The Tribal Ambassadors Pilot Project (Project) addresses the digital divide throughout First Peoples communities in NARALO by enhancing ICANN’s outreach to Tribal stakeholders. Specifically, the Project aims to generate increased awareness and understanding of educational opportunities available for internet governance development within unserved and under-served tribal communities, in addition to advocating for intergovernmental digital communication policies that are responsive to the unique perspectives and characteristics of Native communities
Details of Project as Approved in the FY17 Special Requests Announcement:
Travel for two tribal ambassadors for ICANN57 is authorized. Community to identify an At Large Guide to serve as a coach for the ambassadors. The At Large Guide to come from among existing/expected experienced attendees at the meeting. Staff has recommended more transparency on recruitment of ambassadors and adjustment of success metrics to include - progress toward a native community ALS. Priority will be given to applications where the applicant is either an individual member of NARALO or part of an accredited ALS within NARALO.
Additional conditions of allocation are: (1) At Large Guide to follow the guidelines of the Community Mentor Pilot Program to introduce ambassadors to ICANN and the ICANN Meeting - from approximately 6 weeks prior to Meeting, act as the ambassadors’ “one-on-one” guide through the ICANN experience during Meeting week, and follow up beyond the Meeting to further guide continued knowledge and engagement; (2) ambassadors to participate in the ICANN Newcomer Sunday meeting with DPRD team representative who will be facilitating the session to ensure inclusion; (3) ambassadors to participate in the Fellowship Morning sessions Monday through Thursday in order to gain overall ICANN experience and understanding of its Multistakeholder community; and (4) both At Large Guide and ambassadors to submit detailed report within 30 days of the ICANN Meeting that addresses activities at the meeting and assessment of experience. These reports will help in assessment of future pilot efforts.
The link to the application can be found here,
To reach another person on the Internet you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate these unique identifiers, across the world. Without that coordination, we wouldn't have one global Internet. ICANN, formed in 1998, is a not-for-profit global organization dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and devleops policy on the Internet's unique identifiers. Read More
The ICANN Supporting Organizations (SOs) serve as the advisory bodies for the ICANN Board of Directors, with the primary responsibility of developing and recommending substantive policies regarding those matters falling within their specific area of interest.The SOs are three specialized advisory bodies that have the purpose of advising the ICANN Board of Directors on issues related to domain names and IP addresses. In addition to these SOs, ICANN also relies on advice from advisory committees regarding the interests of their stakeholders who are not part of any of the SOs.
The Address Supporting Organization (ASO) is one of the supporting organizations that was formed, according to ICANN's bylaws, through community consensus in 1999. The main objective of the ASO is to review and develop Internet Protocol recommendations, address policy, and advise the ICANN Board. Its members are appointed by the world's 5 Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), which manage and allocate IP addresses in their respective continental regions. For more info on ASOs see this link,
The Generic Names Supporting Organization develops policies for gTLDs. It attempts to operate in a fair, orderly manner through the global Internet while still promoting innovation and competition. The GNSO deals with issues related to the registration of a domain name, the services which must be provided by a registrar, and even cases related to the renewal of a domain name.
The Country Code Names Supporting Organization is a body created specifically for ccTLD managers. It was created in 2003 and is a forum for ccTLD managers to meet and discuss various topics of interest, while encouraging technical cooperation between ccTLD managers.
The Address Supporting Organization advises the ICANN Board with respect to policy concerning IP addresses
About the At-Large Community
The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is one of ICANN's Advisory Committees. The At-Large Community advocates on behalf of the interests of Internet users. There are over 200 At-Large Structures (ALSes) around the world and a growing number of individual members. Whether it is an Internet-related consumer rights group, an academic organization, or a public-minded individual, we share a passion for furthering the development of ICTs and contributing to policies that influence the technical coordination of the Domain Name System. We work to ensure that the Internet continues to serve the global public interest. Read More
Mail List:
Call for Tribal Ambassadors - Week of 25 July
Deadline for Applications - 14 August
Selection Committee review of applications - Week of 15 August
Announcement of selected Tribal Ambassadors - 26th August
Selection Committee for the Pilot Year consists of:
Name | Affiliation |
Loris Taylor | Native Public Media; NARALO |
Glenn McKnight | Chair of NARALO; Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities; NARALO |
Judith Hellerstein | Secretary of NARALO; Capital Area Globetrotters; NARALO |
Eduardo Diaz | ISOC PR; NARALO |
Janice Douma Lange | Staff; Fellowship Program Lead |