ICANN has established a Root Zone Evaluation Review Committee (“RZERC”) to review and provide input regarding proposed architectural and operational changes to the root zone and as determined necessary by the RZERC, propose architectural and operational changes to the root zone for consideration by the ICANN Board.
The RZERC will consider issues raised to the RZERC to identify any potential security, stability or resiliency risks to the architecture and operation of the root zone.
The RZERC will coordinate with the committee’s respective organizations and communities, and if appropriate, external experts, to ensure that relevant bodies were involved in decision-making and ensure that relevant expertise was available.
The RZERC will coordinate a public consultation process for operational and architectural changes that impose potential risk to the security, stability, or resiliency of the root system (as identified by one or more committee members and agreed by a simple majority of members). This public consultation process regarding the proposed changes, including the identified risks, will be organized via the ICANN public comment forum.
The RZERC will act as a consultation body for ICANN during the issuance and consideration of an RFP for the Root Zone Maintainer, if needed.
The RZERC will coordinate with the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) as needed.