.5. GNSO Pending Projects List

  • Review main changes.
  • Comments and/or questions.


Item 2: Consent agenda (5 minutes)

A consent agenda item is being added as a standard agenda item to provide for a simplified process to obtain Council approval on specific tasks.

• Approval of sending the Recommendations Report on IRTP B Rec 8 to the Board.

Refer to the Recommendations Report:

Item 3: 'thick' Whois Final Issue Report (10 minutes)

As recommended by the IRTP Part B Working Group, the GNSO Council requested ICANN Staff to prepare an Issue Report on the requirement of ‘thick’ WHOIS for all incumbent gTLDs. The Preliminary Issue Report was published for public comment (see

Staff has now submitted the Final Issue Report, which includes the report of comments received and additional updates as a result of the comments made. The GNSO Council will now consider the Final Issue Report and decide whether or not to initiate a PDP, as a motion on this was deferred from the Feb 16, 2012 Council meeting.

Refer to motion:

3.1   Reading of the motion (Stéphane Van Gelder)

3.2   Discussion

3.3   Vote

Item 4: Locking of a Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings Drafting Team charter (10 minutes)

The GNSO Council initiated a PDP on the requirement to lock a domain name subject to UDRP proceedings. A Drafting Team was tasked with drafting a Charter for Working Group that will then work on this PDP.

The DT is presenting the draft charter to the Council for approval.

Refer to motion[

4.1   Reading of the motion (Joy Liddicoat)

4.2   Discussion

4.3   Vote

Item 5: Cross Community Working Group  Drafting Team (CCWG DT) (10 minutes)

On January 4, 2012, the CCWG Drafting Team sent the Council Chair its final recommendations with regard to the GNSO's approach on Community Working Groups.

Refer to:
Draft Principles for Cross‐Community Working Groups (CWGs)

Council must now consider whether to approve these recommendations. A motion to that effect was made at the Jan 19 meeting and deferred to this meeting.

Refer to motion

5.1 Reading of the motion (Jonathan Robinson).

5.2 Discussion

5.3 Vote

Item 6: Red Cross and Olympic Committee names (10 minutes)

A GNSO Drafting Team is working on a charter to determine how to handle the protection of RC and IOC names under the new gTLD program. Council must now vote on whether to approve this charter.[

6.1 Reading of the motion

6.2 Discussion

6.3 Vote

Item 7: Fake Renewal Notice DT  final report (10 minutes)

The Fake Renewal Notice Drafting Team is presenting its Final Report to the Council.

7.1 Update (Mikey O'Connor)

7.2 Discussion


Item 8: Update on RAA Final Issue Report and Status of Negotiations (10 minutes)

Staff will provide a brief overview of the Final Issue Report on the RAA Amendments and the Status Report on the RAA negotiations, and discuss the next steps for the GNSO Council.  

8.1 Update (Margie Milam)

8.2 Discussion


Item 9: Update on WHOIS surveys (10 minutes)

ICANN policy staff will present an update on four gTLD WHOIS studies, commissioned by the GNSO Council, that are being conducted by independent research entities, and one survey of potential technical requirements for WHOIS that is currently being developed by a GNSO Working Group. 

9.1 Update on current work and surveys (Liz Gasster)

9.2 Discussion


Item 10: Update on Consumer Trust WG (10 minutes)

The GNSO Council chartered the CCTC Working Group in September 2011 at the request of the ICANN Board Resolution (2010.12.10.30).  The Consumer Metrics Working Group has since produced a draft Advice Letter defining Consumer, Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, & Competition.  In addition the letter contains proposed metrics and three year targets; all designed to measure the effectiveness of the new gTLD program by a future AoC Review team.

10.1 Update on Draft Advice Letter (Steve DelBianco)

10.2 Discussion


Item 11: Update on The new PDP (20 minutes)

In December 2011, the ICANN Board adopted, on the recommendation of the GNSO Council, the revised GNSO Policy Development Process. This session is to introduce the revised GNSO PDP and explain its new features in detail.

