- Participants: Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Ron Sherwood, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Evan Leibovitch, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Alan Greenberg, Edouardo Diaz, Ganesh Kumar, Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, Wolf Ludwig, Carlton Samuels, Maurenn Hilyard
- ES: Sergio Salinas Porto, Fatima Cambronero, Natalia Enciso
- Apologies: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Oksana Prykhodka, Yrjö Lansipuro, Julie Hammer, Jose Arce,
- Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco
- Interpreters: ES: Veronica and Sabrina / FR: Claire and Camila
Summary Notes 22 May 2012
1. Adoption of the agenda - OCL reviewed the agenda.
2. Roll call and apologies - Staff gave the roll call.
3. Review of the Action Items from the 17 April ALAC Meeting
RoP WG Members to create a glossary of commonly used nomenclature. - CLOSED (CLO- Acronym buster is now a standing element of the webpages. We should make greater use of that.)
At-Large Staff to move forward with the SOI and COI page. - IN PROGRESS (ALAC Template under development)
Gisella to prepare a document showing ALAC members' current membership in WGs.- IN PROGRESS
After each ALAC meeting, Silvia to send APRALO leadership a list of the PCs the ALAC will and will not be responding to. - IN PROGRESS
After the new year, Staff to work with Cheryl Langdon-Orr in preparation of the RoP WG and Metrics WG.There is to be a call for membership.
Silvia Vivanco and Gisella Gruber to ensure that the transcript of this call (24 January ALAC meeting) is to be saved for the RoP WG so they can review it once they begin their work.
Review of ALSes:
MA reviewed the current ALS status
OCL welcomed the two new ALSes
FC - The application from the ASOCIACIÓN DE ESCRIBANOS DEL URUGUAY\ - She will wait for the bottom up advice from LACRALO.
5. Reports
WL: EURALO report is a bit late. The report will include more information on the new EURALO members and the new Armenian member, the Media Education Center. There will be a discussion of cross-ALS issues in the Secretariat meeting in Prague.
OCL. Thanks. However, please note that an ALS may only register in one RALO.
CLO - ccNSO liaison - ccNSO recently received a membership application from .kn. (Asomsumed it will go through and they will become a member of the ccNSO. That will make 132 members of the ccNSO. That is something we need to watch as there will be ability for cross-community work.
AG: Gave gNSO liaison report. There is much going on, including a concern rgearding the JAS effort, the TLD Application process, etc. The GNSO must address the issues that have been presented from the first round of application. There has been significant discussion on the cancellation of Friday meetings.
OCL: Alan, I heard there was a cross-community WGs. Do you have more information on that?
AG: There are new WGs being formed.
CLO: The last joint WG that I am aware of if the JIG WG (GNSO and ccNSO Activity).
AG: There are many things that will soon begin. The Red Cross/IOC WG is now open and if someone has an interest, he/she may join.
6. Policy Advice Development Calendar
OCL: Thank you to all for our record work in April. Lats month was quite fantastic.
OCL: ICANN Draft FY13 Operating Plan and Budget - Being drafted by TBJ. We may take a few more days past the close date to comment and vote on this Statement. Tijani has done a great job on this Statement.
OCL: Alan can you update us on: Proposed Revised Process for Handling Requests for Removal of Cross-Ownership Restrictions on Operators of Existing gTLDs
AG: I need to read the documents before I can fully comment on this PC. There is the issue of market power, which .com has.
OCL: Carlton, can you please update us on the WHOIS Policy Review Team Final Report
CS: There was much activity on teh WHOIS list after I posted notice of teh final WHOIS Team Report. I recommend to the ALAC that they vote to endorse teh full report. The report itself is an imporvement on the draft. It literally outlines not just recommendations, but implementation steps.The final report endorses some of the ALAC positions and, on that end, it was a home run. Subsequent to that, there was an interesting idea. The idea of giving standing to third parties, in terms of WHOIS infractions.This way, only parties to the contract have standing to bring a dispute. Tis contract would give standing to third parties, should ICANN be too lax in enforcing its own rules. Other than this change, most of the report and opinions remain the same. However, it should be noted that I am against the idea of the everyday user NOT being able to access WHOIS data. I can wite a brief ALAC Statement by tomorrow and place it on the wiki.
