Date: Thursday, 29 September 2016
Time: 12:00 UTC - 13:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Number: AL.BCEC/CC.0916/1
How can I participate in this meeting? English Conference ID = 1638
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
AC Chat Transcript: EN
Dial out Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Wolf Ludwig, Mohamed El Bashir
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Ariel Liang, Yeşim Nazlar
Call Management: Yeşim Nazlar
A G E N D A to be updated
Welcome to the 2017 BCEC and BMSPC Members and Aim of Call - Julie Hammer, Chair of the BCEC and Tijani Ben Jemaa, Chair of the BMSPC (3 minutes)
Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
BMSPC - Roles and Responsibilities - Tijani (8 minutes)
BCEC Roles and Responsibilities - Julie (8 minutes)
Development of the At-Large Board Director Selection Timeline - Tijani (10 minutes)
Review of BCEC Code of Conduct 2017 (Draft) - Julie (10 minutes)
Review of Draft Candidate Requirements 2017 - Julie (10 minutes)
Next Steps- Julie and Tijani (5 minutes)
Frequency of BCEC calls and next call
Frequency of BMSPC calls and next call
Joint BCEC and BMSPC F2F at ICANN 57
AOB - Tijani (4 minutes)