The next steps of the task Force are:
1- Pass draft By-Laws to EURALO Board.
2- The Draft with Board comments will go back to the Task Force
3. Task Force to hold a last teleconference to incorporate Board comments
4.- Final document to be sent to all EURALO membership.
5- By-Laws Document presentation and approval (hopefully) at the EURALO GA in Barcelona
- The Task Force will create a list of pending questions which require clarification from Staff, or ICANN's General Counsel office, or another source of legal knowledge.
- Task Force will create a list of issues to be incorporated in Operational rules. Example: ALS or individual is suspected of providing false data. Cases when the EURALO Board can/should inquire, and if necessary propose cessation of membership, among others.
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond to ask the EURALO Board, when the document is sent to the Board, whether EURALO should simplify its name (instead of the name currently included in the MOU "ICANN European Internet Users Forum".
- Florian Hule to edit clause 8. Rights and Duties of members, to incorporate a clause on voting rights of EURALO members.
- Florian Hule to include a legal reference from Swiss Association law to the clause keeper of the minutes
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond to send the By-Laws draft document with a preface to the EURALO Board for review and asking for feedback in 15 days
- Yesim Saglam to send a doodle for the next call to be scheduled during the first week of October.