AG: I support Carlton's statements. I think it is important to note that a lot of what the report says was initially said by the At-Large and others. Regarding Thick vs. Think WHOIS, it is interesting that the timing of personal information and releasing it to a privlidges few, it should be noted that it would be impossible to localize these rules.
OCL: I open the floor to any commenst on DRAFT Statement of ICANN's Role and Remit in Security, Stability and Resiliency of the Internet's Unique Identifier Systems
CLO: I know it is a Statement on a Statement, but I think it is one that the ALAC should be making. The type of document we are looking at here is one which is structural and foundational.
OCL: Perhaps we should ask those who participated in the last SSR Statement
OCL: Due to time committments, I suggest we do both in parallel. We can send out commenst to Julie, our Liaison to the SSAC, on this issue.
AI: Staff to contact Julie Hammer regarding "Draft Statement of ICANN's Role and Remit in Security, Stability and Resiliency of the Internet's Unique Identifier Systems" Statement and this Statement is to be put on the ALAC/ExCom Agenda.
OCL: Cheryl, can you please give us your opinion on the DRAFT - ICANN Language Services Policy and Procedures
CLO: I think we should develop a Statement which notes our previous work on this issues, as well as a need for this new policy to be tested - via At-Large. I believe we need to stay something and say something in teh affirmative.
OCL: I see agreeement from JJS and CS on your statement. I would also like to see members from LACRALO and AFRALO on this Statement. Perhaps we can disucss this over coffee in Prague. In fact, perhaps it would be best to have our fellow At-Large memebers from these regions hold the pen on this Statement.
JJS: Finally, ICANN has accepted to have a linguistic policy with the proper vocabulary. Secondly, I agree with CLO's suggestion that we should react to this a commend what has been done, including the way forward. Thirdly, we should do some drum beatign and bring this to the attention of teh wider community, via our netowrks. i think it i s an important point for outreach of the general user. Moreover, doing so can be noted in our draft Statement.
SSP: I would like to volunteer to draft this Statement. Are there any other LACRALO or AFRALO members that would work on this draft with me?
CLO: I recommend that the committee review this Statement.
OLC: It is worth noting that many of the terms were discussed in Costa Rica.
AG: I'll make a caveat, I'm not a fan of vision statements. However, I do like this one. I was not in favor of catalyist. However, initiate is not a replacement. I think it will need to be replaced with more words which will lengthen the statement. It does reflect the work of At-Large.
CLO: ALAC already has a mission statement. The WG recommended that beyond our mission (the home of the individual within ICANN). This comes out of our At-Large Implementation project.
The Vision Statement As Proposed: The ALAC, building upon the experience and views of the At-Large community, catalyzes [initiates] and facilitates inclusive, meaningful participation of general Internet users world-wide, aggregates their input and brings their voice to bear in all ICANN matters.
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro: Motion that this becomes the ALAC's Vision Statement
Seconded: Jean-Jacques Subrenat and Sergio Salinas Porto
Y: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Natalia Enciso, Sergio Salinas Porto, Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, Evan Leibovitch
N: ---
A: Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Carlton Samuels
No vote: Ganesh Kumar, Eduardo Diaz, Edmon Chung, Yaovi Atohoun, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Titi Akinsanmi, Sandra Hoferichter
Result: There were not enough votes. An online vote is to be held, closing on Friday evening.
AI: Staff to begin a vote on the Vision Statement within the next 24 hours.
Improvements Update
CLO: There has been a number of updates to the report that the At-Large endorsed to send to the SIC. The particularly main change will be on page 3, where you will all see a new table. Those lines show the status of each recommendation. All of these have been completed, expect for those which require on going monitoring and/or work. However, if we do not endorse a vision Statement, we will not longer be on schedule.
CLO: Regarding Recommendation 8: When you look at the table, there will be one Recommendation with no color and with a hyperlink. As required, the ALAC was to have a 45 day comment period, which was to be implemented by the PC Committee. We need to recognize that, including the reply period, there was to be a 21 day minimum for the reaching of comments, and a 21 day reply period. Each SO/AC that I have been associated with has had problems with this new system. The hyperlink in the page links to a wikipage which contains all of the correspondance regarding this issue. We are essentially telling ICANN that we are unable to complete this Recommendation due to ICANN itself, not us.
OCL: There will be a call between myself and Filiz and Sebastian Bachollet to discuss this issue.