Draft Agenda:
1. IntroductionÂ
2. Fellows introductions and their related work (Farell and Bruna, will present for 5- 7 minutes and then you can have a Q and A, this part is more about how our volunteers work within NCUC. Bruna, will cover the new gTLDÂ subsequent procedures and Farell will cover his work)
3. Discussion with Elliot Noss from Tucows (a registrar) this will be a 20 to 30-minute discussions about two topics: Auction proceeds and perhaps privacy issues at ICANN ( Stephanie Perrin will lead this segment)
4. Meeting with Johnathan Zuck at 18.00 until 18.20 or 18.30 to discuss the CCT RT review (Kathy Kleiman will lead this segment)