Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Karen Mulberry, Lars Hoffmann, Laena Rahim (5)
Apologies: Mathieu Weill
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
Word Doc
- Adobe Room Replay
- mp3 Replay
1. Roll Call / Apologies – Welcome
2. Participation & Dashboard
3. External review of the ICANN Ombuds Office
a. Feedback from CPH ICANN58 by Cameron Ralph LLC
b. Overview of which Community members the Independent Assessors spoke to
c. Gather feedback from the Subteam on who should still be reached out
d. Discuss timeline for survey, and other mile stones
i. Draft survey on Thursday, 23 March, 23:59 UTC?
4. ICANN Complaints Office
5. Next meeting
a. 27 March 2017
6. AOB
Notes (including relevant parts of chat):
12 Participants on call including evaluator.
1. Roll Call / Apologies – Welcome
Sebastien Bachollet - (review of agenda, no objections or additions)
2. Participation & Dashboard
Sebastien Bachollet - (review of participation and dashboard entry).
3. External review of the ICANN Ombuds Office
a. Feedback from CPH ICANN58 by Cameron Ralph LLC
Debra Russel - Time in Copenhagen was very valuable. Met with 15 interviewees with significant variation in views. Good that some had used Ombuds office. Also, spent time with current Ombudsman. Have yet to talk with ICANN Legal and the previous Ombudsman and this should be arranged shortly. Next stage will be a survey to the community - working on producing this now. Also, starting to produce our thoughts so far.
Lars Hoffmann - Will be talking with the evaluator later this week and will complete the list which we will share with this group. As to the questionnaire we are working with the evaluator and would ask everyone here to distribute to your contacts as this is most effective.
Asha Hemrajani - Good DR to speak with the previous Ombudsman. Also, recommend reading Frank Fowley's PhD thesis and also talk with him.
avri doria: i do not recommend putting all that much credence in Dr. Fowlie himself, but the thesis is good.
Asha Hemrajani: @Avri I don't know him at all but yes the thesis is definitely worth a read.
avri doria: I knew him well and would never have brought an issue to him.
avri doria: he became quite partisan and showed one of the liabilities of an ombudsman becoming part of the community he served
Herb Waye Ombuds: here is the document if anyone is interested
Herb Waye Ombuds:
b. Overview of which Community members the Independent Assessors spoke to
Sebastien Bachollet - (review of list per presentation).
Lars Hoffmann - Once we have the list will review to see we have good representation.
c. Gather feedback from the Subteam on who should still be reached out
d. Discuss timeline for survey, and other mile stones
Lars Hoffmann - The timeline still seems to be holding. Understand WS2 may be extended - if this is the case we should review the impact of this with this group.
e. Draft survey on Thursday, 23 March, 23:59 UTC?
Lars Hoffmann - Hope to have a draft to this group mid late this week and hope to publish it early next week. Have reached out to translation and will produce it in French and Spanish also - and will also translate any freeform responses for evaluators maintaining confidentiality.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): thanks Lars
Asha Hemrajani: Makes sense Lars
Asha Hemrajani - dates for survey?
Lars Hoffmann - not yet released but there are some constraints so not comfortable providing a date yet. would be useful knowing when the sub-group can approve it.
Sebastien Bachollet - we would hope to approve it at the next meeting (27th) at the latest.
4. ICANN Complaints Office
Sebastien Bachollet - just ensuring we are all on the same regarding this - even those who have not travelled to Copenhagen - no questions.
5. Next meeting
a. #19 Monday 27 March 2017 1300UTC
6. AOB
Herb Waye - At a later meeting would like to talk about the new role I have taken on as the anti-harassment officer.
Sebbatien Bachollet - Agree - still looking for the Board resolutions from Copenhagen. We will need to have a discussion on this.
avri doria: has the final harassment policy been published yet?
