CCTRT Data Source Spreadsheet |
CCTRT-Commissioned Studies and Research
- Analysis Group Economic Studies
- Analysis Group, Phase I Assessment of the Competitive Effects Associated with the New gTLD Program (September 2015),
- Analysis Group, Phase II Assessment of the Competitive Effects Associated with the New gTLD Program (October 2016),
- Nielsen Consumer Surveys
- Nielsen, ICANN Global Consumer Research (April 2015),
- Nielsen, ICANN Global Consumer Research Wave 2 (June 2016),
- Nielsen Registrant Surveys
- Nielsen, ICANN Global Registrant Survey (September 2015),
- Nielsen, ICANN Global Registrant Survey Wave 2 (August 2016),
- Nielsen, ICANN Application Process Survey (December 2016), https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/56135378102137870/2016%20ICANN%20Application%20Process%20Report.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1482246915000&api=v2
- AM Global Consulting, New gTLDs and the Global South: Understanding Limited Global South Demand in the Most Recent New gTLD Round and Options Going Forward (October 2016), https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/56135378102137870/New%20gTLDs%20and%20the%20Global%20South%20--%20Understanding%20Limited%20Demand%20and%20Options%20Going%20Forward%2010-31-16.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1478055284445&api=v2
- Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs
- DNS Abuse Study Intermediate Report (June 2017)
- "Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs" Report (August 2017)
- ICANN Operations and Policy Research, New gTLD Program Safeguards Against DNS Abuse: Revised Report (July 2016),
- ICANN, Program Implementation Reviews Report (January 2016),
- ICANN, Rights Protection Mechanisms Review: Revised Report (September 2015),
- CCT Metrics Page (regularly updated metrics recommended by Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) on CCT metrics and adopted by Board)
- Board resolution: Recommendations for the Collection of Metrics for the New gTLD Program to Support the future AoC Review on Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (12 February 2015)
- IAG-CCT Final Report (26 September 2014) and revised Combined Advice from GNSO and ALAC on metrics (10 September 2014)
- Interim Recommendations from the IAG-CCT (4 March 2014)
- Implementation Advisory Group for Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (IAG-CCT) Wiki (2013-2014)
- Board Resolution on the Collection of Benchmarking Metrics for the New gTLD Program to Support the future AoC Review on Competition, Consumer Trust and Choice (27 March 2014)
- Board resolution evaluating suggested GNSO and ALAC metrics for CCT review (18 July 2013)
- CCT Metrics collection memo
- Remaining metrics for discussion
- Consumer Awareness of New gTLDs: Highlights and Links (review of existing research)
- GAC Top 30 Category 1 Strings with Public Interest Commitments (PICs)
Zooknic ccTLD data (As of Dec. 2015)
Zooknic ccTLD data (as of Mar 2016)
- LAC TLD market shares, concentration ratios and HHIs (March 2017)
New gTLD Registrations/Registries/Registrars Research
- gTLD registrations spreadsheet
- New gTLD registrations available in COM (2016)
- Existing registrations in COM against new gTLDs (2016)
- New gTLD registrations available in COM (2018)
- Existing registrations in COM against new gTLDs (2018)
- New gTLD Registrations of Brand TLD TM Strings 10-18-16
- Basic Market Share Calculations (Project 1) - 8.25.2016
- Basic Registry Market Structure Calculations (Project 2) - 9.7.2016
- gTLD Registry Price Analysis (Project 3) - 8.25.2016
- Registrar Competition within Registries (Project 4) - 9.11.2016
- Registry Market Segmentation Analysis (Project5)_8.25.2016
- Registrar Count Analyses (Project 6) - 9.30.2016Existing registrations in COM against new gTLDs
- Registry Service Providers (RSPs) by gTLD Registrations
- Registry Service Providers by Jurisdiction and ICANN Regions (24 May 2017)
- List of Registry Agreement assignments
- gTLD registrations spreadsheet
- (3 March 2017): Parking Analysis of Legacy gTLDs (30 May 2017): Parking Definitions - LAC concentration ratios and HHIs (country-specific registration data for gTLDs in the LAC region from the LAC Marketplace Study, combined with ccTLD data from Zooknic)
- INTA New gTLD Cost Impact Survey (April 2017)
INTA New gTLD Impact Study Status Report II (May 2017, Updated August 2017) - Parking, Renewal and Correlation Analysis
- GAC Advice Overview
- GAC Category 1 Strings (“highly regulated sectors”) with PICs
- List of rights protection, technical, and Spec 11 safeguards
- 2017: Phishing Trends & Intelligence Report - Hacking the Human
Links to CCTRT Report References
- WHOIS Primer
- WHOIS Policy Review Team report
- Final Report of the Security, Stability, and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (2012)