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ICANN66 meeting site •  ICANN66 full schedule (available 14 October 2019)

ccNSO Members Meeting • ICANN66 • Montréal, Canada

Print version agenda  | Participate remotely 

Read the ICANN66 ccNSO Members Meeting "Session summaries" (available in October)
Get prepared and learn more about the topics covered during the ICANN66 ccNSO Members Meeting

Consult the pre-ICANN66 Policy Report 
The purpose of this report is to summarize policy activities and meeting or session highlights across the ICANN policy development community – including the ccNSO - taking place at ICANN66.

DAY 1        
Tuesday, 5 November 2019 
Room: 516C

Slide decks & remote participation
(Links to the relevant section on the ICANN public schedule)


ccNSO Members Meeting introduction | Session chair: Katrina Sataki (.lv)

  • Opening & Welcome. Katrina Sataki (.lv)
  • Welcome by the local ccTLD Manager. Byron Holland (.ca)
  • ccNSO Members Meeting highlights. Alejandra Reynoso (.gt)


The DNS and the Internet of Things | Session chair: Katrina Sataki (.lv)

  • Opportunities, risks, and challenges from a ccTLD perspective. Cristian Hesselman (.nl), Jacques Latour (.ca)

10:15-10:30Coffee break

Accountability & Transparency Review session | Session chair: Demi Getschko (.br)

  • ATRT2: analysis implementation of the recommendations
  • ATRT3: analysis survey results and community discussion on the proposed direction of travel

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (ATRT3 co-chair), Patrick Kane (ATRT3 co-chair), Bernard Turcotte (ICANN)


Joint meeting: ccNSO & ICANN Board

Consult the agenda topics here.

12:00-13:30Lunch break

Debriefing ccNSO workshops | Session chair: Barbara Povše (.si)

  • TLD-OPS update & workshop debriefing. Jacques Latour (.ca), Régis Massé (.fr) 
  • SOPC workshop debriefing. Giovanni Seppia (.eu)

13:30-14:15 (room TBC)
GAC PDP retirement onboarding


Q&A: candidates ICANN Board Seat 11 | Session chair: Byron Holland (.ca)

  • Calvin Browne, Nigel Phair, Patricio Poblete. Consult their candidate statements here.

15:00-15:15Coffee break


ccTLD news session | Session chair: Gudrun Poulsen (.fo) & Barbara Povše (.si)

  • Moving 2.8 million names in record time. Byron Holland (.ca)

  • A pathway to .za ccTLD past, present and future. Peter Madavhu (.za)
  • The greatest .ee innovation: auction system - from idea to launch. Maarja Kirtsi (.ee)
  • EURid's DNS abuse prevention system. Marc Vanwesemael (.eu)
  • IT risk management for ccTLD registry: case study .id. Yudho Giri Sicario (.id)



ccNSO organisational review | Session chair: TBC

  • discussion on the implementation of the final recommendations, and debriefing of the related discussions during the ccNSO Council Workshop

DAY 2        
Wednesday, 6 November 2019 
Room: 516C

Slide decks & remote participation 
(Links to the relevant section on the ICANN public schedule)


IANA naming function session | Session chair: Abdalla Omari (.ke)

  • Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) Board update. Lise Fuhr (Chair PTI Board)

  • Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) update.

  • Customer Standing Committee (CSC) update.


Q&A: ccNSO appointed ICANN Board members | Session chair: Jordan Carter (.nz)

  • Chris Disspain, Nigel Roberts.

  • Also invited: Becky Burr, Danko Jevtović, Lito Ibarra.

10:15-10:30Coffee break
10:30-12:00Plenary session 2: DNS Abuse (TBC). (room: 517D)
12:00-13:30Lunch break

Policy session | Session chair: Patricio Poblete (.cl)

  • PDP Retirement WG. Stephen Deerhake (.as)

  • IDN ccTLD Policy Update: consultation regarding the inclusion of IDN ccTLDs in the ccNSO and required changes to the ICANN Bylaws. Bart Boswinkel (ccNSO), Katrina Sataki (.lv)

  • Update & next steps by the new gTLD subsequent procedures working group on Work Track 5 (geographic names at the top level). Annebeth Lange (.no)


Q&A: candidates ccNSO Council | Session chair: Biyi Oladipo (.ng)

  • the names of the candidates for each region will be known shortly prior to ICANN66

15:00-15:15Coffee break

Panel discussion: ccTLD perspective on Internet Governance | Session chair: Young-eum Lee (.kr)

  • contributions from a national, regional and global perspective. Mary Uduma (.ng), Irina Danelia (.ru), Eduardo Santoyo (.co), Jörg Schweiger (.de)
  • interaction with the audience and Q&A, moderated by Pierre Bonis (.fr, IGLC Chair) and Laura Margolis (NomCom appointed Councillor)


17:00-18:30ccNSO Council meeting (room: 514)
  • No labels