Sub-group Members: Alberto Soto, Asha Hemrajani (board member) , Avri Doria, Farzaneh Badii, Herb Waye, Klaus Stoll, Sebastien Bachollet (7)
Staff: Charla Shambley, Karen Mulberry, Laena Rahim, Larisa Gurnick, Lars Hoffmann, Nathalie Vergnolle, Yvette Guigneaux
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
Word Doc
- Adobe Replay
- mp3 Replay
Notes (including relevant parts of chat):
Roll Call / Apologies – Welcome – Opening Remarks
- Roll call will be taken from the AC room.
- No participants on audio only.
- Sebastien walked through the agenda.
- Around 6 participants on the call only out of 22 signed-up, not optimal.
External review of the ICANN Ombuds Office
- Asking ICANN staff to provide an update on the status of the external review
- Lars Hoffman will provide the update. Lars is an ICANN employee, part of MSSI (multistakeholder strategy and strategic
initiatives) and works on reviews. - Lars walks the group through the draft RFP (Request for Proposal) that was prepared by ICANN staff.
- Larisa Gurnick: The document has been drafted by staff, based on the key elements discussed with the subgroup at the last call, with inputs from both
ATRT2 and WS1 and our group. - Farzaneh Badii: Larisa that is not enough. SO/ACs should be informed.
- Farzaneh Badii: can we make changes to this? or is it final?
- Larisa Gurnick: It is very much a draft, and will be handed over to the subgroup for your input and suggestions.
- Sebastien: We will have a draft in a few days, that the subgroup will be able to review and amend. We won't have a lot of time, we don't want to be
bottleneck for the whole WS2 work. - Farzaneh Badii: how long do we have to make comments on this?
- Farzaneh Badii: who is going to decide which individuals are relevant to interview?
- Herb: I thought the review was more an evaluation of how the community fits into the ombuds office.
- Farzaneh: on the scope of work: the review should also focus on how the office is designed. We have to use caution when reviewing best practices.
Ombuds office at ICANN is quite different from other industries (often limited to employees disputes). The reviewer has to understand the difference of
ICANN with other corporations. About one-on-one interviews: we should ask SO/ACs about this. - Lars: we would encourage this subgroup to help us identify which individuals should be interviewed during the review.
- Klaus: We should use the review time to include the points that need to be clarified, to not leave too much room for interpretation.
- Sebastien: there are parts of the document that we worked on a few weeks ago that we could include in this RFP.
- Sebatien: let's try to give our initial feedback by Friday, Dec 23. ICANN staff will ultimately pick the reviewer. Sebastien invites participants to review last
call's presentation to understand the whole process. - Last week's presentation can be found here under Documents:[]
How to organize our team?
- Sebastien suggests having a small group to follow external review of the IOO, including: Sebastien, Farzaneh, Avri, Cheryl, Alberto, Klaus, Herb, Asha.
- Asha Hemrajani: Thank you Seb. I will be happy to follow the work of the group but as a board liaison my main role is liaising and observation. The community needs to drive the work.
Other tasks that
- Need to be delay after receiving the external review report
- Can be handle in //
- Sebastien will resend to the group the structure that was discussed for the final report, so that the group can identify what should be delayed and what can be handled in parallel, and this can be discussed in our next meeting.
- Sebastien identified portions of the Transparency report that refer to the Ombudsman's office. He will send these to the list, and asks the subgroup to review these elements and provide feedback on the mailing list.
- Next meetings
- #14 Monday Jan 9, 2017 13:00UTC
- Skipping one week after that due to Chinese new year. After that we will resume weekly meetings.
- Iranian new year is on 21 March
- Asha Hemrajani: Would it be possible to change the 9th Jan meeting to 10th Jan? Chinese new year is not till the end of January, there is no reason to skip the week of Jan 16th.
- Herb: what are the next steps? the group will receive the draft RFP to review via the mailing list? does the small group need to have a call? if so, when would that be?
- Sebastien: goal is to receive a draft from staff by Wednesday, and to provide initial feedback by Friday.
· Asha: there is already a timeframe drafted for the RFP. We should build up on that.
Documents Presented
Ombudsman _RFP_Prof_Overview Draft_v0.2.pdf
Chat Transcript
Yvette Guigneaux:Welcome all to the WS2 Ombudsman Subgroup | Meeting #13 | 19 December 2016 @ 05:00 UTC!
Kla 2:Kla and Kla2 is me Klaus Stoll. Somethingwent wrong when I connected
Yvette Guigneaux:HI Klaus - ok noted - also there was a bit of a noisy background so the line was muted - to unmute if you wish to speak simply press *6 (star 6)
Alberto Soto:Hello!!
Farzaneh Badii:who is Lars?
Farzaneh Badii:sorry I missed many meetings :)
Farzaneh Badii:are you an ICANN employee?
Farzaneh Badii:ok. nice to adobe meet you :)
Sebastien (ALAC):Welcome Avri
Asha Hemrajani:Hello all, sorry to be a few minutes late
Sebastien (ALAC):Welcome Asha
Farzaneh Badii:who is going to decide which individuals are relevant to interview?
Farzaneh Badii:so the ombuds group came up with these criteria ? or ICANN did?
Larisa Gurnick:@Farzaneh, that would be done in collaboration with the Obmbudsman Subgroup and the Ombudsman office
Farzaneh Badii:sorry who drafted this document? I missed that
Larisa Gurnick:The document has been drafted by staff, based on the key elements discussed with the subgroup at the last call.
Farzaneh Badii:Larisa that is not enough. SO/ACs should be informed.
Sebastien (ALAC):Staff base on the inputs from both ATRT2 and WS1 and our group
Farzaneh Badii:can we make changes to this? or is it final?
Larisa Gurnick:It is very much a draft, and will be handed over to the subgroup for your input and suggestions.
Sebastien (ALAC):It was done to the plenary meeting of WS2
Farzaneh Badii:yes thank you
Farzaneh Badii:how long do we have to make comments on this?
Karen Mulberry:Next scheduled call is 9 January 2017 at 1300 UTC
Asha Hemrajani:Farzaneh, your voice sounds very muffled
Asha Hemrajani:can you dial in again
avri doria:i hear clearly enough
Klaus Stoll:Christmas is the time to catch up with pending ICANN work. Forget family and rest!
Farzaneh Badii:is any other person have a comment on this draft?
Farzaneh Badii:well it has to be about ombuds office and its design because it directly affects its effectiveness
Asha Hemrajani:I hear you better now
Klaus Stoll:We hear you very well
avri doria:i can hear you well
Asha Hemrajani:much better
Yvette Guigneaux:i hear you clear Farzaneh
Asha Hemrajani:I don't think there is a plan to limit to only employee disputes
Asha Hemrajani:Best practices study is to get wider information and knowledge
Farzaneh Badii:it does not matter much. but we have to consider that ICANN is different from other corporations. the reviewer has to understand the difference of ICANN with other corporations
Asha Hemrajani:I think that is clear
Herb Waye Ombuds:thanks
Asha Hemrajani:Good point Lars.
Farzaneh Badii:great thanks Lars
Asha Hemrajani:Lars I think that would be a more efficient way Lars
Asha Hemrajani:ooops we lost Klaus
Yvette Guigneaux:Working on getting Klaus back
Farzaneh Badii:I can't scroll ....
Asha Hemrajani:I suggest we all take the time to read the document thoroughly first and send comments via email.
Farzaneh Badii:who is going to choose an independent reviewer?
Farzaneh Badii:sorry to be annoyingly ignorant. will try and catch up with this group
Asha Hemrajani:The independent reviewer will be selected by the RFP.
Kla 2:Sorry my connection is going in and out
Asha Hemrajani:rather, via the RFP
Farzaneh Badii:so RFP will say how the reviewer will be selected?
Lars Hoffmann:@farzaneh. yes. there are slection criteria in the RFP.
Farzaneh Badii:is there a timeline for these activities posted soemwhere?
Farzaneh Badii:thanks Lars
Lars Hoffmann:the timeline has a number of dependencies. we are currently estimating a complition by mid-april.
Farzaneh Badii:yes thank you
Farzaneh Badii:I will
Asha Hemrajani:I got disconnected
Larisa Gurnick:Staff will provide a link to the information discussed at the prior call, shortly
Asha Hemrajani:is everyone else still on the call?
Yvette Guigneaux:hi all - last week's presentation can be found here under Documents:
Farzaneh Badii:Thanks Ill look at it.
Farzaneh Badii:Thanks Seb :)
Farzaneh Badii:Ill read the RFP and comment on the mailing list
Asha Hemrajani:Thank you Seb. I will be happy to follow the work of the group but as a board liaison my main role is liaison and observation. The community needs to drive the work.
Asha Hemrajani:*liaising not liaison
Farzaneh Badii:Jurisdiction has not yet touched upon it but I think we will discuss
Yvette Guigneaux:Klaus - there was some noise on the line so its been muted, just so you're aware - feel free to *6 (star 6) to unmute if you would like to speak
Farzaneh Badii:I want to know what "fair" means in this process
Farzaneh Badii:but that's another dicussion
Farzaneh Badii:on transparency report?
Yvette Guigneaux:hi Sebastien - you are cutting in and out a bit
Farzaneh Badii:yes
Asha Hemrajani:the last few sentences were unclear
Yvette Guigneaux:yes better
Asha Hemrajani:now better
Farzaneh Badii:no you are not
Asha Hemrajani:you were clear Seb
Farzaneh Badii:no no I meant you are not cuttng off now! sorry. Im not clear tonight
Farzaneh Badii:thanks Seb
Asha Hemrajani:yes correct 6th Feb is after Chinese New Year, thank you for taking that into consideration
Asha Hemrajani:Would it be possible to change the 9th Jan meeting to 10th Jan?
Asha Hemrajani:same time
Kla 2:January the 9th I will be on a plane
Farzaneh Badii:oh wait Iranian new year is on 21 March
Asha Hemrajani:21st March is not on the calendar yet
Farzaneh Badii:I am just saying :)
Farzaneh Badii:Thanks Seb :)
Farzaneh Badii:Seb we might need a timeline
Farzaneh Badii:for when we do what
Herb Waye Ombuds:ok
Kla 2:Final draft version from Staff plus 2 days and lets have a call
Farzaneh Badii:so if we want to comment on RFP we have to do it now?
Karen Mulberry:The only open slot on the 10th is at 500 UTC
Herb Waye Ombuds:no objection
Farzaneh Badii:did you have to go over everything you discussed? that must be my fault
Alberto Soto: No problem
Farzaneh Badii:but it's ok I will make it up to you by giving good comments :)
Farzaneh Badii:oh great we do have a timeframe
Herb Waye Ombuds:Happy holidays everyone...
Farzaneh Badii:Thanks Seb. Bye
Alberto Soto:Happy holidays!!!Thanks, bye!!
avri doria:thanks
Asha Hemrajani:Thanks.