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Participants:  Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Cheryl Langdon, Evan Leibovitch, Tijani Ben Jemaa

Guests:  Sebastien Bachollet, Alan Greenberg

Apologies:  Carlton Samuels
Staff:  Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene

Standing Agenda Items

1. Review of the Action Items of the 9 February ExCom Meeting and the 22 February ALAC Meeting (Olivier) - 5 mins

Action items of 9 February ExCom meeting:

a.  Staff to include in the call-out for new ALAC WG members the list of current members for reference and confirmation. – IN PROGRESS

  • Note will go out shortly (now that WG wiki pages are updated).

b.  Staff to update all WG Confluence pages with current and historical membership lists. - IN PROGRESS

  • WG wiki pages are now updated and corrected – except for historical information, which must be added with Cheryl’s help.

c.  Evan, Tijani, Carlton, and Alan to polish the wording of the ALAC’s current unionized JAS charter in order to make the work of the WG easier, given the fact that it will have two charters.

  • Alan’s charter will now be used, with a small deletion suggested by ExCom.

>>  AI:  Alan to make one deletion suggested by ExCom and to send to ALAC.

d.  HU to arrange for addition of ALAC-GAC meeting to the Silicon Valley schedule.  - IN PROGRESS

e.  The ALAC to take steps to define “consumer.”  - IN PROGRESS

ExCom members discussed following possible ways of pursuing a definition “consumer” (but none was decided on):

  • Conferring with ALSes regarding what it means to be a consumer in their parts of the world;
  • Perhaps ALSes should participate in a survey regarding this question, with results (including room for comments) posted on Confluence; and/or
  • Evan might discuss this topic with Beau.

f.  Staff to ask Rosemary, Alex, and Beau what their next steps (including San Francisco) are regarding the proposed Candidate Consumer Constituency.  (One option:  They could be invited to discuss this during the At-Large San Francisco session on Tuesday at 10:30 am local time, which is when their session is scheduled.)

  • No response has been received yet.

>>  AI:  Heidi to again ask Rosemary what next steps (including San Francisco) are regarding the proposed Candidate Consumer Constituency.  (One option:  They could be invited to discuss this during the At-Large San Francisco session on Tuesday at 10:30 am local time, which is when their session is scheduled.)

g.  HU to contact Marika to request a one-week extension during which the ALAC could submit a comment on the GNSO Working Group Guidelines (the comment period ended 8 February 2011). - COMPLETED - AS PUBLIC COMMENT WAS ALREADY CLOSED, ALAC SENT STATEMENT DIRECTLY TO GNSO FOR CONSIDERATION AT THEIR NEXT MEETING.

h.  OCL to identify who should write a simple draft ALAC comment on GNSO Working Group Guidelines, to be submitted in one week (by end of requested one-week extension).  Olivier or staff to request that person write the draft comment. - COMPLETED

i.  Staff to ask AG to write draft ALAC comment on Proposed Process for Recognition of New GNSO Constituencies, to be submitted by the end of the comment period on 4 March 2011. – DRAFT COMMENT COMPLETED BY ALAN

  • The draft comment has been posted on Confluence page, which has two comments.

>>  AI:  Alan to review comments (on Confluence page) regarding draft ALAC comment on Proposed Process for Recognition of New GNSO Constituencies and send note to ALAC.

j.  Staff to ask Edmon to write draft ALAC comment on Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data (IRD) Working Group.  If Edmon considers himself too close to the report, Staff next to ask James to write comment. - IN PROGRESS

k.  HU to research recently leaked US Commerce memo, partly addressing intellectual property issues, according to various blogs. -  IN PROGRESS.

The ExCom discussed whether or not this is still necessary, given the recent e-mails from the US Commerce Dept. about it.

