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Action Items from Council Meetings:

ActionWhoDateDue DateStatusNotes

Action 119-01:

The secretariat is requested to inform the co-chairs of the WG and take all other necessary steps to include Timo as ccNSO appointed member of the WG

Action 119-02:

Chair and/or secretariat to check with the appointed members whether they want to continue the work with the CCWG.

Chair / Secretariat    

Action 119-03:

The ccNSO Council requests its Chair to inform the community of the adoption of the Guideline.  (CSC)

Action 119-04:

Secretariat to prepare the necessary draft resolution in time for prep meeting in Helsinki. (PDP)

Bart Boswinkel    

Action 119-05:

Secretariat to seek volunteers from Council for oversight committee. (PDP)

Bart Boswinkel    

Action 117-01:

Chair/Vice Chairs, along with Secretariat, to prepare a Councilor accountability survey to be shared and finalized at the next meeting on 12 May.

Vice Chairs



Action 117-02:

Secretariat to provide detailed overview, including alternatives of one and two PDPs, taking into account the outcome of the Marrakech meeting.  The overview will be available by the 12 May Council meeting.

Secretariat  COMPLETED 

Action 117-03:

Secretariat to circulate Nigel Roberts’ paragraph as a formal Resolution to the Council list for approval.
Bart Boswinkel  COMPLETED 

Action 117-04:

The secretariat ( Bart) to circulate explanatory note on GANTT chart to Council list 
Bart Boswinkel  COMPLETED 

Action 117-05:

Secretariat to initiate Council email vote on Work Plan

Bart Boswinkel  COMPLETED 

Action 115-01:

The secretariat is requested to inform and invite the community, on behalf of AfTLD, to The African Domain Name System Forum, from 4-6 March 2016

Action 115-02:
Bart Boswinkel to circulate output March Singapore 2014 meeting to Council

Bart BoswinkelCOMPLETED 

Action 114-01:
The secretariat is requested to inform Maarten and the

co-chairs of the CWG-Stewardship.

Action 114-02:
Secretariat to include topic of meeting B in agenda with other SO/ACs in Marrakech


Action 114-03:

Secretariat to include topic of meeting B on Marrakech agenda and the absence of Sunday Council meetings

Action 114-04:
A provide a clarifying statement from Council on PDP


Action 114-05:
Call for volunteers on Ethos: Call for volunteers will be resend again to the list.


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