The WS-2 dashboard aims to update the ICANN Community about the progress of the work of the CCWG-Accountability WS2.
Starting in June 2017, updates will be provided every other month.
Date | Name | Link |
Oct 2017 WS2 Dashboard | Next update of the dashboard will be available here by 25 October 2017. | |
| Aug 2017 WS2 Dashboard | WS2 Dashboard AUG- 05Sep17 final.pdf |
| Jun 2017 WS2 Dashboard | WS2 Dashboard JUN- 5Jul17 rev.pdf (revised version, updated with full month statistics) WS2 Dashboard JUN- 23Jun17 final.pdf (this version was rushed for ICANN 59, statistics cover 6-01 thru 6-23 only, not the full month) |
| Apr 2017 WS2 Dashboard | WS2 Dashboard APR- 09May17-final.pdf |
Mar 2017 WS2 Dashboard | WS2 Dashboard MAR- 10Apr17.pdf | |
Feb 2017 WS2 Dashboard | WS2 Dashboard FEB- 08Mar17.pdf | |
Jan 2017 WS2 Dashboard | WS2 Dashboard JAN- 07Feb17.pdf | |
Dec 2016 WS2 Dashboard | WS2 Dashboard DEC- 11Jan17.pdf | |
Nov 2016 WS2 Dashboard | WS2_Dashboard_NOV_08Dec16_Final.pdf | |
Oct 2016 WS2 Dashboard | |
Publication schedule:
- 25th of the month (M): subgroups rapporteurs provide their monthly update.
- 25th + 5 business days: PCST provides draft financial statement of activity to CCWG co-chairs for previous period (M-1).
- End of month: staff updates report with all statistical data of the month (M)
- 25th + 10 business days: dashboard including activity of month (M), and financial information of month (M-1) is published at the beginning of the next month (M+1).