The Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Regional At-Large Organisation (LACRALO) has to elect representatives to serve on behalf of LACRALO and to serve on several ICANN Supporting Organisations on a regular basis.
LACRALO Officers
LACRALO has two elected representatives as specified in the LACRALO Organising documents:
LACRALO President
According to the LACRALO Operating Principles:
4. ....The General Assembly shall elect a President, whose term shall be for one year, with the possibility of reelection. The process of election of the President of the Assembly shall take into account the level of participation, leadership, commitment, and knowledge of the work of the Assembly. In the event of a tie in the course of deliberations, the President shall cast the deciding vote.
His duties will consist of, among other things, establish a link between the discussions in ALAC and the contributions made by the region, represent the region in the ALAC face-to-face meetings and chair the debates of the Assembly held through discussion lists, teleconferences and face-to-face meetings.
LACRALO Secretariat
According to the LACRALO Operating Principles :
"6. The LACRALO shall be assisted by a Secretariat; the duties of said Secretariat may be performed by an ALS member appointed by the General Assembly.
7. The Secretariat shall have administrative and informative functions. It will be responsible for maintenance of the communications systems and the proper flow of information on matters under discussion among all the ALSs belonging to the LACRALO, and any other responsibilities assigned to it by the General Assembly."
The term of the LACRALO Secretariat is one year.
6. The LACRALO shall be assisted by a Secretariat; the duties of said Secretariat may be performed by an ALS member appointed by the General Assembly.7. The Secretariat shall have administrative and informative functions. It will be responsible for maintenance of the communications systems and the proper flow of information on matters under discussion among all the ALSs belonging to the LACRALO, and any other responsibilities assigned to it by the General Assembly.