Total ALS Confirmed participation
ALS Name | Name | Webinar attendance | In person | Remote | Attendance Day 1 | Attendance Day 2 | Proxy | |
1 | Moroccan Internet Society Translation: Internet Society Morocco Chapter Acronym:MISOC | Abdelaziz Hilali | ||||||
2 | HOUSE OF AFRICA Translation: HOUSE OF AFRICA Acronym:HOUSE OF AFRICA | Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong | ||||||
3 | Abdulkarim Oloyede - ALS Rep for Individual | Abdulkarim Oloyede | ||||||
4 | Nigerian Internet Users Coalition Translation: Nigerian Internet Users Coalition Acronym:NIUC | Adetokunbo Abiola | ||||||
5 | Association Des Femmes d'Askejour pour le Développement et et la Coopération (AFADEC) Translation: Association Des Femmes d'Askejour pour le Développement et et la Coopération (AFADEC) Acronym:AFADEC | Aicha Abbad | ||||||
6 | Internet Society Gambia Chapter Translation: Internet Society Gambia Chapter Acronym:ISOC Gambia | Alagie Ceesay | ||||||
7 | SchoolNet Africa Translation: SchoolNet Africa Acronym: | Amr Hamdi | ||||||
8 | Habaka Translation: Habaka Acronym:Habaka | Andriamparany Louis Marius | ||||||
9 | Institut des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour le Développement Translation: Acronym:INTIC4DEV | Ayaovi Olevie Kouami | ||||||
10 | Internet Society Mali Translation: Internet Society Mali Acronym:ISOC Mali | Bakary Kouyate | ||||||
11 | Association pour Linux et les logiciels libres au Burkina Faso Translation: Association for Linux and free software in Burkina Faso Acronym:A3LBF | Barra Ousmane | ||||||
12 | Action Citoyenne Pour l`information et l`education au Developpement Durable | Brahim Ousmane Mustapha | ||||||
13 | ICT Association of Malawi -(ICTAM) Translation: ICT Association of Malawi -(ICTAM) Acronym:ICTAM | Bram Fudzulani | ||||||
14 | Internet Society Nigeria Chapter Translation: Internet Society Nigeria Chapter Acronym:ISOC Nigeria | Bukola Oronti | ||||||
15 | Internet Society Kinshasa Chapter Translation: Internet Society Kinshasa Chapter Acronym:ISOC DRC | Cédric Kinanga Yindu | ||||||
16 | Chapitre sénégalais de l'Internet Society Translation: Senegalese ISOC Chapter Acronym:ISOC-SN | Cedrick Mbeyet | ||||||
17 | Internet Society Burundi Translation: Internet Society Burundi Acronym:ISOC Burundi | Ciza Victor (REMOTE) | ||||||
18 | Fondation Femme TIC et Développement Durable Translation: Woman ICT and Sustainable Development Acronym:FTIC&DD | COMPAORE / TIENDREBEOGO Rasmata | ||||||
19 | Internet Governance Forum Mauritius Translation: Internet Governance Forum Mauritius Acronym:IGF-MU | Dewandranath Kissoondoyal | ||||||
20 | Kenya ICT Action Network Translation: Kenya ICT Action Network Acronym:KICTAnet | Elizabeth Orembo | ||||||
21 | Internet Society Rwanda Chapter Translation: Internet Society Rwanda Chapter Acronym:ISOC Rwanda | Emmanuel Mfitumukiza | ||||||
22 | Internet Society Cameroon Chapter Translation: Internet Society Cameroon Chapter Acronym:ISOC Cameroon | Esther Sandrine Ngom | ||||||
23 | Forum sur la Gouvernance de L'Internet en CÔTE D’IVOIRE Translation: Internet Governance Forum in CÔTE D’IVOIRE Acronym:FGI CÔTE D’IVOIRE | Eva Nadège N'cho epse Hie | ||||||
24 | Centre de Promotion et de Vulgarisation de l'informatique Translation: Acronym:CPVI | Fabien Mbayo | ||||||
25 | Bokk Jang Bokk Jeff Senegal Translation: Acronym:2B1-SN | Fatimata Seye Ep Sylla | ||||||
26 | NTIC et Citoyennete Translation: Acronym: | Fatma Elkroy Oumrane | ||||||
27 | Liberia Information Technology Students Union Translation: Liberia Information Technology Students Union Acronym:LITSU | Foldestine Paye | ||||||
28 | Action pour l'Education et la Promotion de la Femme au Tchad Translation: Action for Education and the Advancement of Women in Chad Acronym:AEPF-Tchad | Gabdibé Gab-Hingonne | ||||||
29 | Association Congolaise des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres Translation: Acronym:ACOULL | Gabriel Bombambo Boseko | ||||||
30 | Member of Shaarawy Foundation for Development (SFD) | Hadia Elminiawi | ||||||
31 | Internet Society Tunisia Translation: Internet Society Tunisia Acronym:ISOC Tunisia | Haythem El-Mir | ||||||
32 | Internet Society Benin Chapter Translation: Benin Chapter of Internet Society Acronym:ISOC Benin | Hervé Hounzandji | ||||||
33 | Action Citoyenne Pour l`information et l`education au Developpement Durable Translation: Acronym:ACIEDD | Issa Moustapha Zakaria | ||||||
34 | Tanzania Community Networks Alliance Translation: Tanzania Community Networks Alliance Acronym:tzCNA | Jabhera Maseke | ||||||
35 | Initiative TIC et Citoyenneté Translation: Initiative TIC for Citizens Acronym:ITICC | Jacques Guiguemde | ||||||
36 | Internet Society Kenya Translation: Internet Society Kenya Acronym:ISOC Kenya | Joel Okomoli | ||||||
