Gisella Gruber:Welcoe to the EURALO Monthly Teleconference on Wednesday 18 November 2015 at 18:00 UTC
Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all ! welcome to the call
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):Hello All!
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All.
Jordi Iparraguirre:hello all
Oksana Prykhodko:hello all
Pedro Veiga:I also can hear Jean Jacques very well
Roberto:is nobody speaking or is my audio disconnected?
Pedro Veiga:Roberto, must be your audio
Vladimir Kukovsky:all greetings
Pedro Veiga:Hello Olivier
Roberto:Problem solved, apparently
Roberto:at the end of the roll call I would just check whether you can hear me
Narine Khachatryan:Hello everyone
Silvia Vivanco:See GA Recordings available at:
Roberto:Hopefully in time we will not have only insiders...
Silvia Vivanco:yes there is such a survey
Silvia Vivanco:Cross RALO seuveys posted here :
Oksana Prykhodko:Survey is a key for capacity building
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):Hello Heidi & Staff, could you please send me, by email, the last EURALO survey? Thank you.
Silvia Vivanco:See RESULTS here:
Heidi Ullrich:Such informration would be very useful for staff as well . For example to identify speakers for the Speakers Bureau
Gisella Gruber:Please mute your mics if you are not speaking
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):@Olivier, I was thinking more along the lines you just mentioned.
Gisella Gruber:Matthieu Camus has joined the call
Silvia Vivanco:EURALO specific results:
Gisella Gruber:Alan Greenberg has joined the call
Roberto:small but tough... :)
Alan Greenberg:Not yet on bridge...
Silvia Vivanco:countries have been recorded in the table with nominations
Silvia Vivanco:
Roberto:@Silvia: right!
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):;-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond::-) -- we can launch a working group on this and spend a year discussing Board recall
Roberto:We should first develop a policy for recalling members of the working group
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):@Sébastien, would you suggest an age limit, or number of years of volunteer service in ICANN structures?
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):@Wolf, with respect, that's quite a complicated construct of official and less official members on the Board...
Silvia Vivanco:See article: 9.5 Election and period of office of the Board9.5.1
Silvia Vivanco:9.5.1 The members of the Board shall be elected by the General Assembly for a period of up to two years, such term beginning at the close of the ICANN Annual General Meeting, renewable at the pleasure of the General Assembly. The election of the board members shall be held in conjunction with that of the ALAC Representative and the Chair and Vice-Chair.9.5.2 The first election after adoption of these Bylaws shall elect one-half of the members of the Board for one year, and the other half for two years.
Alan Greenberg:Hopefully allegiance is to EURALO and not just ALSes that voted for them!
Alan Greenberg:OK
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):@Olivier, secret ballot would be a good procedure.
Silvia Vivanco:@ Olivier, we will set up a poll
Silvia Vivanco:we will need a timeframe to start - end the vote
Alan Greenberg:Challenge to balance gender, geography and favour new-comers, other than to simply trust electorate to factor these in.
Yuliya Morenets:Olivier, I'm back
Yuliya Morenets:pologizes
Yuliya Morenets:apologizes
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:we'll come back to you shortly
Yuliya Morenets:tnx
Roberto:and only one candidate from eastern europe
Wolf Ludwig:As mentioned before: Chair + Secreatriat should not be called or considered as Board members -- they are only assigned Ex officio!
Roberto:@Wolf +1
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@ROberto -- indeed - 1 candidate only from Eastern Europe
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Wolf: Chair of Board should be Board though.... otherwise how can the Chair of Board be Chair?
Alan Greenberg:Does that mean that with 5 Board members, one male will have to 1/2 change gender?
Oksana Prykhodko:What about the results of previous activity as one of the most important criteria?
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):@Yuliya, withdrawing your candidacy would be regrettable.
Sébastien:As we change the way to elect the Euralo Board members I suggest we reopen for application to allow more diversity in the choice
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):(I mean: unfortunate for EURALO)
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):@Sébastien, we cannot decide to move the goal posts...
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):@Sébastien, dates were published, the GA went well, all opinions were able to express themselves.
Wolf Ludwig:Can we postpone Agenda item 5 to the next call? There is nor urgency ATM!
Yuliya Morenets:@ JJ:) agree on the second point, we decided to discuss on criteria for Board as it was considered being not effective in past years, that is why this discussion on criteria started here I guess
Roberto:And the two ex-officio should be outside the country quotas
Sébastien:Yes we can, specialy when the rules change
Oksana Prykhodko:I am sorry, I dropped(
Silvia Vivanco:I would like to ask candidates to accept their nominations
Silvia Vivanco:when they send their bios
Gisella Gruber:@ Oksana - dialling you back
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):@Sébastien: I'm sure you're right, we can change whatever we want, but my point was about cogency and fairness. To respect those, we should not now move the goalposts.
Alan Greenberg:What do you do if the "open election" results in imbalance?
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS):@Alan, an election is the highest expression of free choice, so I suppose the election results would be valid.
Wolf Ludwig:Good idea!
Yuliya Morenets:agree Jean-Jacques
Gisella Gruber:At-Large Policy Advice Development Page :
Lutz Donnerhacke:There are already some comments on the comment pages
Lutz Donnerhacke:We ar e two minutes over time.
Gisella Gruber:Adobe Connect:
Silvia Vivanco:
Gisella Gruber:Eleventh Webinar on the Topic: GNSO Policy Development Process
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!
Gisella Gruber:Please join us on the webinar!
Jordi Iparraguirre:thanks, bye
Narine Khachatryan:thanks and bye, all
Gisella Gruber:email / skype staff if you would like a dial-out
Silvia Vivanco:Action Items will be sent and posted shortly
Pedro Veiga:Thanks all
Matthieu Camus:thank you, bye!
Gabriella Schittek:Bye!
Lutz Donnerhacke:bye
Gisella Gruber:Thank you all and good bye
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