Sebastien Bachollet - good question - nothing seems to be published yet.
avri doria: was fascinating to watch the board approve it though no one had seen the final product. do not even know if any comments were taken on board and were not able to comment in the forum. very strange.
Asha Hemrajani: Yes the public comments were taken into account.
Avri Doria - Uncertain how relevant it is to our work. Board Approval was a Strange Event.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): indeed Avri
Asha Hemrajani: Comments from the public comment period I meant.
avri doria: Asha, hard for us to judge.
Asha Hemrajani: @Avri, understand your point. Will check & revert.
Herb Waye Ombuds: I don't recall it coming up at the Public Forums Asha if that is what you meant
Asha Hemrajani: @Herb, no that is not what I meant.
avri doria: Herb, hope you have a copy.
Herb Waye Ombuds: I have a draft, I did not compare it with the final product but I will
Asha Hemrajani: @Avri we also had a public board session on Saturday to discuss the resolution. That recording should already have been made available already
Sebastien Bachollet - please provide input vs overlaps with other WS2 sub-groups.
Decisions – none
Action Items:
- Lars Hoffmann to provide draft questionnaire for sub-group review later this week.
- Lars Hoffman to distribute final list of interviewees to sub-group when it becomes available.
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Yvette Guigneaux:Welcome all to the WS2 Ombudsman Subgroup Meeting #18 | 20 MAR 17 @ 13:00 UTC!
Brenda Brewer:Sebastien, your voice is not clear
Klaus Stoll:Sorry that I was not able to participate in the last weeks due to health reasons. I hope to be better soon. and to participate on a regular basisi again.
Herb Waye Ombuds:Hello everyone... always nice to be back home.
Asha Hemrajani:Hello all
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:hello all
Brenda Brewer:Calling Sebastien, stand by for his audio connection, please.
Asha Hemrajani:Sorry to have missed you in Copenhagen Klaus
Alberto Soto:Hello all!!
Klaus Stoll:Thanks Asha. It was unavoidable.
Asha Hemrajani:Understand Klaus. Health & family always come first
avri doria:i do not recommend putting all that much credance in Dr. Fowlie himelf, but the thesis is good.
Asha Hemrajani:@Avri I don't know him at all but yes the thesis is definitely worth a read.
avri doria:I knew him well and would never have brought an issue to him.
avri doria:he became quite partisan and showed one of the liabilities of an ombudsman become part of the community he served
avri doria:... becoming part ...
Herb Waye Ombuds:here is the document if anyone is interested
Herb Waye Ombuds:
Alberto Soto:Thanks Herb
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):thanks Lars
Asha Hemrajani:Makes sense Lars
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:we have a call in one week exactly
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:same time
Lars Hoffmann:perfect. thanks.
avri doria:has the final harassment policy been published yet?
Asha Hemrajani:I think the resolution that the Board passed during the public Board meeting shall be available fairly soon.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:time check - 26 minutes left in call
avri doria:was fascinating to watch the board approve it though no one had seen the final product. do not even know if any comments were taken on board and were not able to comment in the forum. very strange.
Asha Hemrajani:Yes the public comments were taken into account.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):indeed Avri
Asha Hemrajani:Comments from the public comment period I meant.
Asha Hemrajani:Happy to check on this and revert back to all.
avri doria:Asha, hard for us to judge.
Asha Hemrajani:@Avri, understand your point. Will check & revert.
Herb Waye Ombuds:I don't recall it coming up at the Public Forums Asha if that is what you meant
Asha Hemrajani:@Herb, no that is not what I meant.
avri doria:Herb, hope you have a copy.
Herb Waye Ombuds:I have a draft, I did not compare it with the final product but I will
Asha Hemrajani:@Avri we also had a public board session on Saturday to discuss the resolution. That recording should already have been made available already
Alberto Soto:Thanks, by!!!!
Herb Waye Ombuds:Thank you all... Merci Seb
avri doria:Right many of us did not know of the session.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):bye
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye all