Action Items:
- sergio.salinasporto to send photo to Lilian and At-Large staff.
- sergio.salinasporto to prepare a brief article on Humberto Carrasco as departing ALAC Member.
- obed.sindy to send photo and brief bio to Lilian and At-Large staff.
- Claudia Ruiz to set up a 60 mins call with ES interpretation with lidebru18 , Silvia Vivanco, Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) and Heidi Ullrich early the week of 31 August to discuss updating the draft newsletter, format, etc.
Decisions Taken:
First LACRALO Newsletters to ready to send to Language Services by 15 September.
ES version to be sent first, followed by EN/FR versions.
Frequency of the LACRALO Newsletter: 3 issues per year + 1 special issue (in December.
Format for LACRALO Newsletter: 3 regular issues in PDF format similar to that of the AFRALO newsletter. The special addition to be in a flipbook similar to that of the APRALO annual newsletter