11.1 Update (Marika Konings)

11.2 Discussion


Item 12: Update on DSSA-WG (10 minutes)

This is an update from the DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA-WG).  The goals of this item are to 1) update the GNSO Council on the progress of the DSSA-WG; 2) raise awareness of any issues; 3) and solicit input from the GNSO Council.

12.1 Update (Mikey O'Connor)

12.2 Discussion


Item 13:  Any Other Business (5 minutes)

Appendix 1: GNSO Council Voting Thresholds (ICANN Bylaws, Article X, Section 3)

9. Except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, Annex A hereto, or the GNSO Operating Procedures, the default threshold to pass a GNSO Council motion or other voting action requires a simple majority vote of each House. The voting thresholds described below shall apply to the following GNSO actions:

1. Create an Issues Report: requires an affirmative vote of more than 25% vote of each House or majority of one House;
2. Initiate a Policy Development Process (“PDP”) Within Scope (as described in Annex A): requires an affirmative vote of more than 33% of each House or more than 66% of one House;
3. Initiate a PDP Not Within Scope: requires an affirmative vote of more than 75% of one House and a majority of the other House (“GNSO Supermajority”);
4. Approve a PDP Recommendation Without a GNSO Supermajority: requires an affirmative vote of a majority of each House and further requires that one GNSO Council member representative of at least 3 of the 4 Stakeholder Groups supports the Recommendation;
5. Approve a PDP Recommendation With a GNSO Supermajority: requires an affirmative vote of a GNSO Supermajority; and
6. Approve a PDP Recommendation Imposing New Obligations on Certain Contracting Parties: where an ICANN contract provision specifies that “a two-thirds vote of the council” demonstrates the presence of a consensus, the GNSO Supermajority vote threshold will have to be met or exceeded with respect to any contracting party affected by such contract provision.

Appendix 2: Absentee Voting Procedures (GNSO Operating Procedures 4.4)

4.4.1 Applicability
Absentee voting is permitted for the following limited number of Council motions or measures.
a. Initiate a Policy Development Process (PDP);
b. Approve a PDP recommendation;
c. Recommend amendments to the GNSO Operating Procedures (GOP) or ICANN Bylaws;
d. Fill a Council position open for election.

4.4.2 Absentee ballots, when permitted, must be submitted within the announced time limit, which shall be 72 hours from the meeting‟s adjournment. In exceptional circumstances,announced at the time of the vote, the Chair may reduce this time to 24 hours or extend the time to 7 calendar days, provided such amendment is verbally confirmed by all Vice-Chairs present.

4.4.3 The GNSO Secretariat will administer, record, and tabulate absentee votes according to these procedures and will provide reasonable means for transmitting and authenticating absentee ballots, which could include voting by telephone, e- mail, web-based interface, or other technologies as may become available.
4.4.4 Absentee balloting does not affect quorum requirements. (There must be a quorum for the meeting in which the vote is initiated.)
Local time between March & October (Summer in the NORTHERN hemisphere )
Reference (Coordinated Universal Time) UTC 20:00
California, USA (PST) UTC-8+1DST 13:00
San José, Costa Rica UTC-6+0DST 14:00
New York/Washington DC, USA (EST) UTC-5+1DST 16:00
Buenos Aires, Argentina (ART) UTC-3+0DST 17:00
Montevideo, Uruguay (UYST) UTC-3+0DST 17:00
London, United Kingdom (BST) UTC+0DST 20:00
Abuja,Nigeria (WAT) UTC+1+0DST 21:00
Tunis, Tunisia (CET) UTC+1+0DST 21:00
Bonn, Germany (CET) UTC+1+0DST 21:00
Paris, France (CET) UTC+1+0DST 21:00
Ramat Hasharon, Israel(IST) UTC+2+0DST 22:00
Karachi, Pakistan (PKT ) UTC+5+0DST 01:00 next day
Beijing, China (CST ) UTC+8+0DST 04:00 next day
Tokyo, Japan (JST) UTC+9+0DST 05:00 next day
Wellington, New Zealand (NZDT ) UTC+12+1DST 09:00 next day
The DST starts/ends on last Sunday of October 2012, 2:00 or 3:00 local time (with exceptions)
For other places see

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