Motion - Empowered Community Approval Action on Fundamental Bylaws Amendments to Article 4 Accountability and Review, 4.2 Reconsideration
Submitted by: Tomslin Samme-Nlar
Seconded by: TBD
- Pursuant to Section 25.2(e) of the ICANN Bylaws, the ICANN Board approved Fundamental Bylaws Amendments to Article 4, Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the ICANN Bylaws. The ICANN Board took a series of actions and communications to move forward with the ICANN Grant Program while in some cases, trying to address issues presented by the original language of Recommendation 7;
- On 7 August 2024, ICANN opened a Public Comment Forum on the updated Fundamental Bylaws Proposal, with the proposed amendments being limited and in line with Recommendation 7. Nine submissions were received, and all commenters were supportive of the proposal as posted for Public Comment. Commenters noted that the updated proposal was better aligned to the intention of Recommendation 7 and was a more appropriate means of implementation than the prior proposal;
- Concurrently, ICANN finalized confirmation with the Chartering Organizations of the CCWG-AP their support or non-objection to the proposal to update Recommendation 7, including confirmation with the GAC that it too is in a position to support or not object to the updating of Recommendation 7, in light of the Board's acceptance of this alternate path;
- The Board has formally confirmed its adoption of the updated Recommendation 7 and the respective Fundamental Bylaws Amendments;
- At ICANN81, ICANN Org held an Empowered Community Approval Action on Fundamental Bylaws Amendments to Article 4 Accountability and Review, 4.2 Reconsideration;
- The Fundamental Bylaws Amendments will only become effective if approved by the Empowered Community using the process set forth at Section 25.2(f) and Annex D, Article 1 of the ICANN Bylaws. The convening of the Approval Action Community Forum is part of this process;
- Following the Approval Action Community Forum, the GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies were asked to provide feedback, opinions or comments on their support for, objection to, or abstention from the Approval Action under consideration;
- The GNSO Council must decide and inform the EC Administration of its decision within twenty-one (21) days after the expiration of the Community Forum whether to support, object to, or abstain from the Approval Action by affirmative vote of a GNSO Supermajority.
- The GNSO Council supports the Approval Action;
- The GNSO Council requests the GNSO Representative on the EC Administration to promptly inform the EC Administration, the other Decisional Participants, and the ICANN Corporate Secretary about the GNSO Council’s decision with respect to the Approval Action.
Motion to Adopt the Charter for the Latin Script Diacritics Policy Development Process
Submitted by: Jennifer Chung
Seconded by: Manju Chen
- On 16 May 2024, the GNSO Council passed a motion to request an Issue Report on Latin Script Diacritics;
- On 18 July 2024, the Preliminary Issue Report on a Policy Development Process (PDP) for Latin Script Diacritics was published for Public Comment and received forty-one (41) submissions;
- On 12 September 2024, the Final Issue Report on a PDP for Latin Script Diacritics was delivered to the GNSO Council, which accounted for the Public Comment review process summarized through a Public Comment Summary Report;
- On 17 October 2024, the Final Issue Report was presented during the GNSO Council meeting, with Councilors suggesting amendments to the draft charter;
- On 13 November 2024, the GNSO Council initiated the PDP for Latin Script Diacritics during the GNSO Council meeting at ICANN81;
- On 9 December 2024, the final draft of the PDP WG charter was submitted to the GNSO Council, including the following amendments: 1) limiting the scope of work; 2) adjusting the membership structure to make it an “Open Model”; 3) including the Global Public Interest (GPI) Framework and its checklist as a reference for analysis when conducting the PDP, per the ICANN Board’s recommendation.
- The GNSO Council adopts the PDP WG charter for Latin Script Diacritics and requests that the PDP WG be convened as soon as possible.
- The GNSO Council requests that the GNSO Secretariat publish the Call for Volunteers for Members, Observers, and relevant liaisons per the membership structure within the PDP WG charter.