Become one of the world economy, the occasion of the world into a global village, the advanced countries to enhance their international competitiveness, have been strongly promoting the National Information Jibenjianshe (National Information Infrastructure), to create industrial development and social progress of the overall environment. NII產業發展協進會本著服務產業,推動國家資訊基本建設,擔任政府與民間溝通橋樑的使命,獲得許多業界領袖與社會賢達的支持與協助,於1996年正式成立。 NII Industry Association in a service industry, promoting the National Information Jibenjianshe serve as a bridge between the Government and civil society's mission, many industry leaders and community leaders to obtain support and assistance, was established in 1996.
NII產業發展協進會實涵蓋當前前瞻性理念與上游作為,在不妨礙世界自由貿易的基本原則下尋求政府經費的支持上游的研究與推廣,進而提供業界在ICT所需之重要介面。 NII Industry Association covers the current forward-looking ideas and solid upstream as, without prejudice to the basic principles of free trade the world to seek government funding to support upstream research and extension, and then required to provide the industry's major interface in ICT. 長期注意全球ICT的發展趨勢,蒐集全球最新發展的訊息供國內產官學各界參與運用。 Long-term attention to the global ICT trends, the latest developments in the global information collected for domestic use in industry, government and academic communities. 至今已順利協助電信自由化、成立台灣國際電子商務交流中心、完成中小型組織資通訊安全維護、資訊科技應用於防災應變、XML標準之具體應用、水資源、遠距教學、電子商務、電信固網、資訊內容與3C整合等專案。 Telecom liberalization has been successfully assisting the establishment of the Taiwan International Electronic Commerce Center, the completion of small and medium organizations, information and communication security, maintenance, information technology applied to disaster prevention and response, XML standards for specific applications, water resources, distance learning, e-commerce, telecommunications, solid network, information content and 3C integration project.First, urged the Government to continue to press the National Information and Communication Jibenjianshe (NII) the promotion of community-driven model, to vigorously promote that extended to all industries and accelerate the pace with the advanced countries.二、協助推廣具有增進人民福祉、公共安全及高度商機之應用與服務項目,尤其與民眾日常生活息息相關者,對軟體之發展特別注重。 Second, to help promote the welfare of the people with the promotion, and a high degree of business opportunities Gonggonganquan applications and services projects, particularly those closely linked with the public Richangshenghuo, special focus on software development.
三、在政府與民間業者之間充任溝通橋樑角色,在電信三法通過後,協助政府,使政府之承諾如期實現,順利達成民間期待之目標。 Third, the government and the private sector act as a bridge between the role of three methods adopted in the telecommunications, to assist the Government, the Government commitment to fruition, successfully reached the goal of public expectations.
四、敦促政府營造產業發展有利環境,如協助融資、租稅減免、培育人才、釐訂標準及修訂相關法令等。 Fourth, to urge the Government to create enabling environment for industrial development, such as assistance financing, tax incentives, nurturing talent, and set out standards and amendments to related laws and so on. |
2010/3/25 |
NII產業發展協進會執行長吳國維當選ICANN董事 NII Industry Association executive director Wu Guowei elected to ICANN
台灣首位進入ICANN董事會 First into the ICANN board of directors of Taiwan
NII產業發展協進會執行長吳國維於3月22日由「網路位址支援組織」(Address Supporting Organization, ASO)推派成為ICANN董事會17席中的第10席董事。 NII Industry Association executive director Wu Guowei on March 22 by the "network address support organizations" (Address Supporting Organization, ASO) pushed to become the ICANN Board of Directors of 17 seats in the 10 Xidong Shi. 這是ICANN組織成立以來,第三位華人進入ICANN董事會,也是第二位獲得ASO推選擔任ICANN董事的亞洲人士,更是台灣的第一位。 This is the organization since the founding of ICANN, the third Chinese into the ICANN Board of Directors also elected to the second access to ICANN ASO director of the Asian people, is the first in Taiwan. 吳國維執行長的ICANN董事任期將自2010年5月起至2013年4月,為期三年。 Wu Guowei CEO of ICANN directors term of office from May 2010 until April 2013, three years.
ICANN 是全球網際網路基礎資源與根伺服器管理運作與政策制定的重要組織,一向被公認為網路界的「聯合國」;從IP網址、網域名稱、根伺服器,以及基礎架構安全議 題均以多方利益團體決策模式,透明公開討論,再由董事會確認政策之決定,其對全球網路發展與推動具有決定性的影響。 ICANN is a global Internet based resource management and root server operations and the importance of policy-making organization, has long been recognized as the Internet sector, "United Nations"; from the IP address, domain names, root servers, and infrastructure security issues interest groups are making multi-mode, transparent public discussion, and then confirm the policy decisions by the Board, its development and promotion of the global network has a decisive influence.
NII產業發展協進會執行長吳國維表示,未來三年ICANN董事任內,將針對如何處理IPv4即將耗盡、如何有效順利佈建IPv6網路,以及全球網域名產業發展,提供其經驗與看法。 NII Industry Association chief executive, said Wu Guowei, director of the next three years in office ICANN, will focus on how to deal with IPv4 is running out, how successful IPv6 network deployment, and global domain name industry, providing their experience and views. 此外,亦將針對全球雲端運算與未來網發展策略及趨勢,持續關注ICANN在相關政策上的討論與決策方向。 In addition, also for the global cloud computing and future network development strategy and trends, and sustained attention in the relevant ICANN policy discussions and decision-making direction. 同時,也透過不同管道聽取全球各地的產業及團體針對ICANN運作機制與功能的相關意見,以利ICANN推動由下而上、多方利益團體決策模式及公開透明化的運作機制。 The same time, through different channels to listen to organizations around the world, industry and operating mechanism for the ICANN-related comments and function to facilitate ICANN to promote the bottom up, multi-interest groups, and open transparent decision making mechanism.
