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November 2013

The team was formed, and had its first teleconference on 2013/11/07 (
During the call, the purpose of the group and its principles of operations have been discussed and agreed. The initial porpopsal for the timeline has been presented.

In the following week the timeline has been discussed via email. The target date for finalization of the timeline has been set to the Buenos Aires meeting.

In Buenos Aires, we held a joint BCEC-BMSPC meeting that finalized the timeline for the process (
In the following days a non-disclosure document has been prepared (, and signed by all BCEC members to ensure confidentiality of the candidates data. SoIs have been compiled by most BCEC members (one only still missing).The BCEC Operating Principles of the 2010 process have been adopted for the 2013 process.
The Expression of Interest (EoI) form has been agreed upon. After the Buenos Aires meeting it has been translated in French and Spanish and published on the ALAC Web Site.

In Buenos Aires, two videos have been prepared with Chair BCEC and Chair BMSPC explaining the process and the requirements, intended for a press release with a remainder of the call for candidatures.

The call for candidatures has been issued Deadline for the submission is 2013/12/26.

December 2013

A press release has been made, including a remainder of the call for candidatures and the videos made in Buenos Aires.

The form to be used for the submission of references to the candidates has been prepared and circulated for comments among the BCEC members.

A teleconference has been held on 2013/12/20, in which the status of the actions was discussed and clarification for the next steps was given.

During the teleconference, or immediately thereafter, the final structure of the documentation was decided. In particular, the format of the letter requesting references for the candidates has been finalized so that the requests could be sent to the referees by the deadline Unfortunately, some email addresses gave errors, so in few cases correction of the email addresses was requested to the candidates, and the requests for references were sent late.

At the deadline (2013/12/26) 9 (nine) valid EoIs were received In a couple of cases minor points were missing, so some further clarification was requested to the candidates.

The Wiki was updated to allow scoring of the candidates for the different sections of the EoI, to allow a more granular evaluation and a better comparison.

Next steps - ongoing

A first straw poll voting has been conducted on the 9 candidatures.

The result of the straw poll, and the follow up actions, has been discussed at a teleconference, held on 2014/01/10.



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