2) Nominations must be posted to the 2020 ALAC and RALO Elections, Selections and Appointments Workspace or by sending a note to At-Large staff.
3) a brief statement explaining why they believe they are a suitable candidate and must also complete or update their Statement of Interest (see: At-Large New SOIs Workspace).
4) All Nominees shall submit a Conflicts of Interest form COI. (See details below)
5) For specific requirements applicable to this election, please see wiki: 2020 LACRALO Rules applicable to votes
IMPORTANTE: El proceso para publicar nominaciones es el siguiente:
1) Las nominaciones, incluidas las auto nominaciones, deben hacerse directamente a la lista de correo de su RALO;
2) Las nominaciones deben publicarse en el espacio de trabajo de elecciones, selecciones y citas de ALAC y RALO 2020 o enviando una nota al personal de At-Large.
4) Todos los nominados deberán presentar un formulario de conflictos de intereses COI. (Vea los detalles abajo)
5) Para conocer los requisitos específicos aplicables a esta elección, consulte wiki: 2020 Reglas de LACRALO aplicables a votos.
LACRALO Selection Timetable for 2020*:
Position/Posicion | Current Holder of Position Titular actual de la Posición | Regional Rotation of Current Position Holder | Nominee Nominado | Nominated By Nominado por | Regional Rotation/Member Countries Rotación Regional/Países | Date Accepted Fecha de Aceptación | Expression of Interest Expresión de Interes | Conflict of Interest Declaration Declaración de conflicto de interés | Results / Resultados | Term to Serve Período a Servir | |||||||||||||
LACRALO Chair Elect Vice Presidente | vacant vacante *1 | Region A (excepcionalmente para las elecciones 2020)*2 | Lia Hernandez | Abdias Zambrano | A (Central America and Mexico) |
| 2020 until AGM 2021 (1 year to complete the remaining term)* 3 | ||||||||||||||
Augusto Ho | Yoselin Vos |
| Augusto Ho | ||||||||||||||||||
Luis M. Martinez | Self-nominated |
| declined his candidacy 21 May
| ||||||||||||||||||
ALAC Member (RALO)Miembro del ALAC | (Not eligible for re-appointment) | Region B Andes (Andes:Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela) | This candidate is not eligible based on Section 8.8 of the ICANN Bylaws. | Bartlett Morgan | C (Caribbean) |
| This candidate is not eligible based on Section 8.8 of the ICANN Bylaws. | 2020 AGM to 2022 AGM | |||||||||||||
ALAC Delegate to the NomCom** Delegado del ALAC ante el NomCom | (Not eligible for re-appointment) | C (Caribbean) | Vanda Scartezini | Sylvia Herlein Leite | Region D (Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). |
| Vanda Scartezini by acclamation. Vanda's name will be sent to the ALAC. | 2020 AGM - 2021 AGM (NOTE: This is a one year term) |
*2 See: Rules for choosing the Chair Elect this year/ Reglas aplicables a la Election del Vice Presidente :2020 LACRALO Rules applicable to votes
*3 The Chair elect will become the Chair from 2021-2023.
- Estas elecciones se rigen por el principio de Rotación de sub regiones, implementada por primera vez en 2019 en LACRALO. Ver LACRALO Principios Operativos Titulo IV, artículo 7.2.a.
- Las elecciones también están guiadas por el borrador de las nuevas Reglas de Procedimiento de LACRALO desarrolladas por el Grupo de Gobernanza.
- These elections are governed by the rotation principle by sub-regions, implemented for the first time in 2019 in LACRALO. See: LACRALO Operating Principles Title IV, article 7.2.a.
- The elections shall also be governed by the draft new LACRALO Rules of Procedures developed by the Governance WG.
- A candidate can be nominated by any member of LACRALO but the nominated candidates must be members of the ALS located in the corresponding subregion. LACRALO Observers cannot nominate or be nominated.
- Un candidato puede ser nominado por cualquier miembro de LACRALO, pero los candidatos nominados deben ser miembros de la ALS localizada en la subregión correspondiente. Observadores de LACRALO no pueden nominar o ser nominados.
- For specific rules and requirements/Para reglas especificas y requisitos ver : 2020 LACRALO Rules applicable to votes
No one who is currently serving on the Nominating Committee may be nominated for the ALAC. See https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en#VII-8
Details of Positions as stated in the LACRALO Operating Principles
Title IV - About LACRALO Leadership Positions