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 Sun April 2Mon April 3Tues April 4TimesWed April 5
7:30-8:00 Breakfast (Royal A)Breakfast (Royal A)7:30-8:00Breakfast (Royal A)

NARALO GA Working Breakfast 1

(Royal B)

Welcome and Housekeeping - Glenn McKnight, Chair of NARALO

ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior - Herb Waye, ICANN Ombudsman

Overview and Purpose - Glenn McKnight, Chair of NARALO and Judith Hellerstein, Secretariat of NARALO

Ice Breaker - Seth Reiss

NARALO GA Working Breakfast 2

(Royal B)

Guest Speaker - John Curran, CEO of ARIN




Welcome (Royal B)

Opening Session - Introductions and Aims and Objectives of the NARALO General Assembly

(Facilitator: Glenn McKnight)

Policy and Policy Development - Overview of Policy: How it is developed and why it is Important for At-Large and NARALO

(Facilitators: John Laprise and Avri Doria)

Q and A

Rapporteur: Leah Symekher








Introduction to the NARALO Outreach Strategic Plan

(Facilitator: Glenn McKnight)

Rapporteur: Seth Reiss


Interactive discussion on the North American Strategy for At Large with Chris Mondini, Regional VP, North America

(Facilitator: Glenn McKnight)

Rapporteur: Seth Reiss


NARALO InfoTable
NARALO InfoTable

Policy & Outreach & Engagement Discussion - Comments by Göran Marby (10 minutes)

Q and A (20 minutes)

(Introduction: Judith Hellerstein)

(Facilitator: Glenn McKnight)

Rapporteur: Javier Rua

11-12   10:45-12:00

Breakout sessions - Introduction to and Discussion

(Facilitators: John Laprise, Judith Hellerstein and Heidi Ullrich)



Arin-Women's Networking Lunch
NARALO Info Table  

NARALO Info Table


Working Lunch

  • 30 minute lunch

NARALO Meeting: (Working Lunch)  (Royal B) 

  1. Elections - Judith Hellerstein
  2. NARALO Rules of Procedure - John More

(Facilitator:  Glenn Mcknight)

Rapporteur: Judith Hellerstein

1:30-5pm Sessions ContinueSessions Continue1:00-2:00
  • Feedback from Break-out sessions
  • Recap
  • Action items and recommendations
  • ALS Commitments
  • ReportRepor

(Facilitators: Glenn Mcknight and Aldredo Alfredo Calderon)

Rapporteur: Judith Hellerstein

2-3    Departure
3-4ARIN Newcomers

NARALO Info Table  

NARALO Info Table  
5:30-6:30Arin Social (6:00-8:00) NARALO Members Networking Reception (Hot and cold canapes will be served) ICANN Sponsored (In Royal A and B)  

ISOC Social

Briar Suite--Pat O’Brien’s

Address: 624 Bourbon St, New Orleans

ARIN SOCIAL Event-offsite
Mardi Gras World




TimeTopic                  FacilitatorRapporteurExpected Results
7:30-8:00Working Breakfast (Royal A)   


  • Roll Call
  • Confirmation of Quorum
Glenn McKnightnone

Overview of expectations

Review of code of conduct

Ground rules



Opening Session - Introductions and Aims and
Objectives of the NARALO General Assembly

  • Brief History of NARALO General Assemblies
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Identification of Tools (TBC)
Glenn McKnight and Judith HellersteinLeah Symekher 

Policy and Policy Development - Overview of Policy and
Why it is Important for At-Large and NARALO

  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Q and A

John Laprise and

Avri Doria


Leah Symekher 
9:00-9:30Overview of NARALO Strategic Plan &
Outreach and Engagement CROPP Strategy
Glenn McKnightSeth Reiss
  • NARALO Outreach and Engagement
  • Overview of the CROPP Strategic Plan
  • Local ALS funding
  • Summary of CROPP Trips in 2016 and 2017
  • Outreach and Engagement 2017/2018 target groups,
  • tools for engagement, under-served communities and more
  • March 2018 ICANN PR
  • NA School of Internet Governance
  • Outreach to Universities
  • Showcase
9:30-10:00An interactive discussion on the North American Strategy for at Large with Chris Mondini of GSE

Glenn McKnight

Seth Reiss

Flip Charts


10:00-10:15Coffee Break   
10:15-10:45Policy & Outreach & Engagement Discussion with Göran Marby,
President and CEO of ICANN

Introduction: Judith Hellerstein

Facilitator: Glenn McKnight

Javier Rua

Comments by Göran Marby (10 minutes)

  • Policy, Outreach and Engagement within At-Large and ICANN
  • What ICANN and NARALO can do


10:45-11:00Introduction to Break-out SessionsJohn Laprise, Judith Hellerstein and Heidi UllrichEach Break Out will have a Rapporteur
  •  Aims and objectives
  • Process of Break-outs


11:00-12:004 Break-out Sessions   
 Break - Out 1: Identifying NARALO's Hot Policy Topics and their potential impact on end-users

Breakout facilitator: John Laprise


Eduardo Diaz

(Royal A)

  • Key NARALO Policy Topics
  • Identification of potential impact on end-users

Identifying Key Elements in a NARALO Strategy Plan

Breakout facilitator: Glenn McKnight



Judith Hellerstein

(Royal B)

  • Mission Statement
  • Where do we want to go?
  • Development of a Roadmap
  • What tools do we need to get there?
 Ensuring End User Accountability through Effective Policy and Process

Breakout facilitator: Garth Bruen


Evan Leibovitch

(Royal C)

  • What are the abuse/compliance/security
    obligations of top-level Interest bodies?
  • Do the mechanisms work as promised?
  • Are the current mechanisms effective in their function?
  • What are the observable/measurable end-user benefits?
  • How can we improve and grow these systems?
  • How can NARALO representatives raise
    awareness on these issues among end users?
 Solution Circle on Topic (TBD by morning discussion)

Breakout facilitator: Avri Doria



Howard Deane
  • Topic to be identified from Morning discussions



Lunch (In Royal A/B) Judith Hellerstein

Working Lunch

  • 30 minute lunch

NARALO Meeting: (Royal B) 

  1. Elections
  2. NARALO Rules of Procedure
13:00-14:00Closing SessionGlenn McKnight, Alfredo Calderon*Judith Hellerstein
  • Feedback from Break-out sessions
  • Recap on GA
  • Action items and Recommendations*
  • ALS Commitments
  • GA Report - Next steps
  • NARALO Business - AOB