Action items of 22 February ALAC meeting


b.  JS to prepare draft of ALAC comment on Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group. - ONGOING - HU followed up with JS - IN PROGRESS

c.  AG  and SHL will investigate whether it is necessary for the ALAC to send a comment for the Public Comment on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Working Group Proposed Final Report.

d.  DT and DK to follow up with advice from Alan, Cheryl and everybody involved with the Proposed New GNSO Policy Development Process from At-Large.

e.  The ALAC Finance and Budget Subcommittee will draft an ALAC comment on the Proposed Framework for the Fiscal Year 2012 (FY12) Operating Plan and Budget

f.  Alan to summarize the difficult aspects of the Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Working Group Proposed Final Report and present it to the At-Large community in SFO.

g.  Staff will ask the RALOs to review the suggested meeting dates for 2014 - 2016 (see for clashes with major cultural holidays.

h.  The SSAC liaison to draft an ALAC statement on the Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team Set of Issues.

i.  Staff will add the topic of the public comment on the Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team Set of Issues to the SF meeting agendas.

j.  HU will email the ALAC and ask for comments on the At-Large position on the gTLD guidebook: - COMPLETED

k.  Staff will set up an AC room for the coming GAC-Board meeting in Brussels. - COMPLETED

l.  OCL will continue following up with Rosemary Sinclair and the other members involved in a possible Consumer Constituency.

m.  Staff will ask the RALOs to put forward volunteers for the ccNSO study group on he use of names for countries and territories

n.  OCL and Staff will work together to look at ways to shorten the next conference call.

Items for Discussion

2. Review and Revise Timelines on the Policy Advice Development Calendar (Carlton and Olivier) - 10 mins

Click here for all currently open public consultations.

No new discussion.

3.Follow up from ALAC meeting of 22 February 2011 (Olivier) - 35 mins

a. Proposed Bylaw Amendments as requested by At-Large Improvements WT A

It was suggested that thanks should be given in San Francisco to all the WTs (including WT A).  Their progress shows much work done by the RALOs.

b. GAC-Board Meeting - Discussion of ALAC Positions

Olivier would like the ExCom to share the reading of these positions – i.e., recommends they be split up, with each reader e-mailing a summary to rest.

Evan already read the position on the string objections process, which he found problematic, including the prospect of giving budgets for objections.  It reads much as the staff response to the Rec 6 WG read.

If independent objectors have finite budgets for objections, it effectively puts a ceiling on the number of objections per fiscal year.  The ALAC and GAC are both against this.

Sebastien suggested that the goal is to decrease tension, in order to find solutions. 

During the GAC-Board Meeting in Brussels, we will have set up:

  • Skype chat with those present; and
  • Adobe Connect Room.


According to Evan, there is a good chance to have something ready by San Francisco.  By Brussels, the WG will likely have some principles set, but no more. 

d. Defining Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation - Next Steps

This issue has been “festering” for a long time (though not long by ICANN standards).

The ALAC has defined the needed next steps elsewhere.  It they do not start happening in other constituencies, the ALAC should make sure they start in At-Large.

e. At-Large Meeting Agendas in San Francisco- Update and Next Steps

>>  AI:  Heidi to examine the San Francisco schedule for significant conflicts and to report back.

Stanford Town Hall

  • It is surprising that the Stanford Town Hall is being planned so late and in such a disorganized way. 

Local engagement during ICANN Meetings

  • More generally speaking, it is certainly a good idea to engage the local community during ICANN Meetings.  Perhaps budgets should also be developed for it.  (Of course, that said, the ICANN Meetings themselves are open to the public for that reason.)
  • As of now, no Improvements WTs are working on local outreach during ICANN Meetings.
  • Local outreach during ICANN Meetings is perhaps a topic to be addressed during San Francisco’s Sunday session with Scott or Filiz. 
  • Possibilities mentioned include engaging in a public soccer game or trivia competition.
  • Of course, local engagement during ICANN Meetings is not specifically an At-Large issue.


  • Alan requested a short time in San Francisco be allotted for him to address PENDR.

>>  AI:  Heidi to add a short time slot on PENDR to San Francisco’s Sunday schedule.

4. At-Large Community Wiki - Update (Staff) - 5 mins

Heidi gave an update, including:

  • There were about 350 broken links, which IT promised to fix.  One way they were fixed was by broadening the permissions.  While this reduced the broken links, it results in more orphan pages showing up.  There is a temp being brought into IT to place these orphans where they belong.
  • The old Confluence editing issues will be brought up with Roman in San Francisco.

5. Any Other Business (Olivier) - 10 mins

a.  YouTube video made in Cartagena on ICANN Meetings, aimed at Japan

This video will be available soon.

Cheryl believes more ALSes in Japan are needed – and, therefore, this video is a good opportunity.  Possibilities include:

  • Make it available on the ALAC Web site and wikis.
  • Pair it with Olivier’s presentation in the Ukraine.
  • Get Scott Pinzon involved.
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