37 | Fantsuam Foundation Translation: Acronym:FF | John Dada | ||||||
39 | Forum sur la Gouvernance de l`Internet au Benin Translation: Internet Gouvernance Forum Benin Acronym:FGI | Karine Gbaguidi Kerekou | ||||||
40 | Centre Africain de Complémentarité Scolaire, Universitaire et de Promotion (CACSUP) Translation: Centre Africain de Complémentarité Scolaire, Universitaire et de Promotion (CACSUP) Acronym:CACSUP | Kissangou Philemon | ||||||
41 | Women's Technology Empowerment Centre Translation: Women's Technology Empowerment Centre Acronym:W.TEC | Lesley Tarabina (Not a primary or secondary rep) | ||||||
42 | Moroccan Association of Civil Society for Information Society Translation: Moroccan Association of Civil Society for Information Society Acronym:MACSIS | Mademoiselle Ibtissam KAIFOUF | ||||||
43 | Internet Society Somalia Chapter Translation: Internet Society Somalia Chapter Acronym:ISOC Somalia | Mahad Farah Hamid | ||||||
44 | Consortium d`Appui aux Actions pour la Promotion et le Developpment de l`Afrique Translation: Acronym:CAPDA | Michel Mandela Tchonang | ||||||
45 | Shaarwy Foundation for Development Translation: Shaarwy Foundation for Development Acronym:SFD / Previously OFOK Al-Tanmia | Moataz Sayed | ||||||
46 | ISOC Sudan Translation: Sudan Internet Society Acronym:SIS | Mohamed Elbashir Ahmed Mohamed | ||||||
47 | Federation Mediterraneenne des Associations d`Internet Translation: Mediterranean Federation of Internet Associations Acronym:FMAI | Mohamed Tijani Ben Jemaa | ||||||
48 | Centre Africain d`Echange Culturel Translation: African Cultural Exchange Center Acronym:CAFEC | Monique Kimpanga | ||||||
Association des Utilisateurs des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication Translation: ICT Users Association Acronym:ASUTIC | Ndiaga Gueye | |||||||
49 | GreenICT Initiative (GreenICTi) Translation: Green ICT Initiative Acronym:GreenICIi | Dr. Nasir Faruk (REMOTE) Seani Ramaphosa in person | ||||||
50 | ISOC-MADAGASCAR Translation: ISOC-MADAGASCAR Acronym:ISOC MADA | Nicolas Razafindrakoto | ||||||
51 | Internet Society Zimbabwe Chapter Translation: Internet Society Zimbabwe Chapter Acronym:ISOC Zimbabwe | Nomsa Mwayenga | ||||||
52 | Open Source Foundation for Nigeria Translation: Open Source Foundation for Nigeria Acronym:OSFON | Oluwaseun Ojedeji | ||||||
53 | Libyan Internet Society / الجمعية الليبية للإنترنت Translation: LIBYAN INTERNET SOCIETY Acronym:LISOC | Omar Shuran | ||||||
54 | Afrikanische Jugendhilfe e.V Translation: African Youth Foundation Acronym:AYF | Paulyn Jansen | ||||||
55 | Nurses Across The Borders Humanitarian Initiative Translation: Acronym:NAB | Peters Omoragbon | ||||||
56 | Internet Society Liberia Chapter Translation: Internet Society Liberia Chapter Acronym:ISOC Liberia | Philip Johnson | ||||||
57 | Age Numerique Translation: Acronym: | Philippe Batreau | ||||||
58 | Association pour la promotion des femmes par les TIC <> Translation: Acronym: | Porcho Marguerite SOGOBA | ||||||
59 | E-Governance and Internet Governance Foundation for Africa Translation: Acronym:EGIGFA | Raymond Mamattah (Sarata Omane used Raymond's travel slot) | ||||||
60 | DigitalSENSE Africa Media Translation: DigitalSENSE Africa Media Acronym:DSA | Remmy Nweke | ||||||
61 | Anais, AC Translation: Anais, AC Acronym: | Robertine Tankeu Keutchankeu | ||||||
62 | Internet Society Ghana Chapter Translation: Internet Society Ghana Chapter Acronym:ISOC Ghana | Roger Baah | ||||||
63 | Federation Comorienne des Consommateurs Translation: Acronym: | Said Mchangama | ||||||
64 | Société Civile Africaine sur la Société de l'Information - Cote d'Ivoire Translation: African Civil Society for Information Society Cote d'Ivoire Acronym:ACSIS COTE D'IVOIRE | Salyou Fanny | ||||||
65 | Internet Society Uganda Chapter Translation: Internet Society Uganda Chapter Acronym:ISOC Uganda | Sarah Kiden | ||||||
66 | Journalists` Union for Science & Technology Advancement in Africa Translation: Journalists` Union for Science & Technology Advancement in Africa Acronym:JUSTA-AFRICA | Sayuni Kimaro | ||||||
67 | South African Chapter of the Internet Society* Translation: South African Chapter of the Internet Society Acronym:ISOC ZA | Thokozile Miya | ||||||
68 | Association Tchadienne pour la Promotion de l’Internet au Tchad Translation: ISOC CHAD Acronym:ISOC Chad | Tidjani Mahamat Adoum | ||||||
69 | Our Rights Translation: Our Rights Acronym:OR | Vernatius Ezeama | ||||||
70 | High Tech Centre for Nigerian Women and Youths Translation: High Tech Centre for Nigerian Women and Youths Acronym: | Dr Winni Hassan | ||||||
71 | ONG FEMMES & TIC Translation: ONG FEMMES & TIC Acronym:FEMMES & TIC | Zita Christelle Ovo N'Cho Assirou | ||||||
Additional participants
Name | ALS | Individual member | Other |