Terri Agnew:Welcome to the At-Large ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce on Monday, 05 October 2015 at 18:30 UTC
Siranush Vardanyan:hi all
Alberto Soto:Hola a todos, hello all!!
Carlton Samuels:Hiya all
Carlton Samuels:Who's chairing?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Olivier - but he has connectivity issues
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:he's being dialled back
Carlton Samuels:Aaaah. Thanks
Terri Agnew:Thank you everyone for your patience
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Wolf - there was a call for persons from EURALO if they were willing to help with At-Large Social Media content ; any suggestions as to who in EURALO would be interested in such a task?
Carlton Samuels:BTW, for the Agenda, might I suggest we only review recommendations that are of moment?
Carlton Samuels:That is to say, only those pertaining Accessibility, the Transition and Capacity Building. All are conencted
Terri Agnew:Action Items 30 September 2015: https://community.icann.org/x/nJxYAw
Ariel Liang:https://community.icann.org/x/nJxYAw action items
Heidi Ullrich:GSE staff are confirmed. They are aware of all of the ATLAS II recs that the ALAC would like to discuss with them
Heidi Ullrich:GSE staff have informed of the O/E's concerns.
Heidi Ullrich:they will address them in Dublin
Maureen Hilyard:Good report Dev :)
Heidi Ullrich:OCL dropped
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks, I try ;-)
Terri Agnew:Olivier dropped dialing back out to him
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Comment re: Civil Society Engagement in ICANN : https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+ICANN+Civil+Society+Engagement+in+Fiscal+Year+2016+Workspace
Terri Agnew:Olivier is back
Terri Agnew:Recommendations, per working group : https://community.icann.org/x/ZRnxAg
Terri Agnew:Social Media: https://community.icann.org/x/WBnxAg
Terri Agnew:Capacity Building: https://community.icann.org/x/SRnxAg
Terri Agnew:Olivier has disconnected but we will try to reach him again
Terri Agnew:Olivier is back
Maureen Hilyard:Capacity Building hasn't had a meeting for a while especially with regards to addressing ATLAS recommendations
Terri Agnew:Last Capacity Building Working Group was held 27 August 2015
Heidi Ullrich:All O/E AIs will be fullowed up in Dublin
Heidi Ullrich:GSE staff are aware of all
Terri Agnew:Olivier has disconnected but we will try to reach him again
Terri Agnew:Olivier is back
Carlton Samuels:Question: What is the real practical outcome from all the budget work? Is the At-Large better funded? How much of the At-Large budgetary requests are satisfied?
Heidi Ullrich:The next Capacity Buillding Webinar is this Wednesday at 20:00 UTC
Heidi Ullrich:on At-Large WGs and CCWGs :)
Carlton Samuels:Which ones make our priority list?
Terri Agnew:Olivier has disconnected but we will try to reach him again
Maureen Hilyard:@Siranush - I can confirm that too.. nothing re ATLAS II
Heidi Ullrich:A very high number of FY16 ALAC special requests were approved: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Approved+FY16+Special+Request+Implementation+Workspace
Carlton Samuels:I ask because as long as I ahve been engaged, we ask a lot. But how much of what we ask for is even committed?
Carlton Samuels:Maybe the F&B Ctte isn't meeting because they know its makework!!
Alan Greenberg:No, just overwhelmed
Heidi Ullrich:The F/B SC normally picks up activity as the FY budget process gets underway. That usually happend in November
Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Would be interested to see outcomes. Results really do matter here. They tell the story better than any one other thing
Alan Greenberg:OUtcomes of budget requests?
Carlton Samuels:Yep. On the basis that 'money talks and bullshit walks'!
Alan Greenberg:Wednesday
Terri Agnew:Capacity Building Webinar wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/KZ9YAw
Alan Greenberg:@Carlton. ertainly. As we actually start making use of the budget allocations we receved, we need to document the benefits.
Maureen Hilyard:Because there has been few CB meetings, a lot of CB discussion has been taking place in the O& E meetings
Terri Agnew:Olivier has disconnected but we will try to reach him again
Terri Agnew:Olivier is back
Terri Agnew:Olivier is back
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Ideas for Engagement : https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Ideas+for+Engagement+Strategies
Heidi Ullrich:The New At-Large On-Boarding Program includes two webinars for new ALSes. One webinar focuses on tools
Carlton Samuels:Now Dev's breaking up!
Carlton Samuels:Coming thru now
Alberto Soto:yes
Maureen Hilyard:Hearing you fine Dev.. but you did disappear for a while as Alan said
Carlton Samuels:OK. Was just about to ask how is knowledge mgmt defined?
