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Motion 1:   Address the Final Issue Report on the Uniformity of Reporting

Made by: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben
Seconded by: Zahid Jamil


The Registration Abuse Policies Working Group (RAPWG) identified in its Final Report the 'need for more uniformity in the mechanisms to initiate, track, and analyze policy-violation reports';

The RAPWG as a result recommended in its Final Report that 'the GNSO and the larger ICANN community in general, create and support uniform reporting processes'.

The GNSO Council at its meeting on 6 October 2011 requested ICANN Compliance Department to report on existing systems to report and track violations and/or complaints; improvements / changes made since the RAPWG Report or foreseen in the near future, and: identify gaps and any improvements that might be desirable but not foreseen at this stage;

The ICANN Compliance Department provided a response to the GNSO Council on 18 March 2012 and presented it to the GNSO Council at its meeting on 12 April 2012 (see;

The GNSO Council discussed the RAPWG recommendation in light of the feedback received from the ICANN Compliance Department and RAPWG Alumni volunteered to provide some further thoughts on how the RAPWG recommendation could be implemented;

RAPWG Alumni submitted their proposed approach to the GNSO Council on 3 September 2012 (see;

The GNSO Council reviewed and discussed the proposed approach at its meeting on 13 September 2012;

The GNSO Council requested an Issue Report on the current state of uniformity in the mechanisms to initiate, track, and analyze policy-violation reports.

ICANN Staff completed and released the Preliminary Issue Report on Uniformity of Reporting on 22 March 2013 for public comment. No comments were received;

ICANN Staff submitted the Final Issue Report to the GNSO Council on 2 April 2013 (see

The GNSO Council has reviewed the Final Issue Report and supports the staff recommendation to not initiate a Policy Development Process at this stage but to await the completion of the ICANN Contractual Compliance three-year plan.


The GNSO Council does not initiate a Policy Development Process at this stage but will review at the completion of the ICANN Contractual Compliance three-year plan expected for 31 December 2013 whether additional action is required;

The GNSO Council further approves the creation of a drafting team to develop a charter for a non-PDP Working Group to consider additional methods for collecting necessary metrics and reporting from Contracted Parties and other external resources to aid the policy development process as outlined in the Final Issue Report.

proposed friendly amendment to the resolved clause in Italics :

The GNSO Council further approves the creation of a drafting team to develop a charter for a non-PDP Working Group to consider additional methods for collecting necessary metrics and reporting from Contracted Parties and other external resources to aid the investigation.


Motion 2:  Adopt Revised PDP Manual Incorporating Modifications to Include the Suspension of a PDP

Made by: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben

Seconded by:


Having encountered the need to suspend a Policy Development Process (PDP) for a limited amount of time, the GNSO Council realized that currently the PDP Manual does not contain a specific provision on how to deal with such a situation;

The GNSO Council requested the Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation (SCI) in April 2012 to review whether there should be a modification to the GNSO PDP Manual to address the possible suspension of a PDP following its initiation;

The SCI deliberated on provisions for suspension of a PDP and reached consensus on proposed modifications to be incorporated in Section 15 of the GNSO PDP Manual, which also is included as Annex 2 in the GNSO Council Operating Procedures;

The revised PDP manual, including the proposed provisions for suspension of a PDP, was put out for a minimum 21-day public comment period on 06 March 2013 ending on 06 April 2013 (see as required by the ICANN Bylaws;

As a result of the public comment period, no further changes were deemed necessary by the SCI;


The GNSO Council adopts the revised PDP Manual including the providing for the suspension of a PDP (see

The GNSO Council instructs ICANN staff to post the new version of the PDP Manual and to include it as a revised Annex 2 in the GNSO Operating Procedures, effective immediately upon adoption.

Motion 3: Initiation of a Policy Development Process (PDP) on the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information

Made by: Ching Chiao

Seconded by: TBD


The translation and transliteration of contact information were two of several issues addressed by a cross-community working group – Internationalized Registration Data Working Group (IRD-WG) – in its Final Report;

As a result, the GNSO Council requested an Issue Report on translation and transliteration of contact information at its meeting on 17 October 2012 (see;

A Preliminary Issue Report on translation and transliteration of contact information was published on 08 January 2013 for public comment (see );

A Final Issue Report translation and transliteration of contact information was submitted to the GNSO Council on 21 March 2013 (see

The Final Issue Report recommends that the GNSO Council should initiate a Policy Development Process (PDP) limited to the issues discussed in this report;

As recommended by the WHOIS Policy Review Team the Final Issue Report also recommends that ICANN should commission a study on the commercial feasibility of translation or transliteration systems for internationalized contact data, which is expected to help inform the PDP Working Group in its deliberations;

ICANN’s General Counsel has confirmed that the topic is properly within the scope of the ICANN policy process and within the scope of the GNSO;


The GNSO initiates a PDP on the issues defined in the Final Issue Report (see on the translation and transliteration of contact information;

A Working Group will be created for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the PDP.

The GNSO requests staff to commission a study on the commercial feasibility of translation or transliteration systems for internationalized contact data, which is expected to help inform the PDP Working Group in its deliberations.

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