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Members: Katrina Sataki, Alejandra Reynoso, Demi Getschko, Hiro Hotta, Margarita Valdez, Peter Vergote, Souleymane Oumtanaga, Stephen Deerhake, Young-eum Lee (9)

NomCom/Observers/Liasons/Regional Organizations:  Barrack Otieno, Leonid Todorov, Wafa Dahmani, Ben Fuller

Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Joke braeken

Apologies:   Byron Holland, Christelle Vaval, Abdalla Omari, Debbie Monahan, Ching Chiao, Maureen Hilyard

Did not attend - no apology sent: Pablo Rodriguez





Chat Transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Welcome everyone to today's Council call on 13 April @18:00 UTC
abibu:Thank u Kim.
Stephen Deerhake:I've muted...
Kimberly Carlson:Abibu, i muted your phone line
Ben Fuller:Hello everyone
abibu:@kim. Fine
Bart Boswinkel:the document is scrollable
Bart Boswinkel:please go to last page
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you Bart :)
Stephen Deerhake:Either works for me.
abibu:either is fine for me as well
Kimberly Carlson:It would run in parallel with the TLD OPS workshop
Bart Boswinkel:back to first page
Bart Boswinkel:in touch with GAC support
Stephen Deerhake:I'm trying to track him down...
Kimberly Carlson:we muted Souleymane's line
Kimberly Carlson:background noise
abibu:@conflicted a bit as i'm in the TLD OPS committee.
souleymane:hello all
Kimberly Carlson:Peter Vergote will join late
Katrina Sataki:I can't hear anything - is it my internet connection that is the problem?
Leonid:Is it only me havig interruptions?
Kimberly Carlson:I hear him
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I can hear Stephen ok
Katrina Sataki:now I can hear too
Kimberly Carlson:
Kimberly Carlson:here's the link to the wiki i just showed
Leonid:now we have a terrible echo
Bart Boswinkel:Please also see:
demi getschko:Terrible echo...
demi getschko:Ok now
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Young-Eum
Stephen Deerhake:Sorry 'bout that... Wandering cursor...
Kimberly Carlson:Hi Peter, welcome
Peter Vergote:Hi everyone, sorry for delay. Other meeting ran late...
Kimberly Carlson:We're on agenda item 6
Barrack Otieno:Hi all, ok
Stephen Deerhake:Looks fine to me.
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:No comment
demi getschko:for me too
Young-eum Lee:+1
souleymane:no comment
Stephen Deerhake:It's not broken as far as I can see...
Peter Vergote:Seems most fair to me to go beyond council and send ivite to list, no?
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:I think it would be better to ask the community for volunteers
abibu:voice is breaking.
Young-eum Lee:I want to speak, but cannot have access to the microphone
Stephen Deerhake:Can you type it?
Young-eum Lee:we need more ccnso volunteers
Peter Vergote:Is it urgent to take decision now or can this be deferred to next call so that Young-Eum can share her thoughts and insights?
Bart Boswinkel:@ Peter no direc tneed to take a decision now,
Young-eum Lee:I don't think it is urgent
Young-eum Lee:will try to answer them asap.
Peter Vergote:Ok txs
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Sounds logical to ask for scope first and then select the people with the correct set of skills for the review
Peter Vergote:I'm in favor for option 2, no point in nominating people if scope is unclear
Stephen Deerhake:I agree with Peter... Wait for clarification...
abibu:Wait until scope is out and clear
Young-eum Lee:agree as well
Kimberly Carlson:Nigel has joined the phone bridge
Wafa Dahmani:does the ccnso has a liaison to the GAC
Bart Boswinkel:@ Wafa, no we do not
Wafa Dahmani:if not I thinkk ccnso needs to have
Wafa Dahmani:it's important there's a common interest betwen GAC and ccnso
Barrack Otieno:i support Wafa
Wafa Dahmani:since cctlds are most of the time managed by the governments
souleymane:ok wafa
Peter Vergote:I firmly agree with Nigel here. If we lower our request we might end up with a symbolic gesture. There is one thing I would change in order to sweaten the deal -> if a slot is not used, it goes back to ICANN Budget and not to addtional community fudning (since we are already asking for 6 slots)
Wafa Dahmani:@ katrina do we have statics
Wafa Dahmani:mauren gently brought this issue to me
Stephen Deerhake:I also agree with Nigel with respect to the ask.
Bart Boswinkel:@ Wafa: we did have a coordination committeee
Wafa Dahmani:@Bart thanks
Wafa Dahmani:@BART anylinks to this committee and its work
Bart Boswinkel:which is in hyebernation
Bart Boswinkel:
Wafa Dahmani:@Bart thanks a lot
Wafa Dahmani:enen in the phone they can mute
Wafa Dahmani:even
Kimberly Carlson:@Abibu, i muted your phone line
Bart Boswinkel:Reason to include it now is to keep you abreast of the progres of PDP
demi getschko:no updates from my side
Stephen Deerhake:I did earlier...
Kimberly Carlson:Still looking for cocktail sponsors ;)
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:@Stephen: I will bring this up on Tuesday call
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:To have the forum as early as possible during the meeting
Stephen Deerhake:I agree Bart it ought to be block 1 or 2, but both blocks have conflicts with other sessions and I have a serious issue with that.
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):Hi Everyone, sorry for being late.
Peter Vergote:I don't think its necessary to file any comments right now
Stephen Deerhake:I am in favor of pushing for the delay dispite the pushback...
Stephen Deerhake:No comments needed.
souleymane:i am ok
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):I got a question on the deferral, so might be worth being clear as to why.
Wafa Dahmani:did i miss the briefing
Wafa Dahmani:of ALAC update
Wafa Dahmani:can i do it now
Wafa Dahmani:if i missed it
Stephen Deerhake:Thursday AM works for me.
Wafa Dahmani:ok i will
Wafa Dahmani:write then
Stephen Deerhake:THursday
Peter Vergote:Thursday is ok, kinda of anticipated already
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):Wednesday
Ben Fuller:I have my update as well
souleymane:thursdaya is ok
demi getschko:Thanks and see your!
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you!
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:bye
Peter Vergote:Txs all, see you soon
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):Sorry I got the timing wrong. One of my beloved fellow RO GMs put me on the wrong foot. :)
Kimberly Carlson:Thanks all, bye
Wafa Dahmani:thank you all
Katrina Sataki:Thank you! Bye! :)
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):Bye!
Hiro Hotta:thanks, bye
Bart Boswinkel:Byea ll

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