Carlton Samuels:But you answered the core issues; the wiki has WGs but you only knwo the actions if you go directly to the page
Carlton Samuels:No possibility of getting 'At a Glance' reports. And I'm not even sure this is useful for policy development. IMHO, you cannot ahve meaningful engagement in policy development without the deep dive
Maureen Hilyard:@Alan and Olivier -- great idea to be able to give prospective participants more info.. and get them engaged
Alan Greenberg:It sounds like the kind of thing we will want on the new web site.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:But the At-Large Monthly Reports should be the way to get a glance of what is happening in all WGs
Carlton Samuels:DOn't forget you can get notification from individual page. But that still require you go to the page!
Maureen Hilyard:it needs to be a one-stop-shop for this info though..
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:you can include an except of a page in another page
Maureen Hilyard:@Dev - links to the other information from the lead page
Carlton Samuels:@Tables. its all about the real estate. A one stop shop will only give banner information and labels. No matter how you devise it, it will require you get to the site for substantive data and information.
Maureen Hilyard:Agree - "other information" is the important engagement information - not the whole content like what is on a wiki page
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large%20Reports%20from%20WGs,%20RALOs%20and%20Liaisons
Maureen Hilyard:@ Alan.. active working groups at the top??
Carlton Samuels:The easiest way is to join a GNSO/CCWG chartered WG that is properly staffed. Staff writes the reports, staff circulate the summaries and notes, that sort of thing.
Alan Greenberg:I'll keep quiet and let you get back to work.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Carlton - So the notes, etc, is circulated amongst the WG members
Carlton Samuels:My experience with Beginners Guide is best with my students; they NEVER read the guide and ask the question on the spur of the moment.
Carlton Samuels:And never respond by saying 'it is all laid out in the guide'. They think that is unhelpful!
Heidi Ullrich:There is also a DNS Security BG in the works
Carlton Samuels:And I'm teaching librarians and information professionals!!
Terri Agnew:Olivier has disconnected
Carlton Samuels:@Dev: If Ariel says that then she is very insightful! Yoiu simply will not get much return on guides.
Carlton Samuels:Because it is based on the presumption that people like to read. No they do not!!
Ariel Liang:social media: https://community.icann.org/x/WBnxAg
Terri Agnew:Olivier is back
Carlton Samuels:@Dev: What is the objective for social media?
Carlton Samuels:Aaaah, so its for sepaking to the converted, not plumbing the largerst collection of ears and eyes to extract a few of those to our business?
Terri Agnew:Olivier has disconnected
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/security-terminology-2015-09-16-en
Terri Agnew:Olivier is back
Alan Greenberg:I have to drop off now.
Wolf Ludwig:This is wishful thinking!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@carlton - re: social media its also a subgoal
Maureen Hilyard:@Wolf - but isn't that what the multistakeholder bottom-up process is all about?
Wolf Ludwig:Yes, but not for the "general public"!
Maureen Hilyard:But would it not be a way of engaging them more formally - as ICANN outreach to ask for their participation in an informal way first?
Carlton Samuels:@Wolf: Sounds dispiriting but the man is right!
Wolf Ludwig:OR let's do it like Che Guevara: "Let's be realist -- let's demand the impossible!"
Maureen Hilyard:@Wolf :)
Carlton Samuels:@Wolf: Heh Heh Heh. Showing your revolutionary credentials! Wonderful!
Wolf Ludwig:Well, Carlton, long time ago when I was bloody young and entusiastic ;-)
Maureen Hilyard:@Wolf.. obviously still young at heart then!!
Wolf Ludwig:Trying my best, Maureen ;-)
Carlton Samuels:@Wolf: Keep at it! We live only once brotherman!
Ariel Liang:https://community.icann.org/x/tMPhAg website revamp
Carlton Samuels:Sound gone
Carlton Samuels:OK back
Terri Agnew:@Dev, we are unable to hear you
Terri Agnew:@Dev, you are back
Ariel Liang:Adigo is better than AC, more reliable
Ariel Liang:*AC audio
Terri Agnew:Welcome Glenn McKnight
Glenn McKnight:Which item?
Glenn McKnight:I just arrived in Washington for the PIR advisory
Terri Agnew:in process of ending call
Wolf Ludwig:Good question ;olivier -- they are still sitting on it ... ;-)
Terri Agnew:ATLAS II Implementation ICANN54 Dublin meeting Tuesday, 20 October 2015 at 13:00 IST
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks and bye
Glenn McKnight:Great calll!
Alberto Soto:Thanks, bye, bye!!!
Maureen Hilyard:Thanks Dev. you did a great job at such short notice!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone
Ariel Liang:thanks all!
Carlton Samuels:Thanks all
Siranush Vardanyan:great call ijdeed. bye all