吳國維個人自1999年開始參與ICANN第一次會議;以其在網路產業、政策及運作方面的長期經驗,持續透過此平台,參與全球網路政策議題討論,迄今已逾十年。 Wu Guowei individuals involved in ICANN since 1999 the first meeting; its network industries, the long-term policy and operational experience, continuing through this platform to discuss participation in global Internet policy issues, so far more than a decade. 期間也將ICANN會議中的重要訊息提供給國內政府、企業與學界作為參考,以期國內網路政策研究與制訂,以及產業發展與運作能與國際同步。 During the ICANN meeting will also provide important information to the domestic government, business and academic circles as a reference to the domestic network of policy research and development, and industrial development and operation with the international synchronization.
而 NII產業發展協進會在吳執行長加入後,也自2004年起持續參與ICANN相關會議,並於同年成功申請成為ICANN「廣泛性網路社群組織」(At- Large Structure, ALS)之ㄧ,透過「號碼資源組織」(Number Resource Organization, NRO)參與ICANN相關議題之討論。 The NII Industry Association executive director in Wu added, also since 2004 related to continued participation in ICANN meetings and successfully applied in the same year as ICANN "extensive network community organization" (At-Large Structure, ALS) of the ㄧ, through the "Number Resource Organization" (Number Resource Organization, NRO) participate in the discussion of issues related to ICANN. NII產業發展協進會未來也將繼續本著積極推動資訊基本建設產業之立場,廣納各方意見,促進國內網路基礎建設與相關產業之發展。 NII Industry Development Association will continue in the future to actively promote information Jibenjianshe industry position, solicit opinions from all sides, to promote domestic network infrastructure and the development of related industries.
關於ICANN(網際網路網域名稱與位域管理機構) About ICANN (the Internet domain name and bit-field management)
ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)於1998年11月以非營利性國際組織名義註冊於美國加州洛杉磯市,負責全球網際網路IP網址的分配與管理、全球網域名的分配與管理、全 球根伺服器系統(Root Servers)的管理與運作、全球網路基礎架構的安全維護,以及相關之技術標準確認等。 ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) in November 1998 on behalf of a non-profit international organization registered in California, Los Angeles, responsible for the global Internet IP address allocation and management, global domain name allocation and management, Global Root Server System (Root Servers) the management and operation of the global network infrastructure security, maintenance, and technical standards related to confirmation.
目 前,ICANN正在進行的重要議題包括:(1) IPv6將如何佈建,以順利解決目前IPv4網址即將使用殆盡的問題、(2)能讓全球網友使用自己的語言作為網址(例如:網址可以?宏碁.公司.台灣」的 樣式呈現)的多語化域名(iDN)該如何建置與運作、(3)新頂級域名的開放程序與處理原則正逐漸確立中,以因應愈來愈多的新頂級域名需求(如:過去的頂 級域名只有.com、.edu、.gov、.net等,但如今已逐步增加了.info、.museum、.asia…等多樣化的域名供申請使用)、(4) 針對網路基礎架構安全,進行相關研發,以補強網路架構上的安全保障。 Currently, ICANN, including the important issues being: (1) IPv6 deployment will be how to successfully resolve the current IPv4 address questions about use of depleted, (2) allows global users to use their own language as the URL (example: URLs can ? Acer. company. Taiwan "style show) multilingual domain names (iDN) how to build and operate, (3) the opening of new top level domain procedures and principles are gradually established in order to cope with more and more demand for the new top-level domain (such as: the last top-level domain only. com,. edu,. gov,. net, etc., but now has been gradually increased. info,. museum,. asia ... so for a variety of domain name applications for use) , (4) for network infrastructure security, the related research and development, to reinforce security on the network architecture.
有關ICANN組織的進一步介紹與議題內容,可上ICANN網站( )查詢。 ICANN further information about the organization and issues content, available on the ICANN Web site ( ) query.
關於NII產業發展協進會 <br> 面對世界經濟趨於一體,全球邁向地球村之際,各先進國家為提昇本國之國際競爭力,均大力推動國家資訊基本建設,營造產業發展與社會進步的整體大環境。 About NII Industry Association <br> become one of the world economy, the occasion of the world into a global village, the advanced countries to enhance their international competitiveness, have been strongly promoting the National Information Jibenjianshe, creating industrial development and social progress The overall environment. 本會創辦人夏漢民先生在獲得許多業界領袖與社會賢達的支持與協助。 Mr. Xia Hanmin founder of the Council in many industry leaders and community leaders to obtain support and assistance. 歷經半年之籌備,我國第一個以推動國家資訊基本建設為主體並擔任政府與民間溝通橋樑的「財團法人中華民國國家資訊基本建設產業發展協進會」於1996年正式成立。 After six months of preparation, China's first National Information Jibenjianshe to promote and served as the main bridge of communication between the Government and civil society, "National Information Jibenjianshe ROC Industrial Development Association" was formally established in 1996. 現任董事長為前國科會主委、交通大學副校長魏哲和先生。 Current chairman is former National Science Council, vice president of Jiaotong University, Mr. Wei Zhehuo. (參考網址: ) (Reference URL: ) |