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The CCTRT sought public comment on its "New Sections" report

Open date: 27 November 2017

Close date: 15 January 2018

Publication of Public Comment Summary: 29 January 2018

See below or here for more information 

Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team – New Sections to Draft Report of Recommendations

Brief Overview


The purpose of this second call for input is to gather community input on the new sections that have been added to the draft report. The final report will be published in Q1 2018.

Current Status:

The CCT is now soliciting your input on the CCT Review Team's new findings and recommendations, pertaining to DNS abuse, costs to trademark holders, parking and consumer choice related sections.

This Public Comment Proceeding follows the call for input on the draft report [PDF, 4.94 MB] (translations available here) that was published on 17 March 2017.

To facilitate the review and analysis of all comments, we request that commenters clearly indicate to which section(s) of the report, or which numbered recommendations, their comments relate.

Next Steps:

ICANN will prepare a Public Comment summary report for the CCT's review. The CCT will carefully consider these comments as it shapes its final recommendations for Board consideration. The final report will be published in Q1 2018.

Section I: Description and Explanation

The CCT Review Team is seeking input on new sections to its draft report. New sections reflect results from the "Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs" Report (see here for more information) and address costs to trademark holders, based on a survey conducted by the International Trademark Association (INTA) (see here [PDF, 1.4 MB] for more information). In addition, the CCT is calling for feedback on updates made to its parking and consumer choice sections.

The draft report and translations can be found here for full reference. It includes several recommendations the review team labeled as prerequisites to the opening of the next application period for new gTLDs.

The following topics are covered in the full draft report:

  • New gTLD Program history
  • Competition in the DNS Marketplace
  • Consumer Choice
  • Consumer Trust
  • DNS Abuse
  • Safeguards
  • Public Interest Commitments
  • Right Protection Mechanisms
  • Application and Evaluation
  • Trademarks

Comments will be reviewed and summarized in the report of Public Comments, which will be included as a supplement to the final report.

For ease of reference and to facilitate Review Team deliberations, ICANN requests that commenters clearly indicate the relevant sections of the draft report, or numbered recommendations, within their comments.

Section II: Background

Launched under the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC), the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (CCT) Review Team was formed to assess the New Generic Top-Level Domain (New gTLD) Program in three areas: competition, consumer trust and consumer choice. The review also assesses the effectiveness of safeguards put in place to mitigate issues arising from the introduction of new gTLDs and the Program's application and evaluation process. The review, now contemplated under ICANN Bylaws section 4.6, examines the degree to which the process of implementing the New gTLD Program was successful in producing desired results and achieving the stated objectives. The CCT is analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data to produce recommendations for the ICANN Board to consider and adopt.

Bylaws call for the CCT to indicate whether the recommendation, if accepted by the Board, must be implemented before opening subsequent rounds of new generic top-level domain application periods. The recommendations contained within the draft report identify those that should be prerequisites to future application periods for new gTLDs.

Producing recommendations that are data and fact-driven is a fundamental priority of the review team. The CCT has constructed its report to have findings supported by data received prior to and throughout the review process.

The review team sought to measure the effectiveness of a number of technical safeguards developed for the New gTLD Program in mitigating various forms of DNS abuse. To accomplish this, ICANN commissioned the Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs (SADAG) [PDF, 2.23 MB] report by researchers from SIDN Labs and Delft University of Technology, both in the Netherlands, to address the CCT Review Team's request for a comprehensive DNS abuse study. The study serves to inform the CCT analysis of potential factors explaining abuse rates in a given gTLD. The study analyzes rates of spam, phishing, and malware distribution in the global gTLD DNS from 2014 to 2016, distinguishing between legacy and new gTLDs.

The CCT, comprised of 15 community representatives and volunteer subject matter experts, divided the evaluation of the New gTLD program into four subteams:

  1. Competition and Consumer Choice: This subteam examined the effects of the entry of new gTLDs on price and non-price competition in the expanded domain name marketplace, as well as whether consumer choice in the marketplace was effectively enhanced with the introduction of new gTLDs.
  2. Consumer Trust and Safeguards: This subteam focused on the extent to which the expansion of new gTLDs has promoted consumer trust and the impact of the safeguards that had been adopted to mitigate any problems that might have arose as a result of the Program.
  3. Application and Evaluation Process: The review team explored issues related to the effectiveness of the application process, with a particular focus on the applicant experience, the paucity of applications from underserved regions, and the objection processes.
  4. To better understand the impact of the Program on rights holders, the CCT worked with INTA, which commissioned a survey of its members. The CCT considered the results of this survey as it made recommendations on rights protection mechanisms that were incorporated into the Program.

Section III: Relevant Resources

New Sections of the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team Draft Report (EN) [PDF, 1.12 MB]

  • AR [PDF, 1.57 MB]
  • ES [PDF, 1.22 MB]
  • FR [PDF, 1.21 MB]
  • RU [PDF, 1.13 MB]
  • ZH [PDF, 1.01 MB]

Listen to the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Engagement Session at ICANN60 for more information on their findings and recommendations. See here for details and recordings.

Section IV: Additional Information

Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team

Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team Draft Report [PDF, 3.91 MB] – March 7, 2017

  • AR [PDF, 2.9 MB]
  • ES [PDF, 2 MB]
  • FR [PDF, 2.1 MB]
  • RU [PDF, 2.7 MB]
  • ZH [PDF, 2.5 MB]

Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs (SADAG) Final Report [PDF, 2.23 MB]

INTA New gTLD Program Surveys:

INTA New gTLD Impact Study Status Report II [PDF, 75 KB] (May 2017, Updated August 2017)

Section V: Reports

Staff Contact

Negar Farzinnia

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