Staff to replace “argumented” with “augmented” under paragraph 1a of the Motion to Renew JAS Charter.
Staff to inform the GNSO that the ALAC adopted the motion to Renew JAS Charter unanimously.
Carlton to add the open consultations as proposed by the ExCom to the PAD (the full list is available on the ALAC agenda).
Staff to follow up with Carlton and the Technical Issues WG on the outstanding draft ALAC statements.
Staff to send the draft Improvements WT A Statement on the ATRT Recommendations to the ALAC working list and ask the RALOs to comment on it.
ExCom and Adam to draft a statement on the TLG Review.
Staff to ensure that the second meeting between the ExCom and the NomCom in Cartagena will be scheduled on Friday, 10 December as opposed to Saturday 11 December.
Staff to proceed with the due diligence statement for Binary Egypt and ask AFRALO for regional advice on this application.
ExCom to draft an amendment to the ALS application process to address the situation of unresponsive ALS applicants (Alan to try to get to first draft).
Staff to add an agenda item on revitalizing the Improvements WT to the ALAC working session on Sunday in Cartagena.