Sub-group Members: Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Farzaneh Badii, Jorge Villa, Kavouss Arasteh, Sebastien Bachollet, Sivasubramanian M, Steve Del Bianco, Tom Dale
Staff: Karen Mulberry, Yvette Guigneaux
Apologies: Alan Greenberg, Greg Shatan
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
Word Doc
Adobe Connect Replay
mp3 Replay
0. Call Administration (2 min CLO)
1. Review of any AI's from call #22 on February 23rd (2 min) CLO) see[]
Action Items:
- Everyone to go through the document when they get it, vs doing it on the call, and have proper comments for the call.
- All, please advise the rapporteurs if you will be present at the face to face meeting in Copenhagen so we can plan the presentation of our document.
2. Any Updates: (3 min CLO )
3. Discussion, current DRAFT documentations readings and review. (45 min FB/SdB)
a) Review and discuss (as 2nd reading for the WT) the Consolidated Draft Report - (40-55 mins SDB) Intention is for a clean version of this draft to be sent to the CCWG for discussion at the Copenhagen meeting on March 10th after our meeting/discussion.
Further to Version 1.3 being distributed for your review by Steve Del Bianco on March 1st with mark up copy of word doc and PDF docs/PDF for version 1.3, dated 28-Feb-2017:
With added previously provided responses from the RSSAC.
Added a mention of the Bylaws required independent review of AC/Sos other than the GAC. (page 3)
Added a placeholder for Executive Summary (Draft proposed text for ES will be reviewed in our meeting)
see the Google Doc Draft 1.3 at[]
4. Next Meeting and future Meeting schedule (2 min CLO)
10 March full day CCWG Face to Face at ICANN #58 Copenhagen
23rd March 0500 UTC
30th March 1300 UTC
see Master Schedule at[]
5. AOB and review of any AI's. (3 min CLO)