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The CCWG-Accountability will hold a face-to-face meeting in July 2015 to align with its deliverables.  

Dates: 17-18 July 2015 (two full working days)

VenueLe Méridien Etoile, Paris France


  • Approved arrival is Thursday 16 July with departure on Sunday 19 July.
  • ICANN will offer travel support to the CCWG-Accountability members and the three liaisons in the CCWG: Kavouss Arasteh and Keith Drazek, who are the ICG-designated liaisons, and Avri Doria, who is the ATRT Expert. While these three liaisons are participants, they play an essential role in the work of the CCWG, representing related processes that affect, and will be affected, by the output of the CCWG. 
  • The meeting is open to anyone in the CCWG-Accountability (participants and mailing list observers) who wishes to attend in person (at their own expense).  
  • The deadline for confirmation of all in-person attendance is 9 July. 
  • Advisors are also eligible for ICANN funding should they attend the meeting.
  • Alternates will be eligible for travel funding if and only if they are a current participant of the CCWG-Accountability and approved by their SO/AC to serve as an alternate.
  • The meeting will be live through Adobe Connect and include remote participation capabilities consistent with the CCWG-Accountability meetings to date. The meeting will be recorded and transcribed.


In-Person Attendees:

listed in order confirmed


  1. Olga Cavalli (GAC)
  2. Eberhard Lisse (ccNSO)
  3. Alan Greenberg (ALAC)
  4. Sebastien Bachollet (ALAC)
  5. Pär Brumark (GAC)
  6. James Bladel (GNSO)
  7. Tijani Ben Jemaa (ALAC)
  8. Izumi Okutani (ASO)
  9. Thomas Rickert (GNSO)
  10. León Sanchez (ALAC)
  11. Steve DelBianco (GNSO)
  12. Cheryl Langdon Orr (ALAC)
  13. Mathieu Weill (ccNSO)
  14. Robin Gross (GNSO)
  15. Jorge Villa (ASO)
  16. Tracy Hackshaw (GAC) – alternate
  17. Finn Petersen (GAC) – alternate
  18. Jordan Carter (ccNSO) - TBD
  19. Fiona Asonga (ASO)
  20. Becky Burr (GNSO)
  21. Alice Munyua (GAC)
  22. Bruce Tonkin (ICANN Board)
  23. Athina Fragkouli (ASO)
  24. Maarten Simon (ccNSO) - alternate
  25. Samantha Eisner (ICANN Staff)
  26. Lyman Chapin (SSAC)




  1. Chris Disspain (participant)
  2. Kavouss Arasteh (ICG liaison)
  3. Paul Rosenzweig (participant) 
  4. Avri Doria (ATRT expert)
  5. Keith Drazek (ICG liason)
  6. Jonathan Zuck (participant)
  7. Malcolm Hutty (participant)
  8. Adebunmi Akinbo (participant)
  9. Wisdom Donkor (observer)
  10. Sabine Meyer (participant)
  11. Rafael Perez Galindo (participant)
  12. Mike Chartier (participant)
  13. Jorge Cancio (participant)
  14. Thomas Schneider (participant)
  15. Edward Morris (participant)
  16. Erika Mann (participant)
  17. Bruno Lanvin (observer)
  18. Konstantinos Komaitis (observer)
  19. Maciej Tomaszewski (observer)
  20. James Gannon (participant)
  21. Anne Aikman-Scalese (participant)
  22. Mark Carvell (participant)
  23. Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva (participant)
  24. Laurent Ferrali (observer)
  25. Thomas de Haan (participant)
  26. Damien Coudeville (participant)
  27. George Sadowsky (participant)
  28. Rinalia Abdul Rahim (participant)
  29. Markus Kummer (participant)
  30. Wolfgang Kleinwächter (participant)
  31. Emmanuel Adjovi (observer)
  32. Lise Fuhr (CWG-Stewardship Co-Chair)
  33. Phil Buckingham (participant)
  34. Ashley Heineman (observer)
  35. Desire Miloshevic (observer)


  1. Jan Aart Scholte
  2. Willie Currie
  3. Lee Bygrave

Legal Counsel

  1. Holly Gregory
  2. Rosemary Fei




Roelof Meijer (ccNSO), Giovanni Seppia (ccNSO), Suzanne Radell (GAC), Matthew Shears (participant), David McAuley (participant), Julia Wolman (GAC), Nell Minow (Advisor), Valerie D'Costa (Advisor), Farzaneh Badii (participant)

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