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Saturday, 9 November

At-Large Leadership Welcome to ICANN81

There was a review of ICANN81 At-Large Talking Points and Session Reporting  led by Avri Doria, At-Large CPWG Co-Chair with ALAC Appointed Representatives.

Action item:

  • leon.sanchez to go back to the Board selection group for the Ombuds to check on the charter for the Ombuds.

At-Large Development Session (1 of 4)

At-Large Development Session (2 of 4)

At-Large Session with Fellows & NextGen


Fellows and Next Gens introduced themselves and expressed interest in joining several working groups.Action Items: 

No Action Items were recorded.

Sunday, 10 November

At-Large Session: Overview of the Operations, Finance, and Budget Working Group (OFB-WG)


Claire Craig and Marita Moll, Co-Chairs of the OFB-WG provided an overview of the OFB-WG areas of focus. 

Planning provided an update of the responses to the draft FY26-FY30 Strategic Plan and presented the timeline of the Operating timeline being published for public comment on 17 December. 

The PTI team gave an update on the PTI strategic plan public comment and Root Zone DNSSEC management. 

The Finance Team provided an update on ICANN's Financial overview July 23-June 2024 as well as the FY25 financial forecast. 

Action Items: 

  • Shani Quidwai to look into the details of the Ukraine Emergency Relief Fund funding details. 

At-Large Session: Overview of the CPWG 


Steinar provided an overview of the current working group review of the Transfer Policy Review. 

Satish provided a quick update about the Latin Diacritics Final Issue Report. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr provided an overview of the Next Round IRT. This included the ALAC's concerns regarding the standing for objections in the Next Round. They have concerns that an ALAC objection will be rejected based on "lack of standing" and not based on merits of the objections. 

Avri Doria went over the the Policy Statement Updates process and the Board engagement session. 

Joint Meeting: ALAC & SSAC 


Jonathan and Ram discussed what kind of content could be developed and shared for the Safer Cyber Campaign. 

Jonathan supports the idea of having materials that could be distrubuted similar to the what's done with UA Day 

Ram mentions that the SSAC would like to develop "briefing papers" that are similar to executive summaries for evergreen SSAC issues. 

SSAC is working on two topics - DNS filtering, and Open Source and it's implications on DNS. 

Ram invites the ALAC to bring up topic to Security and Stability that's important to end-users at any time. 

Peter Thomassen provided an overview of SAC126. The SSAC would like ALAC's assistance with promoting and implementing recommendation 2 of SAC126. Could be in the form of a letter to org. Goal is to automate DNSSEC implementation. Ideally registrant could click on a button and automatically turn on DNSSEC

Tara Whalen provided an overview of the SSAC's top priorities and discussed alternative namespaces in detail. The SSAC notes that technology is evolving and continues to be studied.

Action Item:

Andrew Chen and John Emery to begin discussing joint correspondence to promote recommendation 2 of SAC126 ALAC and SSAC leadership consideration. 

At-Large RALO Coordination Meeting

At-Large APRALO AGM 2024

Monday, 11 November

At-Large Open House 

Discussion with the ccNSO on the 2nd ccNSO DNS Abuse Survey Nick Wenban-Smith and Bruce Tonkin

Discussion with the Ombudsman office with Liz Field and Krista Papac.

  • The Ombudsman Liz Field shared her preliminary views with stakeholders. She mentioned that the structure included in the ICANN org By-Laws is very sound and will serve as guide. She reports to the Board.
  • One of Liz first tasks is to connect with the community and get valuable data. She invited people to meet with her, she can communicate in English, French and Spanish.



Resources for bring applicants into the next Round

Long term long financial support through introducing mechanisms for long term support in under-served regions, This could happen through opening up applicant - 

Becky - In our conversatons with the GAC, we have agreed that we'll take pauses and do reporting to ensure we are getting applications. Also, the Board has committede that there will be more support for ASP. 

Priorities for new CEO

Competing challenges. 

1) Lead a review of how to strengthen operational (financial/governance) issues. The community should be reached out to allow compromises. Boost income, control costs. We urge the Board to look beyond costs, but also to manage the community and its engagements. Human rights, sustainability, MSM. 

2) to Play a key oversight role in ICANN's major initiatives - Next Round, etc. to make sure they keep true to their purposes. PHR, for example. A review of ICANN's geo review.

3) Set ageed timelines and activities and lead ICANN out if its bubble. Identifying and implementing green strategy. Establish measureable targets. 

ALAC question to the Board: 

Can the Board go into more details a bout where it stands when it comes to the issue of not dealing with that are related to content? 

We are trying to work out how the Board interpret this - loose or strict. 


This requires us to review the Picket Fence. The 2016 bylaws include a descriptoin of what ICANN's mission. Annex G1 and Annex G2, they differ in one way - within the picket fence, registrar/registry  that are necessary to implement consensus policies, resolution of disputes. The UDRP requires has been within the picket fence since 1999 and there was a specific call out. Back to the 201 6 amendments says otherwise ICANN cannot regulate content. Perhaps we need a warm up or a reminder on the picket fence. 


OCL - The UDRP predates 2016. Is there conflict with the 2016 Bylaws? 

Becky - No

JZ - gTLD Base RAs and legacy TLD agreements, could the Board provide additional details regarding the process and direct contact for negotiations between ICANN org and the CP involved?

Becky - 

Question - ALAC Standing 

Leon - We discussed this recently. We would need to go back to the community th shape the policy that would actually engable standing. 

Becky - ALAC has standing if it can demo that it meets the reqirements in the community objections. Not automaticallly provide standing. 

Leon - We need more guidance from the ALAC  to better understand thwere do you ant to get. 

OCL - It is a good starting point: 

AI: Start a small group with At-Large, Board/, and Legal to resolve the issue to suss out the nexus issue. 

JZ: INFERMAL question

Danko - 

OCL - Board feedback on Board Engagement Session during Prep Week

Tripti - It will continue. The one feedback we received was that people wished to attend all break out sessions, so it might mean separate sessions. 

Chris B - ALAC was very engaged intellectually. 

Edmon - Ethics report - out for public comment. 

Tuesday, 12 November

Joint Meeting : ALAC & GAC 

  • Discussion about transparency and accountability in the WISIS 20.
  • At-Large and GAC discussed ways to engage with national governments, noting that engagement varies. Some countries have coordination mechanisms, while others do not.
  • As we approach the WSIS 20 Review let’s focus on what we want out of the process. We need to revisit what we want as a society out of the process.
  • How to address DNS abuse was discussed. The ALAC put a position on DNS – likely perpetrated by parties that have easy access to domains, such as bulk registrations. ALAC and GNSO agreed to look at the study. ALAC should take up the invitation by the Board to GAC to collaborate with ALAC on this. 
  • We have worked with GAC leader to introduce a series of briefing with the GAC, the briefings will be held regularly and to serve as platform.

ALAC Community Engagement Sub Committee (ACES) 

  • Jonathan Zuck noted the aims and objections to ACES. There was a brainstorming session on ways to outwork more efficiently
  • Objective- packaged presentations for community to do outreach in a coordinated manner.
  • "Poster presentations" was suggested as useful tool.
  • AI: Each RALO  to nominate someone to the ACES to represent their interest so there can be a discussion on how to formulate the ACES work (within a week time). Call for nominations will be sent by staff. 

Wednesday, 13 November

Thursday, 14 November 

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