Members: Katrina Sataki, Demi Getschko, Alejandra Reynoso, Debbie Monahan, Peter Vergote, Abdalla Omari, Hiro Hotta, Giovanni Seppia, Stephen Deerhake, Young Eum Lee, Byron Holland, Margarita Valdes, Souleymane Oumtanaga (13)
NomCom/Observers/Liasons/Regional Organizations: Miguel Ignacio Estrada, Ajay Data, Laura Margolis, Biyi Oladipo
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Abibu Ntahigiye, Pablo Rodriguez, Philippe Fouquart, Demi Getschko (late)
Did not attend - no apology sent:
Recording: AC
Minutes EN
Agenda: Draft Agenda ccNSO Council Meeting 17 January 2019.pdf
- Item 8 ccNSO Council Statement_ SubPro final draft .pdf
- DRAFT-ccNSOagenda-20190117-Kobe.pdf
- DRAFT-ccNSOBlockSchedule-20190117-Kobe.pdf
- GNSO Activity Report December 2018.pdf
Chat Transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Happy belated New Year! Welcome to today's Council call on 17 January at 18:00 UTC
Joke Braeken:hello everyone!
Miguel Ignacio Estrada:hi everyone!
demi getschko:Hi all! Happy 2019!
Katrina Sataki:Hi All!
Debbie Monahan:hi everyone
Abdalla Omari:hallo everyone
Laura Margolis:Hello!
Peter Vergote:hi everyone and happy 2019!
Ajay Data:Wishing Happy New Year
Bart Boswinkel:The meeting is quorate:
Bart Boswinkel:atleast 10 Councillors and all 5 regions present
Giovanni Seppia:Hi Kim, the conference ID seems to be incorrect. I cannot join by phone for the audio
Bart Boswinkel:@ Giovanni
Stephen Deerhake:Sorry I am late... Adobe refused my entry into the meeting...
Bart Boswinkel:# is correct from my end at least bridge Number 5258
Kimberly Carlson:Giovanni, i will look into that. I am happy to dial out to you. Please DM my your number if you wish
Stephen Deerhake:I thought I learned to say no... But I will step forward...
Ajay Data:I would if need to be there
Kimberly Carlson:Young Eum is on audio only currently
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Move
Stephen Deerhake:(sorry about that. Trying to reach Pablo...)
Giovanni Seppia 3:@Kim, just got in via the operator
Kimberly Carlson:great
Laura Margolis:I agree too!
Giovanni Seppia 3:@ Bart, Irina should be added to the list too
Giovanni Seppia 3:She conformed it too
Joke Braeken:sorry, that was me!
Peter Vergote:Move
Bart Boswinkel:@ Giovanni, take it as read
Bart Boswinkel:this was last overview
Giovanni Seppia 3:@ Bart, I sent you an updated overview over Christmas
Kimberly Carlson:The document is locked - chair is scrolling the agenda for the room
Giovanni Seppia 3:You may have not received as it happened recently
Giovanni Seppia 3:Yes!
Bart Boswinkel:TAke the listas read, will update accordingly
Stephen Deerhake:Nominate.
Ajay Data:Move
Youngeum Lee:second
Stephen Deerhake:All good here.
Stephen Deerhake:move
Peter Vergote:second
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Yes, it is helpful!
Debbie Monahan:yes, I think it works
Youngeum Lee:good generally
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hahaha ð
Ajay Data:I even sent email in confirmation. it’s good way
Giovanni Seppia:I support it too
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:There is a typo at the very last sentence that says gTLDolicy instead of gTLD policy
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Move
Youngeum Lee:second
Byron Holland:second
Stephen Deerhake:Seond
Giovanni Seppia:More interactive sessions. E.g. on GDPR, a panel with registries and registrars to see what are the outstanding issues, what went wrong/well, what we - registries - could have done differently
Giovanni Seppia:The session we had with the subdivision in groups was also interesting to understand the variety of the cc environment
Giovanni Seppia:I fully agree with Byron on the room setting
Laura Margolis:I agree too!
Hiro Hotta:+1
Laura Margolis:happens in all the meetings...
Youngeum Lee:+1 also
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:yes we can hear you
Byron Holland:Thank you
Stephen Deerhake:+1 Byron.
jian zhang:+1
Youngeum Lee:especially the rolling mic
Byron Holland:Even if just for panels, if the pannelists sat on high-chairs closer to the audience, in front of the head table.
Stephen Deerhake:+1 Byron.
Byron Holland:exactly
Giovanni Seppia:For panels, panelists and moderators, it is also a matter of their undertanding that they are not there for a standard presentation, but they should be there to engage
Bart Boswinkel:Please note that some of memebrs are also using the ADOBE room
Bart Boswinkel:during the session to understand it
Bart Boswinkel:i.e what is being presneted and said
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:@Giovanni: There is a "Tips and Tricks" documents sent to presenters
Giovanni Seppia:@ Alejandra, not so sure they read it!
Joke Braeken:@Giovanni and @Alejandra: there are also tips & tricks for session chairs
Joke Braeken:both documents are published here:
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:We have a new version... that we hope they read
Joke Braeken:(links section)
Giovanni Seppia:@ Katrina, All, I have to leave the call in a couple of minutes. Sorry about it. Please read below my update about the SOPC.
Giovanni Seppia:It is a busy period for the ccNSO-SOPC!We have started to produce comments on the following ICANN documents.ICANN FY20 Operating Plan and Budget ( - Deadline for comments: 8 Feb 2019ICANN Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2021 – 2025 ( - Deadline for comments: 11 Feb 2019First consultation on a 2-year Planning Process ( , deadline for comments: 20 Feb 2019
Joke Braeken:thank you Giovanni, i will add it to the informal notes
Giovanni Seppia:Is the chat working?
Joke Braeken:it is, thank you for the update
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Yes Giovanni, the chat is working
Giovanni Seppia:Is the chat working?
Katrina Sataki:yes
Katrina Sataki:thank you, Giovanni!
Byron Holland:Thanks SD
Byron Holland:For those interested, here is the dashboard that monitors all of the PTI/IANA metrics
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you Debbie!
Byron Holland:Thx Debbie
Stephen Deerhake:We are moving to a different room for the Council meeting?
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:ð
Stephen Deerhake:Need to deal with the Bylaw change on next meeting.
Ajay Data:thank you.
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you! :) Bye
Stephen Deerhake:Hapy new years all!
Laura Margolis:thank you!!
Peter Vergote:Thank you and bye all
Laura Margolis:Bye!
Hiro Hotta:bye