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Date: Thursday, May 16, 2019

Time: 15:00 UTC | See here for your local date and time

Meeting Room:

Please join this call by clicking on the Zoom link.

Upon logging into Zoom, a pop up window will provide you the option either use your computer's audio, Call Into the meeting using your phone, or  Call Out to your Phone. Enter your Phone Number (Remember to change the Country Code if needed).

After joining the call, as a courtesy to others and the presenters, please MUTE your phone. 

List of International Dial In Numbers:

Meeting ID: 315 016 670

Only use the phone option if you are travelling and cannot access Zoom.

Interpretation Available: No




Call management: Desiree Cabrera

Action Items:





D R A F T   A G E N D A 

  1. Introduction, Roll Call, Adoption of Agenda
  2. IG Activities Update (including WSIS, IGF, and UN processes)
    1. WSIS Forum at ITU 2019
  3. Discussion on Charter
    1. CCWG/CCEG on IG Charter
  4. Discussion on ITU-D Membership
  5. AoB
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