Report: AFRALO - Monthly Meeting
Date: January 8, 2025
Time: 18:30 - 20:00 (UTC)
Venue: Teleconference (Zoom)
- Leaders : Hadia (Chair), Bram (Vice-chair), Hervé (Secretary), Aziz (ALAC), Raïhanath (ALAC), Bukola (ALAC)
- Present Members:
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Abdirashid Abdirahman, Adetokunbo Abiola, Aly Diouf, Amina Ramallan, Asutic Senegal, Athanase Bahizire, Aziz Hilali, Barrack Otieno,
Bendjedid Rachad Sanoussi, Bram Fudzulani, Bukola Oronti, Cedrick Adrien Mbeyet, Dave Kissoondoyal, Dr. Houda Chihi, Dr. Jabhera Matogoro, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Frank Anati, Gabriel Bombambo Boseko, Godsway Kubi, Hadia Elminiawi, Isaac Maposa, Joel Okomoli, Malick Alassane, Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot, Michel Tchonang, Muriel Alapini, Nonhouegnon Letchede, Omar Shuran, Pastor Peters Omoragbon, Raihanath Gbadamassi, Salyou Fanny, Setondji Hounzandji, Seun Ojedeji, Stephen Dakyi, Stephen Sam, Valentin Kole, Vernatius Ezeama, Violet Nswana, Yao Amevi Sossou - Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Yaovi Atohoun, Mike Brennan, Sabrina Mosquera, Jessie Doherty, Michelle DeSmyter
- Interpreters: Dominique & Chloe
- Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Apologies: Silvia Vivanco (staff)
Agenda :
1.Welcome remarks - (@Hadia Elminiawi)
- First meeting of the new year, Hadia wished Happy New Year to everyone.
- Hadia introduced the agenda and invited participants to adopt it.
- No comments or modifications were made, and the agenda was adopted.
2. Review of Action items from previous meeting (Staff)
- Herve Setondji Hounzandji to coordinate the ICANN 81 statement to be finalized in 2 weeks = Dec 18th is exactly 2 weeks
- Silvia Vivanco to create a Google doc for the collection of AFRALO-AFRICANN ICANN 82 statement proposals and the reasons for proposing them
- Hadia Elminiawi to send a reminder to the list to complete the events in the UA wiki page
3. Open ICANN Public Comments - (@Hadia Elminiawi)
@Hadia presented an overview of recent initiatives and ongoing discussions regarding opening public comments within ICANN. Below is a detailed summary of the key points addressed:
Ongoing or Pending Decisions
CPWG (Consolidated Policy Working Group):
4. Upcoming Public Comment Proceedings
- Second IANA Naming Function Review Team (IFR2) Draft Report - Jan 2025
- Improved GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Charter Amendment Process - Feb 2025
5. Reports/Updates/Items for discussion
- AFRALO Capacity Building Group (hadia.elminiawi)
Establishment of a group of capacity building. Amina Ramallan will propose the Termes of Reference.
- AFRALO Emerging Leaders Group
Establishment of a group of emerging leaders. Pastor Peters will propose the Termes of Reference.
- AFRALO Advisory Group (Name to be agreed upon)
Establishment of a group of former AFRALO leaders
- ALAC Appointee Selection Committee and ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee members and alternates (hadia.elminiawi)
- AFRALO - ALAC Appointee Selection Committee member and alternate
- Kiza Patrick member
- Houda Chihi alternate
- AFRALO - ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee members and alternate
- Hadia Elminiawi member
- Muriel Alapini member
- Bram Fudzulini alternate
- AFRALO - ALAC Appointee Selection Committee member and alternate
- Preparation of ICANN 82 AFRALO-AFRICANN statement - ICANN82 Registration opened - (Hervé HOUNZANDJI)
Herve reminded the usual process to manage to.
He is going to send to the members the mail about the call of topics tomorrow.
- Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) Africa updates (Yaovi Atohoun)
- Recent and upcoming ALAC activities (aziz.hilali - bukola.fawole)
- @Bukola Oronti
- ALAC request a representative from each of the five regions for the ALAC Subcommittee on Appointment Selection (AASC) for 2025 (1 year term) and the new AFRALO representative is Kiza Patrick.
- ALAC newly formed WG for Outreach and Engagement purposes known as ALAC Community Engagement Subcommittee (ACES) opened its call for membership and requested for each region to nominate a regional rep. The call was from 16th Dec 2024 to 3rd Jan 2025.
- AtLarge ICANN82 Planning Committee call in preparation for the next ICANN meeting is still on. The next meeting is Monday at 17:00 UTC.
- AtLarge is drafting a comment/statement on the CIP framework developed by the CIP-CCG which is already open for comments. We all as AtLarge are encouraged to read through the draft and provide our comments on it before it goes to the ALAC for ratification.
- Ratified statements by ALAC since the last AFRALO monthly call:
- Proposed Revisions to Community Anti-Harassment Policy. - 13th Dec 2024
- Joint ALAC-SSAC Correspondence regarding Automated Delegation Signer (DS) Automation. - 23 Dec 2024.
- @Bukola Oronti
No ALAC updates. But Aziz was in IGF24.
- Recent and upcoming AFRALO/ALS activities and Updates from Individual Members (All)
No hands up.
Reminder of the next positions ....
- CIP - CCG Update - AFRALO CIP document - AFRALO representatives
Define how we can improve our criteria
- AFRALO Social Media Working Group Update - (bukola.fawole and Team)
No updates.
- Update AFRALO Newsletter (Hervé HOUNZANDJI)
Following the message Herve sent to the community, Herve thanks those sent to Remmy some articles for the next newsletter.
6. AFRALO Membership Matters (Hervé HOUNZANDJI)
Herve proposed to the community to create a special vol of our newsletter only focused for the ALS.
With no other business being proposed, @Hadia closed the meeting by once again encouraging all members to actively participate in AFRALO activities.
The meeting was then officially closed by the ICANN team.
9. Next meeting - Wednesday, 05 February 2025 at 18:30 UTC for 90 mins