DATE: Sunday, 22 October 2023TIME: 15:00-17:00 CESTROOM: Hall Y 9-10ICANN78 Session Link |
- Tomslin introduction
- Review of GNSO Council agenda
- Anonymous law enforcement requests from the new WHOIS/RDS Disclosure System - Tomslin
- Overview: There are different concerns about anonymous law enforcement requests and their reporting (both publicly and as statistics). We have different views in our NCSG. Let's discuss and come up with a position! (30 mins)
- Applicant Support - the "additional supports" of legal, business and technical advice, counseling, and application writing - Kathy
a. Overview: We (NCSG) have a long history of leadership in this area. The unhappy results of the First Round of New gTLDs in 2012 show that we truly must do more. Everyone in ICANN agrees, even the SubPro WG and SubPro Small Team. The only problem is some legitimate concerns by the Board about a) fiduciary responsibility (direct responsibility for any advice/counsel due to direct payments by the Board) and b) unlimited funds because we do not know if 100 or 1 million needy applicants will apply). Hear members will hear how NCSG and ALAC are working together to bring forward ideas to help address the Board's concerns with input and discussion and encouragement to attend follow-up session at NCUC's 20th Anniversary Issues Forum on Wed. (20 minutes) - Past comments/Upcoming Events - a quick discussion by Pedro of NCSG comments written/submitted on Applicant Support metrics and RPM IRT. (7 mins)