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Participants:  Wolf Ludwig, Sandra Hoferichter, Yjrö Länsipuro, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Sébastien Bachollet, Lutz Donnerhacke, Christopher Wilkinson
Apologies:  Adam Peake, David Olive, Manuel Schneider
Staff: Matthias Langenegger, Heidi Ullrich, Wendy Profit, Carol Cornell, Kurt Pritz

Review of action items from the last meeting

AI: Matthias will send out an email to the EURALO list with instructions on how to get a login to the EURALO confluence wiki.
DONE - All EURALO officers and ALAC members got logins

AI: Olivier and Wolf will write a draft document to summarize the concerns raised on the Board Selection process and ask for an extension of the election timeline. The message will be sent to the EURALO list for review and then forwareded to Cheryl.

AI: Wolf, Olivier and Matthias will suggest a specific procedure to poll the EURALO members on the preferred candidate, in accordance with the selection timeline set out by the BCEC and ABSC.

AI: Agenda items 7, 8 and 9 will be carried over to the next EURALO teleconference.
ONGOING - the Bylaw modifications will be discussed after Cartagena

Open Public Consultation

Sebastien: The most important policy issue is the final applicant guidebook. It is not yet on the public comment list but will be published shortly. With regards to IDNs, I think this topic is especially interesting for our friends in APRALO and AFRALO.

Wolf: You might have seen the email from Evan complaining that the joint ALAC-GAC comments have not been considered in the current guidebook. Should we act on that?

Olivier: We had a call with Kurt and other Staff yesterday and went through the points raised. There was confusion on the Staff side and a general feeling that more needs to be done. There might be a rebellion because of this in Cartagena.

Wolf: would you like EURALO to participate in this rebellion?

Olivier: I agree that EURALO is among those who are frustrated about the guidebook.

Wolf: I will send Evan a personal message to support his cause.

Yrjo: I am happy to join this rebelion. This is a matter of principle.

AI: Wolf will draft a response to Evan's email on the new gTLD guidebook and send it to Yrjo for review.

Sebastien: I agree with what you have said. The processes in ICANN are broken. We need senior management who understand and respect the policy development processes.

Review of At-Large Board Selection Process

Wolf: Although we petitioned for some candidates it was not enough as according to the process, a candidate needs the support of at least three RALO. We recently had a community call with the candidates and the election will take place next week.

AI: Staff will send a reminder to the candidate-community forum page to the EURALO list.

Wolf: The EURALO vote will be an anonymous preference vote whereby the three candidates will be ranked in order of preference.

Lutz: I don’t think the vote should be anonymous.

ICANN Strategic Plan Development

Kurt gave a presentation on ICANN’s Strategic Plan Development. (see PPT slides and audio excerpt)

AI: Staff will create a wiki page for RALO comments on the strategic planning process.

Upcoming EURALO events:

Wolf: the EuroDIG event is taking place in Geneva shortly and I would also like to announce that I will attend the Belgrade EuroDIG in spring 2011.

Olivier: Will we discuss the Bylaw changes in Cartagena?

Wolf: We can discuss this informally in Cartagena as we have not asked for a formal meeting Cartagena. And we will certainly resume work on the Bylaw modifications after Cartagena

The meeting was then adjoured.

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